Know all about green tea for weight loss

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Green tea for weight loss with honey

Green tea is considered one of the healthiest drinks. It is widely known for its weight loss properties. Many people trying to manage weight use Green tea for weight loss in their daily diet. It is said that it helps burn extra fat from the body.

Green tea is rich in nutrients and antioxidants that provide numerous health benefits. People having Green tea for weight loss purposes can feel the changes in their bodies.  

Green tea with leaves, honey and lemon


What is green tea?


Tea comes in many varieties, but they are all made from the same plant. The Camellia Sinensis plant produced green tea, black tea, white tea, and oolong tea.

In order to manufacture green tea, Camellia sinensis leaves are steamed. In contrast to other types of tea, such as oolong or black tea, green tea does not undergo the same fermentation process, so the antioxidants and nutrients in the leaves are retained.


How Does Green Tea for Weight Loss Work?


Green tea generally contains flavonoids, catechin, and caffeine that play an active role in boosting the body’s metabolism. This helps the body lose weight quickly and sustainably. According to studies, certain tea polyphenols positively impact the synergistic effects of catechins and caffeine in causing weight loss.

Weight loss cannot be achieved by drinking green tea alone. If you want to see visible results after drinking green tea for weight loss, experts also recommend doing light to moderate exercises every day. To enhance your overall weight loss strategy, you should also include fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet while drinking green tea daily.


Green Tea Benefits for Weight Loss-


Here are some benefits of having green tea for weight loss


  • It Improves Increasing fat mobility in fat cells-

It is only after fat has been broken down and moved into the bloodstream that it can be burned for energy. The fat cells may remain concentrated with fat.

Green tea contains an antioxidant called EGCG, which increases the hormone norepinephrine. The hormone triggers fat to break down and move into the bloodstream from fat cells.


  • It prevents you from consuming additional calories-

In a healthy way, green tea can suppress your appetite. With repeated consumption of this tea, you will feel hungry after regular intervals.

However, your body will become averse to junk food and processed foods. So, with a daily cup of this energizing drink, you keep the extra calories at bay.

Girl is thinking about the weigh loss


  • It can balance metabolism-

Green tea helps to increase metabolic activity, which is why it is highly sought after. The redundant calories will be lost once a person has a heightened metabolism.


What are the ingredients in green tea, and how do they help with weight loss?


Here are a few ingredients in green tea that contribute to weight loss and other health benefits-


  • Caffeine


This stimulant is a major factor in making green tea a weight-loss tea. Even though green tea contains less caffeine than coffee, it still hits neurons and neurotransmitters like norepinephrine and dopamine.


  • L-theanine


Green tea, which is rich in this amino acid, is the best for weight loss. The body benefits from it by reducing stress, anxiety, and insomnia. In addition to improving immune function, it increases brain focus. Nausea and an upset stomach are among the many side effects caused by large consumption.


  • B Vitamins


The B vitamins in green tea help improve digestion and appetite, improve energy levels, improve nerve function, improve vision, and grow red blood cells in the body.


  • Flavonoids


Green tea has insulin-enhancing and antidiabetic properties, making it the best tea for weight loss and other health benefits. It contains flavonoid antioxidants that are known as catechins. 


  • Magnesium


Green tea contains magnesium, which supports nerve, energy, and muscle functions. Even though the amount may be extremely low, drinking green tea throughout the day will definitely add nutrients to your diet.

Green tea for weight loss


Don’t drink green tea at these 4 times-


  • Before Bedtime- Don’t drink it before bedtime or around bedtime if you have sleep issues. Because it contains caffeine, it can affect your circadian rhythm.
  • In the Morning- Green tea should not be consumed first thing in the morning. If you drink it on an empty stomach, you may suffer from gastric issues.
  • After Your Meal- Even though green tea improves digestion, drinking it after a meal can reduce nutrient absorption.
  • Right after consuming medicine- Drinking it after taking medicine can be harmful.

What dosage of green tea for weight loss ?


Daily 4-5 cups of unsweetened green tea for weight loss are sufficient. Manganese, chromium, and zinc can boost digestion with their high mineral content. To get in shape, don’t just rely on green tea. You can lose weight with its support. You have to supplement it with a calorie deficiency diet and legitimate activities.


Green Tea Tips For Weight Loss-


Here are some tips to consider before drinking green tea for weight loss regularly-

  • You should not drink more than four cups of green tea if you are caffeine sensitive or suffer from insomnia.
  • Pregnant women and those trying to conceive should limit their consumption of green tea to two cups a day. 
  • If you suffer from kidney, liver, or glaucoma problems, do not drink green tea.
  • Green tea can interfere with your body’s ability to absorb iron, so avoid drinking it with meals.

Girl is holding her tummy


Final Verdict-


Nutrition and antioxidants found in green tea have a range of health benefits. There is no harm in drinking green tea, and it has been used for centuries. However, your diet should not only include green tea for weight loss; rather, it must be combined with a healthy and nutritious food and exercise regimen.

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