10 DIY Face Packs to Treat Uneven Skin and Dark Spots

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Face packs to treat uneven skin

An uneven complexion can be a nightmare. After carefully selecting the best products from the best brands and reading multiple articles and essays on how to treat dark spots and uneven skin tone, you somehow still fall short in coming up with the perfect routine that gives you clear skin.

With constant pollution and stressful lives, it can be hard to maintain an even skin tone. But don’t lose hope! Think of taking care of your skin as being close friends with it. Just like a close friend, all it asks for is time, care, patience, and forgiveness. And just like people, skin types come with all kinds of quirks. Therefore, to get a brightened-up beautiful complexion, you need to pay attention to its needs according to its type.

This blog brings to you 10 different Do-It-Yourself face pack remedies that can be used to treat different types of skin with the nourishment they crave and deserve!



#1. Besan and banana face pack for dry skin


Why it works

As a child, did you hear your mother rave about the benefits of using besan to scrub skin during a bath? Well, for those of you who did, she was right! Besan or gram flour has excellent cleansing and exfoliating properties. Its alkaline nature helps balance out your skin’s pH. It is specifically known to be an excellent de-tanning agent and a natural body scrub. This makes besan an excellent natural remedy for dark spots, hyperpigmentation, and acne scars.


Exfoliated skin


The second ingredient, banana, balances out the alkaline and drying effect of besan. This fruit is rich in fats and vitamins that soften your skin and moisturize it well, leaving behind not just a well-scrubbed and exfoliated skin but also a plump and radiant face. 


What you’ll need

  • Two Tablespoons of Besan (Gram flour) 
  • One Ripe Banana


How to use

Mash a ripe banana in a bowl, and then add 2 tablespoons of besan into it to make a paste. If the paste turns out to be too thick, you can add rosewater to soften it. Apply it all over your face and neck. Leave it on for about 20-30 minutes. Then, wash it off with lukewarm or cold water. Dab your face softly with a clean towel to reveal a fresh-looking beautiful complexion. You can use this face mask whenever needed or regularly every week.



#2. Yogurt and turmeric face mask for de-tanning all skin types


Why it works

Yogurt is a beloved beautifying agent with its nourishing properties. Not only is it known for being a fabulous moisturizer but also for its de-tanning properties. It can be used effectively to treat sunburns, remove tan, and brighten dull skin – all thanks to its lactic acid and zinc content. Further, it contains nourishing ingredients like magnesium and milk protein that can help you fight fine lines and wrinkles.


Yogurt and Turmeric Face Mask for De-Tanning All Skin Types


When turmeric is added to yogurt, you get a hydrating face pack useful in combating practically all skin problems. Turmeric is traditionally used to brighten up skin tone and heal infections or wounds. Therefore, this mixture helps get rid of acne scars, dark spots, dark circles, and hyperpigmentation. 


What you’ll need

  • 2 Tablespoons of Yogurt
  • A Teaspoon of Turmeric


How to use

Put the yogurt in a small bowl and then add a teaspoon of turmeric. Mix it well to make a good paste and apply it to your face. Leave this mixture on your face for about 20 minutes. Rinse the face pack off with clean water and dab your face dry with a soft towel. You will find beautifully hydrated skin underneath that looks much brighter than before. For best results, use this face pack twice or thrice a week.



#3. Saffron and milk for pigmented skin

Why it works 

Did you know that saffron is the most expensive spice in the world? This luxurious ingredient has excellent anti-oxidant properties that preserve and prevent skin damage. It has proven to have a role in decreasing the production of melanin (the enzyme that makes your skin darker) in your skin, making it effective in treating hyperpigmentation and dark spots. Just a few strands of this miraculous spice in milk can make an excellent skin-brightening face mask. Milk has great hydrating properties and is filled with protein that nourishes and moisturizes your skin, preserving its youth and radiance. 


