Unintentional Weight gain – what are the reasons?

All of us want to be fit. So, keeping one’s weight in the normal range is a priority. Most of the time our weight increases when we consume more calories in our diet than what we burn by exercising. However, in spite of eating right and doing regular exercise some of us are putting on weight. We take a look at the other reasons which trigger weight gain.
A person’s thyroid may become underactive due to a variety of causes. This condition is known as hypothyroidism. It slows down the metabolism of the body leading to weight gain.
Corticosteroids administered in case of ailments such as asthma, rheumatoid arthritis and others are associated with fluid retention. Folks tend to exercise less when on steroid treatment. Steroids ramp up hunger and affect the regions in the brain that control feelings of satiety as well as hunger.
Lack of sleep
When you stay up late at night you have cravings for junk food and beverages. Lack of sleep is associated with higher levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin. At the same time there are lower levels of the satiety hormone leptin. Hence you tend to overeat leading to significant weight gain.
Blaming genetics
Many people think that obesity is solely caused by genes. So, they think that if their close relatives are on the obese side chances are they too will become obese. Studies observe that the more strongly individuals believed genetics was to blame for obesity the higher the probability of gaining weight. This section of people were also less likely to indulge in exercise as well as eat healthy. On the other hand, individuals who believed that weight gain was in their hands were more likely to eat right, exercise daily and be slim.
Chronic stress
Stress leads to higher secretion of cortisol in the body. As a result, you put on weight in the abdomen increasing the risk of heart ailments as well as obesity related issues.
Medication induced weight gain
Many classes of medicines including steroids, diabetes drugs and anti-psychotics make the medicine taker put on weight. Appetite may be stimulated leading to over eating or eating food items loaded with calories. Drowsiness is another major side effect of many medicines and leads to excessive sleep. Oversleeping also makes you pile up the pounds.
When you feel sad, alone and depressed you tend to binge on food since it makes you feel better. Antidepressants also make you feel better leading to weight gain. One of the classic symptoms of depression is decreased appetite. However, for some folk depression causes upward spikes in hunger.
The inevitable consequence of aging
As you grow older (Anti-Aging) your metabolism decreases. So, it’s more difficult to burn calories. Also, individuals lose some amounts of muscle in their bodies. Muscles burn calories efficiently. Hence muscle mass loss translates to expending fewer calories. The inevitable result is weight gain.
Not eating breakfast
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Skipping breakfast will lead to hunger pangs later causing one to overeat or binge on items loaded with calories.
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
This condition affects the working of the ovaries in women. Persons with PCOS put on weight in the abdominal region. Get yourself testing for this condition in the case of unexplained weight gain. This is a highly treatable condition.
Your appetite is affected by lighting as well as room temperature
As per research, dimly lit offices as well as homes ramp up appetite. Hunger is more in dark environments and less in bright surroundings. Cold temperatures also trigger higher appetite. Go outside the office/house and take a walk under sunlight. You will definitely feel better as well as less hungry.
Fluid retention
In this condition parts of the body retain water resulting in weight gain. Drinking enough water will result in decreased storage of water in the human body causing weight loss.
Diabetes treatment
Weight gain is a frequent side effect for folk taking insulin for diabetes management. Some diabetes patients eat more to prevent low blood sugar a condition called hypoglycemia. As a result, excessive calories are absorbed triggering overall weight gain.
Overeating healthy foods
Moderation is the key. Even consumption of healthy food items will lead to weight gain if eaten in excessive quantities. Certain zero calorie food items have high calories. Better to eat the original product in small portions instead of binging on so called healthy food products. Read labels carefully before consuming any kind of food item.
Solution to lose unwanted weight
- There are slimming oils which will burn fat when massaged regularly on the affected areas. Slimming oil burns down the cellulite as well as cut extra flab. It drives up metabolism accelerating the process of fat loss.
- Compounds termed chlorogenic acids are present in coffee beans. It is believed that the former has antioxidant properties, brings down blood pressure and aids in weight loss. Roasting the beans bring down the percentage of chlorogenic acid. Hence drinking conventional coffee is less potent in weight loss when benchmarked against the unroasted beans.
- Herbal potlis are employed for weight loss by deep tissue massage. It corrects the body shape as well as makes affected regions on the body to become tighter as well as firmer. A potli is to put it simply a therapeutic herbal blend popularly employed in massage treatments.
- Slimming pills work by ramping up metabolism as well as suppressing appetite. Do not take the former on your own. Take the opinion of a qualified medical practitioner.
- Garcinia cambogia is a tropical fruit famously referred to as the Malabar tamarind. It is one of the popular weight loss supplements. Hydroxycitric acid (HCA) is present in Garcinia cambogia and the former is believed to have potent weight loss characteristics. However, weight loss supplements should not be used without supervision as they can have negative impacts as well.
- If existing medication is causing weight gain lower the dosage or switch to another medicine under the recommendation of a medical professional.
- Whatever weight loss program you begin stick to it for a while at least to see visible results.
- We hope that this blog has been useful in helping you understand the unseen reasons for weight gain and possible corrective actions.