Understand what happens to your body when sleeping?

What happens to your body when sleeping?
All of us take sleep for granted. But it is an important period for both body and mind. We look at what happens to us while sleeping.
Restores and repairs the damage done to the body
You may think sleeping is a time of inactivity. However, the reality is it is the time when your body works hard. Sleeping helps the body recover from damage as well as fight illnesses. Your brain requires 7 to 8 hours of sleep to function optimally. Adequate sleep ensures healthy bone marrow. The latter is the spongy tissue within the bones that stores stem cells which go on to become blood cells in the human body. Sleep deprivation leads to increased levels of the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline respectively. Also, you look unwell as well tired resulting in a less attractive external appearance.
Boosts immunity
During sleep the brain release hormones that boost tissue growth. This facilitates recovery from injuries as well as help sore muscles heal. The body produces more white blood cells during sleep which defend the body against various bacteria as well as viruses.
Missing out on sleep is harmful to your health
Sleep deprivation leads to the release of larger amounts of the hormone adrenaline. The result – your heart has to work harder. Sleep deprived individuals have a higher risk of suffering from high cholesterol which can cause stroke or heart attack. If you don’t sleep adequately you are bound to fall sick more often.
Beneficial to heart health
The blood pressure comes down when you sleep. This gives the heart muscles some relief. Also, inflammation is curbed a condition associated with diabetes, heart ailment and several health conditions.
Prevents obesity
Individuals consume excess calories when they are sleep deprived causing weight gain and ramping up the risk of cardiovascular ailments. When you don’t get enough sleep levels of ghrelin the appetite raising hormone rise while the levels of leptin the appetite suppressing hormone comes down. Sleep deprivation leads to liver being less efficient than usual in carrying out tasks such as management of blood sugar levels, processing adrenaline, detoxification of the blood and more.
Gives much needed energy and alertness
Sleeping well gives you the energy to carry you throughout the day. You are energetic which helps you finish daily tasks efficiently as well as quickly. As per scientific studies women having better quality of sleep also had more sexual drive.
Impacts sex life
If you are short of sleep, it has significant adverse effects on your sex life. Individuals suffering from sleep deprivation will have relatively less interest in sex as well as lowering of sexual performance.
Improves problem solving
If you are unable to perform a tough or complex task sleep well. When you wake up you will have a new perspective on the problem. Sleep is the time when the power of imagination is ignited and you get answers to challenging problems. Individuals who have good quality of sleep are more productive at office, academics and physical activities.
Promotes skin health
Good quality sleep keeps your skin youthful, healthy as well as vibrant. If you cut back on your sleep there is the breakdown of skin collagen resulting in visible aging of the skin. Halt premature wrinkles, swollen eyelids as well as under-eye wrinkles sleep by taking the step of sleeping right.
Increases IQ
If you are trying to learn anything, do it after sleep. You will be better in learning and absorbing the information or mastering the skill. Your performance will be faster and much improved. During sleep your brain sorts through information thrown at you during your waking hours. It decides what to retain and what to dump.
Maintains the strength of the bones
Adequate sleep is a must for protecting as well as strengthening bones along with the connecting cartilage, tendons and ligaments. Sleep gives the spine relief from its tasks and ensures the back is aligned as well as pain free.
Enhances mood and gives a positive outlook
When you are well rested your mental and emotional health is better. If you have undergone a traumatic or stressful event such as the death of a loved one, separation or illness sleep increases your capability of handling and firefighting these situations.
A surprising fact
As per the scientific studies sleep is not the passive activity that most of us assume to be. In fact, it is an extremely active phase that keeps all of us alive as well as healthy.
Secret of success
It has been repeatedly observed that successful individuals in all walks of life sleep well and in the right way. Sleeping boosts creativity and ups energy levels. No wonder well rested people are more successful.
Renews as well as repairs brain cells
Sleep is an opportunity for the human brain to take rest, repair itself and grow fresh cells. During sleep the brain flush out toxins that accumulate during the waking hours. Hence the brain is able to function normally as well as optimally. Sleep aids the human body to reproduce cells that form myelin the vital tissue that shields the spinal cord and brain from neurological disorders.
We offer different types of spa that will improve the duration as well as quality of your sleep. There are massage oils available that you could use at home which will help you to sleep better. Spa and body massages will relax muscles and offer relief from anxiety as well as joint pain.
Sleep helps the body to destress efficiently as well as effectively. Choose from our extensive range of spas as well as massages to obtain instant and impressive results.