Joint and Back Pain Relief With Back & Body Therapy

Back & Body Therapy for relief from Back Pain, Joint Pain and Knee Pain
If you’ve ever groaned, “Oh, my aching back!”, you are not alone. Back and Joint pain is one of the most common reasons people go to the doctor or miss work and a leading cause of disability worldwide. Back and Joint pain is one of the most common medical problems, affecting 8 out of 10 people at some point during their lives.
Most back pain goes away on its own, though it may take awhile. Taking over-the-counter pain relievers and resting can help but it has its own side effects. Contrary to popular belief, staying in bed for more than 1 or 2 days could make it worse.
There are lots of symptoms which if not treated at the right time could aggravate the problem and may cause irreparable body damage. You must see a doctor if any of the below symptoms persists:
- Stiffness in Neck, Shoulder or Back
- Radiating pain in arms or legs
- Pain or stiffness in muscles after hectic week
- Recurring symptoms with aggravated lower or upper back pain at higher frequency
Back & Body Therapy
Rushing to a doctor for minor niggle is not a practical solution. There are home remedies or intermediate steps that could actually provide a longer lasting relief than visit to doctor. Spa treatments or Massage therapies is a hidden jewel benefits of which are relatively unknown. Spa treatments helps in following manner:
- Lot of Back & Joint pain is manifestation of stress. Stress at work/personal life may cause muscle stiffness/spasm which may result in Back pain/Joint Pain. Massage directly works to reduce stress level and hence providing relief from Back & Joint Pain
- Massage provides much needed ‘me’ time. This is one time when you are away from your PC, smart phone, or Social media. Spa time is much needed Switch off time from everybody else and system around you
- Apart from Massage therapies, Ayurvedic Potli is a tried and tested method for pain alleviation and treatment for over 100 years.
At Blue Terra Spa & Wellness Center, our Spa doctors have fused massage therapy and Potli therapy to develop Back & Body Therapy. Back & Body Therapy has given excellent results with a success rate of more than 80% and has been successfully delivered to over 10000 guests with great results. This therapy has been used for treatment for back pain and other joint aches.
While Oil massage decreases tension in muscles and improves blood circulation, warm Ayurvedic Potli opens pores and works on affected area allowing the carefully selected herbs to work on the body and mind. It relieves relieving deep seated tension, increasing circulation, loosen toxins, strengthening muscle tissue and ridding the body of excess Kapha.