How to Maintain High Energy and Lower Stress Levels for the Entire Week

Have you wondered why some people have high energy levels and are able to combat stress effectively? Would you also like to have boundless energy and be immune to stress? Then read on for valuable tips and techniques.

  • Have Enough Sleep

Different people have different sleep requirements. Make sure you have adequate sleep as per your body requirements. Have power naps at your place of work to give you ample rest and be charged for your next assignment.

  • Plan in Advance

Write down whatever you want to achieve on a particular day. Then prioritize the tasks. Make sure you get started on the high priority ones right away. This way you don’t waste time and effort doing tasks that have poor returns. Remember the 80/20 rule. As per the rule, 80% of business comes from 20% of the customers. So, make sure you focus on the valuable 20% of clients who give you the majority of deals.

  • Have a Healthy Diet

Make sure you consume enough fresh fruits and vegetables. Remember to drink plenty of water that will keep you hydrated throughout the day. Your diet has a major role to play in your energy levels and ability to tackle stress. Stay away from items having high levels of caffeine and refined sugar. Check yourself for any vitamin or mineral deficiency.  If you have some deficiency you ought to consume vitamin or mineral supplements as prescribed by a medical professional. Avoid processed food and red meat too.

High Energy Levels

  • Exercise Regularly

Morning in the best time to exercise. Go outdoors to connect with nature and get your daily dose of oxygen and sunshine. Exercising release Endorphins – the feel-good chemicals in the body. The human body needs exercise just as it needs food and fresh air.

  • Positive Thinking

Avoid negative thoughts and negative people. They sap you of your energy. Positive thoughts energize you and are infectious. The former makes you persevere and persist in situations that make many people give up.

  • Yoga

Yoga benefits both the body and mind. You do not need any fancy equipment. Fit people have the most energy and are the most stress-free. Yoga has the techniques to banish stress from any part of the body and mind.

  • Meditation

Meditation has been proven to ramp up energy levels as well as eliminate stress. The former is best done in a silent environment. It helps you push out negative thoughts and focus on the positives in life. It is potent as it encourages the individual to be in the present rather than recalling the past or worrying about what the future holds.

Yoga and Excercise

  • Ayurveda

There are many ayurvedic ingredients that boost your energy levels and keep stress at bay. An Ayurvedic practitioner can prescribe medicines and design a diet as per your body diet. This is safe and free from major side effects.

  • Laugh and Smile Often

As per scientific research people who laugh and smile frequently have a better quality of life as well as have prolonged life spans. A tip is to have jokes and photos of your family put up at your workplace to cheer you up whenever you are feeling low. There are many laughing clubs you can join where participants are encouraged to laugh out loudly.

  • Learn to say ‘No’

You can’t satisfy everybody and keep all happy. It is not realistic. Agree to demands that you are confident of satisfying. Some may find it hard to say ‘No’. It is better to say ‘No’ at the onset instead of saying ‘Yes’ and disappointing folk later by being unable to meet their deadlines.

  • Consume Ginseng

This is widely advocated in Chinese traditional medicine. Ginseng is believed to have rejuvenating and refreshing properties. There exist plenty of people who will testify to its ability to boost health and bring down stress.


  • Take a Hot or Cold Shower

As per your preference and the climate you can take frequent hot or cold baths. It will make you feel clean and smell better. In addition, it helps boost blood circulation.

  • Destress Spa

Visit a spa at least once a month. They will give you stress massage therapy with different oils and ingredients that will remove all stress and make you ready to meet any sort of challenges. The money spent on spas is well worth it.

  • Aromatherapy

The smell of essential destress oils have been proven to drive away stress and fatigue. Keep essential oils at home and office to have that energetic feeling. Experiment with different oils so that you find out which works best for you.


  • Drink Chamomile Tea

This beverage has been employed for ages to get rid of stress, tension, and fatigue. It is economical and can be prepared at home.Green Tea

  • Limit the use of Electronic Gadgets

Instead of watching television indulge in sports or social activities. Meet up friends and relatives physically instead of phoning them. Limit screen time as much as possible. Scientific studies indicate that the rampant usage of electronic devices is a major source of modern day stress. Checking email frequently is a habit most of us have. Instead, check emails just 2 to 3 times a day.

  • Eat Meals Prepared at Home

Fast food is a modern-day phenomenon. We eat out more frequently than we did in the past. You have no control over the ingredients and the technique of preparing the food. You are what you eat. By eating home cooked food you eliminate the risk of ingesting pollutants and carcinogens.

  • Have Frequent Holidays

Successful people make sure they have enough play time. Research indicates that individuals who holiday frequently are the happiest as well as most productive. Holidays are a perfect opportunity to connect with family and take a break from work.


  • Get Enough Sunlight

Patients with depression are encouraged to get adequate sun exposure. Even normal individuals need to be exposed to the sun to boost energy and minimize stress. Sun is part of nature. Nature plays a vital role in our energy levels and stresses fighting capabilities.

