Bad Habits That Cause Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most chronic and common discomfort experienced by most of the people worldwide. A huge number of people have suffered from back pain at least once in a lifetime. Although back pain is not a serious health issue, it is uncomfortable and painful. It reduces your energy and increases the frequency of visiting doctors. Though we often experience back pain, we cannot specify the actual reason for its occurrence. It may be due to a bad sitting posture, it may be associated with the muscles, bones or ligaments and a defective lumbar spine also can cause severe back pain. Back Pain Posture is one of the most common reasons nowadays because people work for a long time sitting in front of a desktop or a laptop.


Common causes of back pain:

Muscle or ligament strain: heavy lifting or abrupt awkward movement can strain your spine or back muscle. In a certain physical condition, a continuous strain on the back can be a reason for painful muscle spasms.


Bulging or ruptured disk: disks are the cushions placed between the vertebrae in the spine. The flexible material placed inside a disk may rupture, bulge or press a certain nerve. Disk diseases or slip disk is a serious cause of back pain and that too a chronic pain.


Arthritis and osteoporosis: osteoarthritis can affect your lower back bones and spine. It causes narrowing the space between the bones and spinal cord and that causes severe chronic back pain. Sometimes due to porous or fragile bones, vertebrae can develop density fracture.


Traveling: sitting for long in the flights or trains and walking for long carrying an overloaded backpack can cause Back Pain.


Daily activities: We don’t maintain the right posture while sitting during our work. Also, we don’t follow the correct rule in order to plan our sitting arrangements. A straight back hard surfaced chair is always preferable to avoid back pain caused due to the wrong sitting posture.


Remedies for back pain:

You must be wondering how to get rid of chronic back pain? Is it ever possible to achieve a complete recovery from the back pain? Choosing the right treatment for Back Pain is quite difficult. Now, we will discuss all of the fruitful remedies of back pain. You can overcome most of the back pain symptoms by following proper home remedies. But in some serious cases, you may have to consult with your doctor or may have to consider surgeries. Depending on the severance you have to decide the type of treatment.


Medications: some popular pain reliever may get you relief from back pain. But you should take them according to your doctor’s instructions. Otherwise, harmful side effects may happen.


Exercise and Physical Therapy: Exercise is the best remedy to treat back pain. Regular exercise can strengthen your abdominal and back muscles, increase flexibility and improves posture. Physical therapy is another keystone of back pain treatment. A therapist will apply various treatments including ultrasound, heat, electric stimulator and other muscle relaxing techniques.

Acupuncture: This is the procedure to insert a sterilized needle inside your skin at some specific points. Appropriate acupuncture can relieve you from lower back pain.


Yoga: Specific types of yoga including breathing exercises, practicing certain poses and postures, some popular muscle and mind relaxation techniques can help you to get rid of the chronic back pain. Yoga is a therapy where we learn to strengthen and stretch our muscles. Specifically, yoga stretches are the best way to reduce the intensity of pain that causes back pain.


Is massage effective in reducing back pain?

Massage therapy is often really effective in order to reduce back pain. But you have to ensure that it causes muscle tenacity or over-exhausted muscles. A regular basic massage therapy might help you to improve your health. Basically, massage for Back Pain is one of the most popular therapies that help lots of people with the varieties of spinal conditions such as:

  • Muscle tension
  • Ache
  • Inflammation
  • Stiffness
  • Muscle spasms
  • Pain

Using certain specialized tools or simply by using the hands, massage therapists rub, stroke and knead your back and thus it helps to increase the blood circulation throughout your body. It helps the affected muscles to gain more oxygen and nutrients and then eliminates toxins. Finally, you get relieved from back pain.


How does potli massage reduce back pain?

Potli massage is a famous therapy from Ayurveda for back pain relief. Wondering how this potli massage therapy works for your body actually? Potli massage for Back Pain works best for the back pain that occurred due to the diseases such as spondylitis or osteoarthritis. It is done using some specific heated herbals in a pouch or potli. Then it is dipped into the warm herbal and medicated oil. It rejuvenates, nourishes and relaxes the affected area by massaging the potli on your entire back. You will experience a therapeutic effect while placing the potli on your back. It heals your pain and relaxes the muscles. You will feel refreshed after taking a potli massage.

