Why do we procrastinate and what can we do about it?

Procrastination is a common behavioral problem that we all deal with every now and then. Some people are so seriously affected by this procrastination problem that it becomes the biggest hurdle in fulfilling their goals and disrupts their career and personal life.
Sometimes, you may have something important on your plate and you may even want to get started on your task, but you just can’t and use every excuse in the world to put off those tasks.
Do you often feel a need for something to motivate you or raise your spirits? If you want to beat the bad habit of procrastination, and get your tasks done on time, then you have come to the right place. Here are some strategies that will help you power through the procrastination and get some stuff done.
Reduce your stress factors
Anxiety related procrastination is a very common problem for people suffering with anxiety disorders. Well, you can’t change the world around you, so removing all the stress factors from life is not possible, but you can surely try to manage it better and eliminate some of the regular causes of anxiety and stress.Â
With effective medical treatment, support, and proper guidance, you can learn ways to change your mindset and move forward in life. Once you bring down your anxiety level, it will eventually help you in overcoming anxiety-related procrastination.
Develop your own tactics
 You can successfully deal with stress and stress related procrastination if you use mindfulness techniques like meditation and pranayam etc. Several psychiatric research and studies show that these mindfulness techniques are very effective in coping with physical and emotional symptoms of your anxiety.
Light stretching exercises and some simple yoga moves can also aid in reducing anxiety and stress level by affecting the body’s biochemistry. Massage therapy can be effective for insomnia, stress, anxiety and several types of behavioral problems like procrastination etc. Massage increases your oxytocin and serotonin levels, which in turn helps in alleviating negative impact of stress and anxiety from your body.
Prioritize your tasks
The pressure of handling too many tasks and daily activities in a short period of time can be very stressful for anyone. It makes you feel burdened and your mind starts looking for excuses to avoid those activities.
 So in order to de-clutter your mind, you should prioritize every big and small task; then work hard and push yourself to accomplish your high priority tasks first. When you list down your goals on a piece of paper, you unconsciously force yourself to do it. This trick works for not just long-term goals, but short-term goals, too. Focus on big tasks instead of using little tasks to procrastinate big ones. Realize that these smaller tasks are important and valuable, but they shouldn’t become a reason for delaying the most important work.
Make time for regular exercise
If stress on the job is interfering with your efficiency and making you a habitual procrastinator, then it’s time to think seriously about it. No matter how stressful your job is, there are a variety of activities that you can do to reduce your stress levels and refresh your mind.
When you feel overburdened, lose confidence and feel less motivated, take some time out for aerobic exercise or zumba to raise your heart rate and to make yourself sweat. It is a hugely popular and effective way of lifting mood and bringing the focus back on work. Just 30 minutes of daily rhythmic movement like walking, jogging or dancing etc. can relax both your mind and body.
Don’t hesitate to take a quick break and move away from the stressful situation for a few minutes; just a fun chat with your colleague or even a trip to the water cooler or coffee machine can help you recover your balance.
Take massage therapy or aromatherapy
Don’t forget that relaxation therapies are extremely important to reduce stress and refresh your body and mind so that you can correctly handle your daily life challenges. A 60-minute soothing massage therapy may help you relax and get the focus back on important tasks. Your body and mind needs time to recharge, revive, and just float away. What could be a better way of pampering yourself than getting a full body oil massage or aromatherapy at your favorite spa? During your massage session, don’t think about all the activities that need to be completed, set aside your to-do list, and just concentrate on quieting your mind and relaxing the body.
Make time for yourself
With so many responsibilities and obligations, you may find it difficult to take some time out for things that you really enjoy. It is important to realize that you can tackle anxiety and anxiety-related procrastination better if you make an effort to relax your body and mind. Instead of sitting idle in front of TV or laptop on weekends, try to pick up a hobby like writing, reading, biking, painting, or cooking etc.
 Do something that you love to do; it will give you satisfaction and motivation to accomplish your goals. Many psychiatric research studies have come to a conclusion that stress at work is, by far, the major source of procrastination and other behavioral problems.
Eat more green vegetables and fruits
 All parts of our body like the brain, heart, and liver require energy to function properly and this energy comes from the food we consume. So, the best way to keep your body energized and active is to give yourself the best food possible. Scientists claim that your food plays an important role in deciding your mood which explains why you feel sluggish after a big lunch or dinner.
We all know that green leafy vegetables are good for us; they provide loads of vitamins, fibers and antioxidants. Fresh vegetables and fruits are full of nutrients that refresh your tired body and mind. Similarly, fruits are also loaded with natural sugar that offers a punch of energy to your exhausted mind. You can simply rely on a healthy natural diet with fruits and vegetables to get rid of fatigue related procrastination.
In addition to all of this, you need to take time for your skin and health. After all, our skin reflects our health. When you are stressed and overworked, your skin becomes dull, dark spots appear, and you may experience pain in your body. Take some time from your busy schedule to take care of your skin.