Various Overlooked Remedies for Lower Back Pain Relief

Lower back pain is a common problem, especially with sedentary workers. It is a leading cause of pain, discomfort, and disability. The pain could prevent you from doing your work efficiently and/or leading a normal social life. The usual treatment is medication including painkillers. In some cases, surgery is advised. The best treatment comes after a process of trial and error. Some people benefit from conventional remedies while some do not. We look at some overlooked remedies which are different but are potent.

  • Yoga

This ancient Indian practice can work wonders. Unlike gymnasiums and athletics Yoga does not put a strain on your body. It is suitable for everybody regardless of age. You are required to do exercises as per your capability. Done regularly Yoga strengthens your spine as well as back muscles.Yoga for Lower Back Pain

  • Ayurveda

This is an age-old Indian system of medicine. Ayurvedic medicines do not have as much side effects as allopathic medicine. It is safe and can be highly effective for patients with lower back pain. Ayurvedic treatment for back pain is worth giving a try.

  • Potli massage therapy

This is popularly practiced in India as well as South East Asia. Here heated herbal pouches termed potlis are employed to treat the affected regions. It is a kind of massage while heals as well as refreshes. Fresh as well as dried Ayurvedic herbs are selected for the potlis as per an individual’s Ayurvedic constitution and the underlying issue. This massage comes in 2 types namely wet and dry. Many have benefited immensely from Potli massage for back pain.

  • Body Massages

Most of us love body massages. The good news is that it helps relieve the painful symptoms of lower back pain. Make sure that the person doing the massage is qualified as well as experienced. Done incorrectly massages can make the condition worse. Massages promote blood flow to the affected area and remove the stiffness that contributes to lower back pain.

Lower Back Pain

  • Hot and cold treatment on the affected area

Remember to start with the cold treatment and not the hot treatment. You could use ice for the cold treatment. The latter brings down inflammation in the affected area. It plays the role of a local anesthetic by working on the nerve impulses. It is recommended to keep the cold or hot pack for 20 minutes and not more. This gives the lower back muscles and nerves time to recover. Heat application boosts blood circulation. The healing nutrients present in the blood brings down the intensity of the pain. Also, the pain signals are blocked from reaching the brain. There are various types of heat application. It’s advised to try different methods to discover what is best for your body. It could be a hot water bottle, a hot bath, a hot shower, a hot tub or a hot belt. It is best to alternate hot and cold treatments.

  • Indulge in activities that release endorphins in the body

The body produces certain hormones known as endorphins. Few know that the latter is as powerful as the best of painkillers. Endorphins stop pain signals manifesting in the human brain. The former reduces depression, tension, anxiety, and stress which are the result of or a trigger for chronic back pain.

The hormones are released when you indulge in exercise, take massages, meditate or do aromatherapy. Best of all the treatment is easy on the pocket, safe and without adverse side effects.


  • Lose weight

Obesity is both a cause and result of lower back pain. Obese folk has extra pressure on their spine which results in back pain. When you are in pain you will feel like lying down and refrain from exercising. Lack of exercise weakens the back muscles and piles up the pounds. This is a vicious cycle. Hence do light exercises such as walking or yoga to lose weight which in turn reduces the pressure on the spine.

  • Acupuncture

This Chinese system of medicine has many benefits including alleviating the symptoms and causes of lower back pain. It’s been around for thousands of years and in expert hands safe without associated side effects. Make sure you use the services of a reputed as well as a quality practitioner.

  • Wear sturdy footwear

Avoid high heels. They are a major cause of lower back pain. Invest in robust, high quality indoor as well as outdoor footwear. The latter will support some of your weight resulting in less burden on your back.

  • Sleep well

Sleep rejuvenates and repairs the body. So, if you suffer from lower back pain make sure you are well rested. Both the quality and quantity of sleep matters. Invest in a good quality bed that supports your back while sleeping.

  • Maintain correct posture

Incorrect posture is a leading cause of lower back pain. Many of us don’t maintain the correct posture. Use chairs that are designed to properly support your back. Bad habits are hard to break and that applies to poor posture as well. With constant practice and a bit of willpower, you will soon get into the healthy habit of sitting, standing and walking while maintaining an upright as well as correct posture.

Body Posture

  • Take breaks

Avoid working continuously for a long stretch. This tip is particularly targeted towards those of us who have largely sedentary jobs. Get up, stretch your muscles or go for a short stroll. You will be amazing at the difference what a small step like this will make.

  • Mind training

You can train your mind to ignore or reduce pain signals. Distracting your mind, hypnosis and visualization technique are some of the tools you can employ to reduce the intensity of pain.

  • Indulge yourself

Do something that you enjoy will take your attention away from the constant pain. Listen to your favorite music, eat your preferred food, call up old friends or do anything that you perceive as enjoyable.

  • The power of positive thinking

The road to get rid of lower back pain may be long and tough. Negative thoughts may prevent you from not trying resulting in certain failure. Focus on the positives and move on. Let not negative people and memories of past failures discourage you. Only if you try will you succeed.

power of positive thinking

  • Join a peer group

Remember you are not alone. It is good to get support and encouragement from others who are in the same boat. Talking about your pain will definitely take a burden off your mind. The presence of others with similar issues will surely motivate you. Others may have the solution to your specific problems.