To sum up, there could be numerous reasons for back pain but knowing the root cause and taking corrective action will go a long way in managing back pain. If the pain does not require medical supervision, then natural therapies and ayurvedic therapies work the best.

How To Know You Are Stressed And How To Avoid It?

Stress is our body’s way of responding to any type of demand or threat. When we feel threatened, our nervous system responds by secreting a flood of stress hormones which include adrenaline and cortisol. Those hormones rouse the body for emergency action. As a result heartbeats get quicker, muscles tighten, blood pressure rises, breathing quickens, and senses get sharper. These physical changes boost your strength and stamina, increase your reaction time, and enhance your focus. This is called the ‘fight or flight’ or mobilization stress response and this is how your body protects you. Here are some.


Signs that Denote you are Stressed

YOU ARE CONSTANTLY SICK: If you keep getting a cough, sore throat or a fever, it might be because of the stress.

As per medical professionals, when we are under too much pressure, our bodies release a stress hormone called cortisol which can help us in the short-term. However, when you are stressed out constantly, these hormones can become depleted after some time. Though cortisol and other hormones help our body to cope with stress, we get more susceptible to sickness when these hormones are withdrawn.

What to do: Listen to your body if you feel drained or tired and take some time off your schedule. Sleep for at least 8 hours daily. Give your body the time it requires to recover. Find the Best Spa in your locality and pamper yourself with a Body Massage.



YOU ARE HAVING TROUBLE CONCENTRATING: You are definitely under stress if you are too overwhelmed to focus on what is in front of you, or you can’t recall simple things such as a colleague’s name.

Studies have connected long-term exposure to surplus amounts of stress to shrinking of the brain’s memory center, the hippocampus. Research has also shown that being under stress for too long can stimulate growth of proteins that might lead to Alzheimer’s disease.

What to do: If it seems that you are experiencing this throughout the day, taking a few long inhales and exhales can help when under extreme pressure. Deep breathing helps us to control our thoughts and it also affects the bodily sensations which we experience when faced with a high-stress situation. Deep breathing also helps to control the heart rate and blood flow and muscle tension.


YOU HAVE A CONSTANT HEADACHE: If you feel pressure or throbbing anywhere on your head or temple area, it might just be a stress headache which is caused by tension.

Most of the time people tend to think that any particular problem in their life is causing the headache, but their lifestyle should be blamed instead. However, you should keep in mind that a headache might be a sign of some serious health problem. So, at those times you should visit a doctor immediately.

What to do: When you understand that stress is causing you headache; the easiest thing to do is to have less stress in your life. But it is not that simple. It is a challenge to de-stress yourself. Meditation, diet control, music, Spa therapies are some of the ways to cope with stress. A relaxing de-stress massage is a sure shot. Choose oil from aromatherapy essential oils, which may help to relax your brain. Ask your spa expert for more on the choice of oil.



YOUR BACK AND NECK IS ALWAYS ACHING: If you have got Back Pain or Stiff Neck, it could be because of long-term stress, and not only the position you sit in throughout the day. High levels of stress and tension can result in discomfort and Muscle Pain by tightening muscles and causing muscle spasms. Knotted muscles in your neck can also give birth to headaches. However, if you have developed backache and neck pain after an accident or emotional trauma, it could be due to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Surveys have shown that a lot of people are not able to heal their backache until they handle the emotional stress which is causing it.

What to do: There are many relaxation techniques that can help you with stress reduction, including guided imagery, taking deep breaths, meditation and even getting a Spa. You should devote some time to Stretching breaks during the day to help stop muscles from tightening up. You can also try yoga at the end of the day. This will help ease your Joint Pain as well.

For Neck Pain and knots in the muscles, a gentle massage helps release the tension in muscles. A Potli massage with warm herbal oil can provide immediate relief. You may ask your nearest Spa for a Potli massage or may consult a physiotherapist for neck exercises.