Saffron and milk for pigmented skin


What you’ll need 

  • 3-4 strands of saffron 
  • Two tablespoons of milk 
  • A pinch or more of turmeric powder  


How to use

Soak 3-4 strands of saffron in some water overnight. Add the softened saffron to two tablespoons of warm milk. This will create a liquid texture. To make this mixture into a thick paste add a teaspoon of turmeric powder. Mix it well and apply it to your face. Leave it on for 20-25 minutes. Rinse with water and a mild cleanser to get rid of the smell of milk and the yellow of turmeric. You can use this face pack 3 times a week for the best results. 



#4. Neem face mask for acne prone skin 

Why it works 

Acne can be a big problem for those with sensitive skin, and it may seem like they can never catch a break. When your skin isn’t irritated with the breakouts, the dark shadow of terrible acne scars haunts you. Neem, praised for its versatile health benefits years ago by Ayurveda, can come in handy for acne-prone skin. Neem leaves are highly anti-bacterial making them suitable for combating acne. Along with this, they have a cleansing property that rids your skin of all kinds of dullness and dark spots. 

Aloe Vera added to Neem creates a beautiful mixture of a sweet nourishing plant and a strong protective one. Aloe Vera softens and soothes your skin while hydrating it greatly. It is also completely safe and effective for sensitive and oily skin. Together they make an excellent face mask whose benefits can be reaped by any skin type.


What you’ll need

  • About 15 Neem leaves/ 2 teaspoons of neem powder 
  • 2 teaspoons of Aloe Vera gel 


How to use

Method 1: If you are using neem leaves directly, soak them in water for a couple of hours before crushing them using a stone grinder or blender. Add the crushed leaves with aloe vera gel to make a good paste. Apply it to your face and let it soak into your skin for 15 minutes. Rinse with water and follow with your preferred moisturizer. 

Method 2: If you are using neem powder, mix it directly with aloe vera gel to make a thick paste. Add water/rosewater if needed to get a better consistency. After the paste is made, follow the same steps given in method 1.



#5. Sandalwood and honey face mask for soft and glowing skin

Why it works

Sandalwood or “Chandan” is a popular ayurvedic ingredient with a beautiful fragrance. It is frequently used in skin brightening products. Chandan is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent and anti-oxidant, enriched with Vitamin E and Vitamin B. This makes it great for removing tan and preventing visible signs of aging. Adding honey to it doubles its benefits, as both together work to make your skin plump, bright, and beautiful. This helps you get a natural glow to your gorgeous face. Additionally, lemon juice acts as a silver lining to your face pack, since it is enriched with Vitamin C and citric acid; both of which help in tan removal and getting an even skin tone


What you’ll need

  • 2 Tablespoons of Sandalwood Powder
  • 1 Tablespoon of Honey 
  • Some drops of Lemon Juice 


How to use

Mix the given quantity of sandalwood powder and honey to make a paste. To better the consistency, add lemon juice to the mixture. Put the fragrant paste on your face and neck evenly. You can use this under your eyes to get rid of dark circles, too. Keep it on for 25 minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water. Dab your face dry with a soft towel. 



#6. Mashed tomato face mask for infection-free skin 

Why it works

Rubbing tomato on one’s skin is a popular skincare trick, often causing wonder in people’s minds. Not only are tomatoes rich in Vitamin C and anti-oxidants, but they contain several skin-beneficial ingredients like potassium, Vitamin E, the B Vitamins, and magnesium. Some research goes as far as to say that tomatoes may prevent skin cancer by exfoliating dead skin cells and fighting harmful free radicals. It heals your infections and reduces the risk of getting sunburns. After a mashed tomato face mask, you are sure to find healed, softened, and brightened skin underneath.

 Mashed tomato face mask for infection-free skin


What you’ll need

  • 1 mashed medium-sized tomato


How to use

Take a medium-sized tomato and mix it in a blender to create tomato puree. Apply this juice directly to your face. Leave it on for about 15 minutes and then rinse with water. 