What do Therapist Expect from a Good Customer?

Almost everybody is familiar with the phrase ‘Customer is king’. Whether a business is big or small its success is largely dependent on getting good customers. There is a lot of emphasis on providing good customer service since it leads to a loyal customer base. Every customer like to be treated well. However certain things are expected from the customer as well. If you expect respect you should give equal respect too. Expectations are not a one-way street. Businesses have expectations too and want their staff be treated well by customers. We look at things therapists expect from a good customer.

• Treats the Therapist Well

The customer should treat the therapist as he/she wishes to be treated by the therapist. If the customer has made a mistake he/she should admit it and apologize as the situation demands. He/she should not lose his/her temper if the therapist makes a mistake. He/she can gently and diplomatically point out the error. The therapist is a human being too with emotions as well as sensitivities. Don’t say or do anything that hurts or belittles him/her. You may have an issue with the organization. Don’t vent it on the therapist. He/she is an employee and is doing a job with the best of his/her abilities. It’s better to approach the customer service representative or the manager in case of grievances.

Therapist Behaviour

• Behave Professionally

The customer should not treat the therapist as a slave or servant. Just because you have paid for the service you can’t behave with or treat people in any manner you want. The therapist is a professional and behaves as such. Don’t use uncouth language or speak in a loud and threatening manner.

• Keeps Phone Silent

The therapist requires silence to go about his/her job efficiently as well as effectively. Many customers carry their phone with them wherever they go. The sound of a phone ringing or taking a phone call during a session is indeed annoying. Either switch off your phone or put in silent mode during a therapist’s session.

• Not Asking for Sexual Favours

This behavior is unacceptable in a professional environment. Keep your private life private. Asking for sexual favors may land you into legal trouble. Just because the customer has paid for the service he/she cannot engage in unacceptable behavior. The spa is no place for flirting.

Professional Therapist

• Talk Slowly

Every therapist cannot grasp what a customer is saying if he/she talks fast. By talking slowly, it is easier to grasp what the customer wants. The customer should not speak in a loud tone as it may disturb others.

• Maintain Decorum of Spa

The Best Spa will have other customers too. The customer should obey the rules and conduct himself/herself in a professional manner. Mutual respect and cultured/civilized behavior are mandatory.

• Follow Therapist Instruction to Get Full Benefit

The therapist is qualified and trained to deliver results. Following your own instincts or omitting certain instructions may cause the treatment to fail. If you have any doubts or misgivings clear them at the earliest. The therapist will only be happy to resolve your issues.

• Trust your Therapist

No treatment is effective until the customer trusts it to work. If you lack trust better not to go with the therapist. You should have confidence as well as faith in the expertise of the therapist.

Professionals Therapist

• Shares Responsibility

A good customer understands that both the therapist and himself/herself need to put in efforts for the relevant treatment to succeed. The former doesn’t simply blame the therapist in case of failure. He/she should admit to any mistakes made by himself/herself that caused the treatment to fail.

• Is Patient

Some treatments need time to work. If stopped midway or done hurriedly the treatment will fail in spite of the best efforts of both the therapist and customer. Patience is a major quality expected in good customers.

• Doesn’t Discuss the Financial Part

The therapist may not own the spa though it may happen in a few cases. Talk about the money part with the administration. Don’t try to get a bargain from the therapist as he/she has no role in it.

• Is Punctual

Don’t customers get angry when someone doesn’t honour appointments or turns up late? A therapist expects punctuality from the customer. The customer should inform in advance if he/she is not going to turn up for the appointment or may arrive late. No one likes to be kept waiting and that is true of therapists as well.

• Dresses Properly

A dressing is a personal choice but maintaining the decorum of the spa is equally important. Wear clothes in a manner that doesn’t offend or embarrass others.

Spa Therapist

• Is Clear About Expectations

The customer should be absolutely clear about what he/she expects from the treatment. Otherwise, there will be disappointments later. A good customer has clarity of expectations as well as communicates the same clarity to the therapist.

• Leaves in Time

Everyone appreciates the importance of arriving on time but do we think about the importance of leaving at the stipulated time? The therapist may have other customers or responsibilities to attend to. Respect other people’s time and they will respect yours.

• Is Understanding

Empathy is an important quality present in good customers. If a customer is suffering from a contagious disease better he/she wait until the ailment clears up. Otherwise, he/she may transmit the disease to the spa’s staff as well as other customers who come in the proximity.

• Pays Attention to Signs

Usually, signs are put up regarding the rules and policies of the establishment. Most of us don’t bother to read it. Even if few read the signs very few actually follow the rules. A good customer is alert to the signs as well as faithfully follows them.

• Follows Politeness

A good customer uses the terms ‘Please’ and ‘Thank You’ often. He/she criticizes in private and praises in public. He/she is gentle yet assertive.

Even if you already are a good customer there is scope for improvement. Ask the therapist regarding his/her expectations of you. Then you will be on the road to becoming a model customer.