YOU ARE HAVING TROUBLE GETTING A SOUND SLEEP: If you find yourself waking up in middle of the night or pondering on things, it could mean you are suffering from anxiety or stress. After a long and tiring day, you should fall asleep easily. Our brain only relaxes during the time we sleep. When you have a difficult time falling asleep, even when you are tired, it is possibly because of the stress.

What to do: Consult your doctor about this and ask if your chronic stress may have led to this. When you are not getting enough sleep, everyday problems can make you feel more frustrated and overwhelmed. This happens as your brain is already tired and hence is more vulnerable to anxiety and depression. A worn out body is not properly prepared to cope with stressful situations and ward off illness. To get proper sleep at night, cut back on caffeinated beverages. You can opt to have a cup of warm chamomile tea before hitting the bed. You could even try reading a book before going to bed.


YOU ARE HAVING MORE THAN USUAL HAIR FALL: When you find more than a few strands of hair on your pillow after waking up in the morning, it may be because of the constant stress. You could be suffering from a medical condition known as alopecia areata, an autoimmune skin disease, which is brought on when the body’s immune system attacks the hair follicles. It causes small round patches of hair loss on the scalp. It is likely to be associated with a severe stressor, such as an assault or a significant traumatic event. This disease usually happens in young women.



What to do: Usually, this is a temporary condition and your hair will grow back once the stress has reduced. Try to take a few days of leave from the office and get a relaxing body massage or just take up a membership with a spa and get de-stress therapy done. Some Ayurvedic massages like Shirodhara are helpful in combating stress.

In a nutshell, most health problems could be an indicator of your stress level. The first thing that has to be done is to de-stress oneself and understand the underlying cause of the problem. Most stress situations can be combated and worked at. A doctor or a counselor should suggest the corrective measures or if medical intervention is needed. So, uninstall the word ‘Stress’ from the motherboard of your life.

Why do we procrastinate and what can we do about it?

Procrastination is a common behavioral problem that we all deal with every now and then. Some people are so seriously affected by this procrastination problem that it becomes the biggest hurdle in fulfilling their goals and disrupts their career and personal life.

Sometimes, you may have something important on your plate and you may even want to get started on your task, but you just can’t and use every excuse in the world to put off those tasks.

Do you often feel a need for something to motivate you or raise your spirits? If you want to beat the bad habit of procrastination, and get your tasks done on time, then you have come to the right place. Here are some strategies that will help you power through the procrastination and get some stuff done.


Reduce your stress factors

Anxiety related procrastination is a very common problem for people suffering with anxiety disorders. Well, you can’t change the world around you, so removing all the stress factors from life is not possible, but you can surely try to manage it better and eliminate some of the regular causes of anxiety and stress

With effective medical treatment, support, and proper guidance, you can learn ways to change your mindset and move forward in life. Once you bring down your anxiety level, it will eventually help you in overcoming anxiety-related procrastination.


Develop your own tactics

 You can successfully deal with stress and stress related procrastination if you use mindfulness techniques like meditation and pranayam etc. Several psychiatric research and studies show that these mindfulness techniques are very effective in coping with physical and emotional symptoms of your anxiety.

Light stretching exercises and some simple yoga moves can also aid in reducing anxiety and stress level by affecting the body’s biochemistry. Massage therapy can be effective for insomnia, stress, anxiety and several types of behavioral problems like procrastination etc. Massage increases your oxytocin and serotonin levels, which in turn helps in alleviating negative impact of stress and anxiety from your body.


Prioritize your tasks

The pressure of handling too many tasks and daily activities in a short period of time can be very stressful for anyone. It makes you feel burdened and your mind starts looking for excuses to avoid those activities.

 So in order to de-clutter your mind, you should prioritize every big and small task; then work hard and push yourself to accomplish your high priority tasks first. When you list down your goals on a piece of paper, you unconsciously force yourself to do it. This trick works for not just long-term goals, but short-term goals, too. Focus on big tasks instead of using little tasks to procrastinate big ones. Realize that these smaller tasks are important and valuable, but they shouldn’t become a reason for delaying the most important work.


Make time for regular exercise

If stress on the job is interfering with your efficiency and making you a habitual procrastinator, then it’s time to think seriously about it. No matter how stressful your job is, there are a variety of activities that you can do to reduce your stress levels and refresh your mind.

