How to know that you are stressed?

One of the most consistent factors in human beings’ life is “stress”. Every person goes under a period of stress due to innumerable reasons that life offers. Problems and tension are the fundamental factors which causes stress.
Stress is somewhat a mental state where people lose focus on every activity that they perform.
A life of a person is not really a bed of red roses. At times there are difficulties that are hard to deal with. To overcome the difficulties is the main challenge that an individual has to face.
When stress occurs within our comfort area it can somehow help us to perform better, motivate us to do the best thing and even saves us from danger. But on the contrary when it becomes overwhelming, it can certainly damage mood and relationships which leads to serious health conditions.
In this contemporary age, the level of stress is much higher among people. Life is full of frustrations, anxiety, pressure and hatred. Be it person or professional circle, a tremendous amount of negativity has encircled life.
Before moving on with further discussion, let’s focus on what is stress in a broader manner.
Stress is our body’s response to any kind of demand or threat. When an individual is threatened or scared the nervous system of the body reacts to it by releasing a flood of stress hormones like adrenaline. In such situation there occur certain physical changes like faster heart beat high blood pressure, back pain etc.
What causes stress?
As said earlier that stress can happen due to innumerable factors. It is quite difficult to note down the factors which causes stress. People may have different reasons to be stressed out. Keeping aside the common factors of stress it is better to highlight the most important and essential element which embraces a person with extreme amount of stress is traumatic events.
People who have experienced any sort of traumatic event or life-threatening situation may often face long term stress. This stress can go on for a long time, and it can be difficult to get someone out of it. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is the medical term for it.
Though mental agony is the most natural outburst in such cases yet there are certain physical issues like:-
- Muscle pain- Various kinds of pain surrounds an individual.
- Headache– This will take place at regular intervals. Even while sleeping people may have a severe headache. Tension is the main cause of this problem.
- Hair fall– This is especially for the women. Excess stress can lead to hair fall. The roots of the hair get weaken at times.
- Insomnia– People finds it very difficult to sleep. Insomnia is the most disastrous thing that can ever happen to an individual. Sleep gets completely vanished from a person’s life.
- Irritation– This is associated with the behavior of an individual. People who are stressed up get irritated at little things.
Other factors related to stress include: –
- Serious illness
- Relationship issues with family
- Company problems and pressure
Stress can never be ignored; it may happen at any time. One can only apply various strategies to get rid of it.
Effect of stress on body
When the body get stressed, the muscle tense up. If these things continue for a longer period of time, then there occur other reactions in the body like stiff muscles, neck pain and some other difficult disorders. For example, both headache and migraine are completely associated with muscle tension. It may often happen that due to excess stress people may not even move their hands and legs. The body gets completely idle.
Apart from muscle pull there are other difficulties like gastrointestinal issues, liver issues, breakdown of nervous system and many other complications.
Both mental and physical pain affects the body due to stress. At times it becomes intolerable and then one needs proper treatment to deal with such things.
Research conducted by a medical foundation in Delhi has discovered that 60% youngsters of the country within the age of 20 to 35 are the most stressful bunch of people. No matter what the situation is, their mind is always burden up with excess pressure, tension, pain and anxiety.
How to get rid of stress?
This is indeed the most difficult task to perform. At times it becomes extremely strenuous to get rid of stress. People may give millions of ideas to fight with this problem but hardly few works. At first it is very important to heal your mind. Every bit of tension and fear starts forming only in the mind. One needs to adopt various ways to set the mind free. This is the first step towards a stress-free exercise.
Free hand exercise or aerobics is another important way to get rid of stress. Stretching, push-ups, crunches, squats are some of common free hand technique to perform for both the mind and body.
Body massage is another important healing method which can also be applied. People undergo this kind of massage therapy for a full body relaxation. There are various forms of massage which are practiced at various places.
Apart from all these, other activities are also involved to get relief from stress.
Visiting a spa is the best and the most scientific way to deal with stress. Though it is not really very much economical yet one can get a desired result in no time. In this age every city or town has got a spa which provides variable services to the people.
The best attribute of a spa is its ambience. People visiting this place get completely secluded from the chaos of the outer world and enjoy a calm and quiet scene. Various innovative massage therapies are done over here.
A spa is run by professional massage therapist who applies scientific techniques to heal the pain in a better way.
The most talked about element in a spa is the use of herbal items. Mostly all the products that are used are herbal and have no such side effects on the body. In order to get rid of stress, there is no such alternative of a spa. This is the only destination which gives productive result to a stressful mind and body.
Not only stress but Spa also helps to deal with various joint related issues like joint pains etc.
Stress can never be ignored. It may attack a person from anywhere and may last for a longer period of time. What humans can do is to deal with it. Find the right solution to deal with it and enjoy life without the S (stress) factor.