#7. Coffee face pack for exfoliation

Why it works

Yes, you read that right! Apart from being our saviour on days where we have to pull an all-nighter, coffee has great benefits for your skin. It is one of the richest sources of anti-oxidants out there and sucks out excess sebum and oil from your skin to reveal smooth skin underneath. It is often used as a scrub because of its caffeine content that gets rid of all your blemishes and scars. Mixing it up with lemon juice (which is rich in Vitamin C) gives you a face mask that exfoliates your skin, removes scars, and gives you an even-toned supple skin. 


What you’ll need 

  • 2 tablespoons of Coffee powder 
  • One lemon 


How to use

Make a thick paste out of 2 tablespoons of coffee powder and water (or rosewater if you prefer). Cut up a lemon in half and squeeze its juice into the paste. If you don’t like applying face packs with your hands, you can use the leftover lemon pieces as applicators. This might also help you squeeze in all the nutrients still left in the lemon halves. Leave the paste on your skin for about 20 minutes. Rinse to reveal glowing, soft, and radiant skin!



#8. Green tea and mint leaves face pack for irritated skin

Why it works

Green tea is an excellent anti-oxidant and the favorite beverage of healthcare professionals. Mint leaves on the other hand have a natural cooling effect that everyone adores. Irritated and inflamed skin can often be the root cause of blemishes, dark spots, and uneven skin tone. Therefore, green tea and mint leaves face mask works wonders to brighten up your skin and supply it with the numerous nutrients both of these plants have. Adding honey to this mask ensures hydration along with deep cleansing. 


What you’ll need 

  • Two tablespoons of green tea leaves 
  • 15 to 20 mint leaves 
  • A tablespoon of honey


How to use

Blend the green tea and mint leaves in a grinder. You can add water to get good consistency. After you have successfully made a paste, add the honey into it. Apply it all over your face and neck, with special attention on pigmented areas. Leave it on for 20 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water and dab your face dry. Do this consistently twice a week for best results. 



#9. Orange peel face mask for clear and soft skin 

Why it works

Orange is a citric food with lots of nutrition and multivitamins. It has astringent properties that can help heal scars and give you an even skin tone. Further, it has anti-inflammatory qualities that can prevent acne and its acidic nature is good for keeping your skin smooth and radiant. It is also rich in Vitamin C, which is associated with lightening dark spots and blemishes. The peels of orange are practically skin nutrition hubs. 


What you’ll need

  • Dried orange peels 
  • Rosewater  


How to use 

After eating oranges, store their peels and dry them out in the sun. When they are hard and dry enough, crush them to make an orange peel powder. Mix the crushed powder with some rosewater to make a thick paste with suitable consistency. Apply to neck and face evenly and leave it on for 15 minutes. After that, use a wet towel to remove the face pack. Repeat this twice a week for best results and an even plump skin tone.



#10. Oatmeal and honey face mask for clear skin 

Why it works 

Oatmeal’s gritty texture makes it the perfect exfoliator. Apart from having hypoallergenic and soothing properties, this ingredient is rich in amino acids. These acids support new skin growth, aid in tissue repair, and enhance body healing. When oatmeal is used in a face mask, the amino acids are absorbed by the skin, thus healing blemishes and repairing damaged skin. Honey compliments the benefits of oatmeal with its hydrating properties. Together they make a beautiful mixture that leads to a blemish-free and smooth skin. 


enhance body healing


What you’ll need 

  • Two tablespoons of oats
  • A tablespoon of honey
  • Lemon juice from half a lemon


How to use 

Mix the ingredients to make a good mixture. Apply it directly to your face with extra attention on coarse areas. Leave it on for at least 25 minutes. Rinse off with warm water to reveal clear and smooth skin underneath the oil and dirt. Use this face pack twice a week for the best results. 



Parting note 

Clear skin with an even complexion can seem like a faraway dream considering the pollution and stress one lives in today. But you don’t have to let these conditions wear you down. With simple and gradual attempts at taking care of your skin, you can keep our skin ever glowing and beautiful. We hope that no matter what skin type you have, these DIY face packs help you achieve the fabulous and healthy skin you want.

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