When you feel overburdened, lose confidence and feel less motivated, take some time out for aerobic exercise or zumba to raise your heart rate and to  make yourself sweat. It is a hugely popular and effective way of lifting mood and bringing the focus back on work. Just 30 minutes of daily rhythmic movement like walking, jogging or dancing etc. can relax both your mind and body.

Don’t hesitate to take a quick break and move away from the stressful situation for a few minutes; just a fun chat with your colleague or even a trip to the water cooler or coffee machine can help you recover your balance.


Take massage therapy or aromatherapy

Don’t forget that relaxation therapies are extremely important to reduce stress and refresh your body and mind so that you can correctly handle your daily life challenges. A 60-minute soothing massage therapy may help you relax and get the focus back on important tasks. Your body and mind needs time to recharge, revive, and just float away. What could be a better way of pampering yourself than getting a full body oil massage or aromatherapy at your favorite spa? During your massage session, don’t think about all the activities that need to be completed, set aside your to-do list, and just concentrate on quieting your mind and relaxing the body.


Make time for yourself

With so many responsibilities and obligations, you may find it difficult to take some time out for things that you really enjoy. It is important to realize that you can tackle anxiety and anxiety-related procrastination better if you make an effort to relax your body and mind. Instead of sitting idle in front of TV or laptop on weekends, try to pick up a hobby like writing, reading, biking, painting, or cooking etc.

 Do something that you love to do; it will give you satisfaction and motivation to accomplish your goals. Many psychiatric research studies have come to a conclusion that stress at work is, by far, the major source of procrastination and other behavioral problems.



Eat more green vegetables and fruits

 All parts of our body like the brain, heart, and liver require energy to function properly and this energy comes from the food we consume.  So, the best way to keep your body energized and active is to give yourself the best food possible. Scientists claim that your food plays an important role in deciding your mood which explains why you feel sluggish after a big lunch or dinner.

We all know that green leafy vegetables are good for us; they provide loads of vitamins, fibers and antioxidants. Fresh vegetables and fruits are full of nutrients that refresh your tired body and mind. Similarly, fruits are also loaded with natural sugar that offers a punch of energy to your exhausted mind. You can simply rely on a healthy natural diet with fruits and vegetables to get rid of fatigue related procrastination.

In addition to all of this, you need to take time for your skin and health. After all, our skin reflects our health. When you are stressed and overworked, your skin becomes dull, dark spots appear, and you may experience pain in your body. Take some time from your busy schedule to take care of your skin.

9 Signs That Your Body Needs a Detox Immediately

We encounter toxic agents every day; plastic bottles,  cookware, carpets,  personal care items,  electronics, bedding and cushions are only a ‘few’ examples of items containing toxic chemicals and pollutants. These chemicals and toxic fumes get absorbed into our bodies very easily and gradual accumulation of these toxins may increase our risk of getting diseases such as fatigue, obesity, infertility, asthma and cancer.

This is why regular detoxification has become a hot topic of discussion in most of the urban areas. Detoxification helps your body eliminate toxic waste stored in your tissues and gives your immune system an extra boost. There are many natural detoxification methods that are safe and reliable; for example detox massage is one such natural way of getting rid of toxins which also helps you look and feel wonderful but let’s first focus on signs to look out for, that tell you it’s time for a detoxification-

Unexplained lethargy

Do you always feel sleepy and sluggish even after a sufficient amount of sleep at night? If you feel low energy levels all the time, it may be due to the high levels of toxins in your body. Drinking coffee might be a quick fix but it will only make the problem worse because those stimulants will make you feel even more tired after some time. A full body detox can help you get rid of that heavy feeling and regain your energy.

Moreover exercise, healthy diet and relaxation techniques like yoga can help you combat stress or stress related tiredness and fatigue. Physical therapies such as stress-relief massage have always been suggested by ayurvedic experts as a first line of defense against lethargy and fatigue.

Brain fog

Brain fog, or brain fatigue, can be described as a mild to severe episode of mental confusion that takes away your ability to concentrate on a task. When your body is full of toxins, you experience a lack of focus, poor memory and mental acuity. Toxins mess with your body’s metabolism and also affect your brain’s condition. When brain fog becomes a regular issue for you and starts affecting your daily life, it points towards an urgent need of detoxification.

