The Importance of Diet for Your Skin?

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There are many cosmetics available today to make your skin look good from outside.  However, a good diet is paramount for having healthy and attractive skin. Whatever you eat reflects on your skin. If you eat mostly junk food the condition of the skin suffers. The secret to having flawless and clear skin is having a healthy diet and drinking plenty of water. Aging of the skin is also caused by smoking and drinking alcohol. Limit these habits or better stop the habit right away.  Optimum functioning of the skin needs good nutrition, circulation as well as hydration. Diet is a vital factor in the skin’s health. We take a look at the constituents of a skin healthy diet.

Balanced diet meal


This mineral is vital for the proper functioning of the sebaceous glands in the skin. It is useful to repair any skin damage and maintain the softness and suppleness of the skin. Foods rich in zinc are poultry, fish and wholegrains.


Low GI carbohydrates

GI stands for glycaemic index. Low GI foods take more time to be absorbed by the body. It is recommended to consume low GI carbohydrates such as pulses and beans. These types of foods release sugar into the blood slowly over a period of time. Hence there is a relatively steady supply of energy. Hence you feel energetic longer and are less prone to binge. Keep away from high GI carbohydrates such as sweet beverages loaded with sugar as well as biscuits. The reason is that they stimulate insulin production which has the potential to worsen wrinkles as well as trigger the damage of collagen.



These are natural chemicals present in plant-based food items. Their structure is akin to oestrogen- the female sex hormone. They possess the property to maintain the balance of natural hormones. There exist different kinds of Phyto-estrogens. Certain kinds are termed lignans and are present in the fiber of vegetables, wholegrains as well as fruits. Another kind termed isoflavones are present in soya bean based foods including tofu.


Healthy fats

Polyunsaturated fats as well as monounsaturated fats supply important fatty acids which play the role of the skin’s natural moisturizer. These healthy fats maintain the suppleness of the skin and ramp up elasticity. Vitamin E also accompanies these fats and shields the body from damage caused by free radicals. Vitamin E is responsible for the maintenance of epithelial tissue which is needed for healthy appearing skin. As per research continuous exposure to ultraviolet rays significantly increases the likelihood of adverse skin conditions including skin cancer, sunburn and others. Vitamin E rich food items neutralize the risk.  These fats are present in oily fish as well as Avocados.

Vitamin e food

Vitamin C

This water-soluble vitamin has a significant role in the synthesis of collagen, an important protein of body tissues which include the human skin. Consume Indian gooseberry, citrus fruits as well as green leafy vegetables as they are rich in Vitamin C.


Consume plenty of water

Moisture is necessary for the skin to be flexible. Even a low degree of dehydration results in dry as well as tired skin. Water is the best choice for replacing fluids lost by the body.  You can consume plain water. For those who don’t like the taste of plain water they can drink herbal teas devoid of the harmful caffeine content. Else they can opt for water rich fruits and vegetables such as watermelons and cucumbers.



These are essential acids. Note that they cannot be created or produced in the human body. The only source is the diet. Omega3-fats stimulate the production of anti-inflammatory substances by the human body. Hence it is useful to treat and cure anti-inflammatory skin disorders such as psoriasis, eczema as well as others. Oily fish and walnuts are rich in Omega-3. It provides nourishment to the skin as well as ensures skin health. It shields the skin against potent damage from the harmful ultraviolet rays. As per authoritative scientific studies this healthy fat has a protective effect against the occurrence of skin cancer as well as the aging process. It also shields against sunburn. Individuals who don’t consume enough Omega-3 in their diets are prone to experience dry skin.


Vitamin A

This particular vitamin is instrumental in the maintenance as well as development of the epithelial tissue. The epithelial tissue blocks the entry of bacteria into the skin. Individuals having Vitamin A deficiency experience dry as well as flaky skin. This can be avoided by including Vitamin A rich foods in the diet such as carrots, fruits and green leafy vegetables.



Raw honey is great for the skin because of its potent antibacterial properties and rich presence of antioxidants.  Consuming honey keeps bacterial as well as fungal infections at bay. It moisturizes the skin from within and gives the skin a healthy as well as radiant glow. This liquid nourishes the skin and makes it bright as well as healthy.

A bowl of honey with honey stick

Say ‘No’ to crash diets

Avoid crash diets as you lose and gain weight rapidly. This causes the skin to sag. A balanced diet is preferred to crash dieting. For instance protein deficient crash diets deprive the skin of important amino acids which make up collagen and elastic tissue. Collagen makes the skin strong while elastic tissue makes it supple.


No refined sugar products

Low-glycaemic diets help cure acne-prone skin. Avoid sugar to have younger and better-looking skin. Sugar makes your skin look old and ugly. Experts recommend substituting refined sugar food items with nutrient dense items such as fruits and vegetables. Sugary food items raise insulin levels leading to the worsening of rashes, wrinkles as well as acne.


No processed food

Avoid packaged and processed food as they are high in sodium, fat and sugar. They also contain synthetic colors, synthetic flavors and preservatives which may potentially harm the skin.

As per Ayurveda, beauty is not only an external façade but is the outcome of internal wellbeing. Therefore, in Ayurveda, to beautify means not only to take care of external façade like skin, texture, color etc but also provide rich nutrients, ensure absorption of nutrients by skin and more importantly follow correct lifestyle in line with Parkruti. Parkruti is the innermost nature of an individual and makes all of us unique and different. Prakruti guides our lifestyle, our eating habit, sleep pattern, beauty products to be used and in what combination. All blue nectar products have used this traditional knowledge of Ayurveda to develop products that contain vital herbs that not only beautify the external façade but also makes a body inner rich.

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