Consume foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, iron, zinc, folate, and vitamin B-12. Eat avocados, nuts, deep-water fish, such as salmon, pomegranate and whole grains for better brain function.

Bloating, constipation and indigestion

Toxic overload in the body may impair your digestive system by causing chronic constipation; if your body has accumulated years of waste and fecal materials in the bowels and colon over time, it could cause serious problems for your digestive system along with symptoms like tiredness and headaches. You can try adding more fiber, whole grains, fruits, and raw vegetables.

Stay away from junk food, fried items and highly processed food stuff. Instead choose organic fruits and vegetables. However if you suffer from frequent constipation bouts than just making changes in your diet may not give you immediate results. In such cases, colon cleanse helps relieve constipation and also help maintain your digestive health in the long run.

Prolonged Insomnia

A peaceful night time sleep is essential for turning on  the healing mode within your body; but when your body is overloaded with an excessive amount of toxins, getting a good night sleep is not possible.. Melatonin release which is responsible for your sleep cycle may get affected by harmful chemicals. So if you are spending restless nights without getting undisturbed sleep, then it might be a sign of a huge toxic build-up within your body.

 An ayurvedic detox can help your body release more melatonin, and also bring back the harmony among the systems of your body. Detoxification plays a big role in solving sleeping problems; it helps you sleep like a child so you can wake up extremely relaxed every morning.

Mood swings and depression

What you eat mostly decides your mood and feelings. Eating unhealthy junk food can accumulate toxins in your body which eventually make you feel down and tired. This toxic build-up starts obstructing the nutrients from reaching your brain and other parts of the body. As a result, some people stay in a depressed state even after choosing a nutrient-rich diet. So, if you are experiencing mood swings and depression, a herbal detox program can be highly beneficial to you; it works as a powerful force against harmful toxins and flush them away from your system.  Consuming natural detox juices and smoothies every morning can also make you feel fresh and happy all day.

Frequent headache

Mild to low intensity headache on a regular basis may be a sign of toxic build-up within the body. Drinking plenty of water will increase the body’s effectiveness in expelling the toxins. Instead of popping pain killers, visit a nearby spa which offers ayurvedic therapies. Ayurveda has a lot to offer when it comes to treating common illnesses like headaches. Ancient therapies like shirodhara , panchkarma can do wonders and make you feel better instantly.

Whitening of tongue

Most people assume that oral health is only about caring for the teeth and gums; but in reality the tongue is also an important organ which needs care and attention because neglecting  it can put you at risk of various diseases. Pale or white tongue could be a side effect of drinking alcohol, smoking, or having oral bacteria.  Oral detoxification is commonly advised by ayurvedic experts to pull toxins out of your mouth and create a clean oral environment.

Sexual dysfunction 

Don’t be surprised to know that sexual dysfunction that you feel frequently may be a result of toxic accumulation. Dangerous chemicals and toxic build-up in your body affect you physically as well as emotionally. Drug abuse, long term medication and consumption of low-quality food can put a negative effect on your sex drive. Healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables, gentle massage from a professional therapist and some ayurvedic supplements can do wonders for your libido. 

Bad breath

Does your bad breath just not go away, even after brushing with the best quality toothpaste? It means that the root cause of bad breath lies much deeper than you think. An imbalance between the good and bad bacteria in your system might be the reason behind bad breath. Accumulation of toxins in your digestive tract may be yet another reason for bad breath. An herbal detoxification using herbs and fiber is the best way to get rid of bad breath.


In case you experience any of these symptoms frequently, your body is in need of detoxification. All you need to do is maintain a healthy body that does not need extra detoxification effort if you eat the right and healthy wholesome food.

So there you have it! The process of detoxing is not as difficult or restrictive as you may have thought. It’s likely that boosting your body’s natural detoxification system will be a relaxing and enjoyable experience for you! Moreover, you’ll feel amazing afterwards, which makes it all worthwhile.

How to Choose the Best Baby Massage Oil?

Among the basic 5 senses, it is the sense of touch that is most developed in newborn babies. When your child is young, the language of touch is primarily what makes them bond with you. Ayurveda says that baby oil massages decrease the Vata dosha in newborns and relieve stress – creating a safe and warm feeling for your baby. And what do you know? Modern research has now shown that baby oil massages from the parent can encourage the production of oxytocin (the love hormone) in babies, meaning your bond is more strengthened than ever and your child feels safe in your arms. Other than that, baby oil massages have proven benefits for strengthening bones, encouraging the growth of muscles through blood circulation, digestive issues, and even teething pains. 

Baby oil is the best choice when it comes to baby massage because its thick texture and lubricant qualities enable massages in the smoothest way possible. Oils don’t absorb into one’s skin as quickly as, say, lotions do. Oils also have the characteristic of penetrating deep into one’s skin layers, which other products often can’t do. The very application of oil on your baby’s skin through massaging improves your baby’s blood circulation and enables better nutrient absorption by their growing bones & muscles.

Now that you know why you should be choosing baby oil massages, the next step is to pick out the perfect baby oil for your cute little one. Don’t fret, because we have done all the homework and research required and picked out the best 8 baby oils for massage to conveniently choose from. Read on! 


Top 8 Baby Oils for Massage


1.  Ayurvedic Baby Massage Oil For Strong Bones & Muscles by Mother Sparsh

The Ayurvedic Baby Massage Oil For Strong Bones & Muscles by Mother Sparsh is concocted with the goodness of not 2 or 3 but 18 essential herbs to create the perfect mix of love and nourishment! It includes Ayurveda approved ingredients such as Ashwagandha, Coconut Oil, Jojoba Oil, Orange, Avocado, and even rosehip! The oil is free from any kinds of harmful chemicals and is light on your skin – it absorbs almost immediately, making it an excellent choice among baby oils. 

This oil is effective for – 

  • Strengthening muscles and bones of your newborn 
  • Relieving dry skin or rashes
  • Improving mobility and elasticity of the skin 
  • Can also be used by adults with sensitive skin


2. LuvLap Cold Press Virgin Coconut Baby Massage Oil by LuvLap

LuvLap is known for its cost-effective quality products for the wellbeing of your baby. And when it comes to the Cold Press Virgin Coconut Baby Massage Oil, the brand does not fall short of its promises. Coconut oil is one of the most trusted ingredients for mothers of newborns, which is why you can rarely go wrong with it. Made from garden-fresh coconuts and with no added chemicals – this oil is great for both skin and hair. 

This oil is good for – 

  • Daily use as body oil and hair oil
  • Enabling a soothing coconut oil massage for your baby
  • Naturally moisturizing your baby’s skin and hair with an abundance of Vitamin E


  1. Ayurvedic Baby Massage Oil with Organic Ghee by Blue Nectar

The Shubhr Ayurvedic Baby Massage Oil with Organic Ghee uses the goodness of Ghee and shows us exactly why our grandmothers swear by ghee. Along with the beloved Ghee, this oil contains 13 fresh and organic herbs concocted in it to make something beautiful in its bottle of magic. Be it saffron, rose, olive oil, or Ashwagandha – this massage oil has everything that your baby’s skin and muscles need! No artificial chemicals are added, so you can relax and use it on your little one without any worries. 

This oil is effective for – 

  • Strengthening muscles & bones in your newborn
  • Relieving gas and digestion problems bothering your little one’s tummy 
  • Improving the quality of sleep and emotional well-being of your baby
  • Making baby oil & lotion massages a holistic bonding experience for both the parent and the child


4. Baby Massage Oil by Himalaya Wellness

Himalaya is a trusted brand when it comes to natural Ayurvedic products for the skin and hair. This baby massage oil from Himalaya Wellness is loaded with the goodness of olive oil and winter cherry, and concocted with a special formula that creates a light oil that does not stain your baby’s clothes or sheets. What more could one ask for in a baby massage oil?!

This oil is effective for –

  • Promoting the growth and development of your newborn
  • Nurturing and replenishing your bond with your baby
  • Relieving dry skin problems 


5. Organic Almond Baby Massage Oil by Life & Pursuit

Almond oils are known for their sweet smell and moisturizing properties. When it comes to being a baby massage oil, the Organic Almond Baby Massage Oil by Life & Pursuit makes a great choice for parents looking for something with a sweet smell and the nourishing goodness of almonds. This oil is made from fresh and 100% organic almonds, and therefore is completely safe for your baby. 

This oil is effective in: 

  • Boosting the body growth of your baby
  • Promoting muscle strength in your newborn
  • Pamper, soften, and nourish the sensitive skin of your baby.


6. Baby Massage & Hair Oil | Super Blend Of 6 Organic Oils by Goodness Me

As the name suggests, the baby massage & hair oil by Goodness Me is a super blend of 6 organic oils including almond, olive, jojoba, sesame, argan, safflower  – making it a perfect choice to fulfill all skin nutrient needs for your baby. The oil is completely toxin-free and made from only organic ingredients, making it super safe for the delicate skin of your baby. What’s more? It smells heavenly! 

This oil is effective for – 

  • Reassuring care for your newborn during baby massages 
  • Soothing and nourishing sensitive skin
  • Protecting your little one’s skin from external damage.


7.  Baby Eternal Love Baby Massage Oil by Lotus Herbals

The Lotus Herbals Baby Eternal Love Massage oil is created with the thought of promoting eternal love between the mother and the baby at its heart. It keeps your baby warm, comfortable and nourished with the virtues of organic ingredients such as Olive Oil and Sweet Almond Oil. With no synthetic smells and a toxin-free formula, it makes one of the best options for baby oil on the market right now. 

This oil is effective for – 

  • Creating a warm environment for your newborn
  • Helping your baby’s limbs grow healthier and stronger


8. Ayurvedic Baby Massage Oil by Kama Ayurveda

The Kama Ayurveda Baby Massage Oil is created with the principles of the ancient Ayurvedic scripture of Ashtanga Hrudayam. Thanks to this trusted and renowned formula – it is extremely effective in not just nourishing your baby’s skin with organic ingredients such as sesame oil, turmeric, and liquorice, but it is also great at protecting your baby’s skin from external damage and relieving any existing skin infections. This is what makes this oil an excellent choice. 

This oil is effective for –

  • Providing your baby with skin protection 
  • Nourishing the delicate skin of your newborn
  • Warm massages to improve bonding

You can rest assured with this list of the top 8 baby massage oil and just concentrate on strengthening the love bond through baby massage.

10 Amazing Benefits of Shatavari and How It Is Used

Ayurveda is a medicinal system that has been around for centuries and millennia now and yet stays relevant in the modern world. The main potency of this ancient medicinal system lies in the ideal lifestyle practices it preaches to promote the mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing of human beings. When we speak of this ideal lifestyle, the idea of consuming herbs for well-being comes about. While there exist hundreds of herbs boasting their benefits in this vast medicinal system – there is an herb called “Shatavari” that stands out for use, especially in women. It is often called the “Queen Of Herbs” because of its renowned health benefits related to female physiology. Others call this herb an aphrodisiac because of its proclaimed benefits for the reproductive system and libido.


Sounds all fascinating, doesn’t it? A God-given herb that seems to exist to promote the wellbeing of young women. What has modern science got to say about this? How do medicinal experts today explain the fantastic health benefits of Shatavari? And how can you use it for your gain? These are some of the many questions we will explore in this blog.


What is Shatavari?

The word “Shatavari” is derived from the Sanskrit words “Shat” which means “hundred” and “Var” which means “husbands”. Combining these words, “Shatavari” literally translates in English to “one who has a hundred husbands”.

The word “Shatavari” is derived from the Sanskrit words “Shat” which means “hundred” and “Var” which means “husbands”. Combining these words, “Shatavari” literally translates in English to “one who has a hundred husbands”. This name has been intentionally given to this herb because of its aphrodisiac-like benefits for women. Ayurveda has traditionally used this herb as a Rasayana for menstruating women and lactating mothers. It was believed to relieve adverse symptoms for women going through menopause and promote the health of menstruating women. This array of female-centric uses of Shatavari has given it the popular name of the “female tonic” amongst Ayurvedic practitioners.


Botanically speaking, the Shatavari plant comes from the family of asparagus. Its scientific name is Asparagus Racemus. This plant grows in parts of India, near the Himalayas, some regions in China, and across the oceans in some parts of Australia. Over the past few decades, a rise in the esteem of Ayurvedic treatments has been seen which has made this herb beloved in the west. This has led to an amount of research on the plant. As is the case for many Ayurvedic herbs, medical experts classify Shatavari as an adaptogen. Adaptogens refer to herbs that may help your body deal with physical as well as mental stress. These herbs are not the direct treatment for diseases but can play a role in preventing them and promoting health resilience.


10 of The Amazing Benefits Of Shatavari

Traditionally, Shatavari was believed to be the Queen of Herbs appropriate for the usage of women. Now that the current age of modern science has gained an interest in Ayurvedic medicine, more and more research has come about regarding the versatile usage of Shatavari. Not only has this strengthened the long-living claims made by Ayurveda, but it has added to the range of benefits Shatavari can have for all of us. No longer does the usage surround just women – the herb proves to have benefits for a plethora of health issues, including men’s reproductive health. Read on to know 10 of the most amazing benefits of our favorite polyandrous Queen of herbs!


Promotes Female Reproductive Health  

Shatavari Promotes Female Reproductive Health

This is the most renowned benefit associated with the use of Shatavari. When we speak about female reproductive health – we refer to a set of different issues associated with menstrual cycles, female sex hormones, fertility, and more. Several proven characteristics within Shatavari make it useful for the wide array of physiological areas we just mentioned. Let us walk through them point by point for a better understanding:


For Hormonal Imbalance And PCOS – 

  • Some studies in the past decade have explained that Shatavari is composed of phytoestrogens – which refer to plant compounds that are chemically structured in the same way that ovarian estrogen is structured. You might be well aware that estrogen refers to the female sex hormone and plays a significant role in regulating libido, menstruation, and ovulation in women.
  • The presence of phytoestrogens in Shatavari is the reason that it can effectively be used to treat hormonal imbalances surrounding estrogen. By boosting estrogen, Shatavari can lead to enhanced libido and a higher chance of conception for women who are trying. The herb, therefore, proves to be a natural aphrodisiac.
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS is a condition that occurs in women when their body produces too many androgens (male sex hormones) and not enough estrogen. Recent studies have shown that consuming Shatavari can help reduce the distressing symptoms of PCOS as it may cause a rise in estrogen levels in the body. This is not to say that the herb is an appropriate treatment for a serious disorder such as PCOS, but it indicates that Shatavari can help with some PCOS symptoms.


For Lactating Mothers: 

The herb of Shatavari has traditionally been used as a tonic for lactating mothers because Ayurvedic medicine believed that the herb can increase the production of milk by the mammary glands. Surely enough, some studies have found that the herb composes a substance called galactagogue, which can enhance lactation in mothers. However, we advise you to always talk to your doctor first before taking an unknown herbal supplement. This especially applies to the post-natal body which is vulnerable to adverse effects caused by foreign ingredients.


Promotes Male Reproductive Health 

the herb proves to have benefits for a plethora of health issues, including men’s reproductive health

We know that we have been speaking in detail about how much Shatavari has in store for women, but as it turns out, research has shown that the herb is good for the male reproductive system too! Shatavari powder, made by the root of the Shatavari plant, may act as a spermatogenic which enables enhanced sperm production. The herb is also associated with increasing fertility and libido in men, thanks to its soothing effect on the body that reduces anxiety and stress (chief causes that can lead to erectile dysfunctions).


Boosts Immune System 

 Ayurveda calls Shatavari a “Rasayana”. This is a term dedicated to herbs that promote physiological wellbeing by improving the mental and physical resilience of the body.

 Ayurveda calls Shatavari a “Rasayana”. This is a term dedicated to herbs that promote physiological wellbeing by improving the mental and physical resilience of the body. In other words, they make your body more immune to stressors. Medical science denotes such herbs as adaptogens, which essentially act as a immunity booster. Studies show that the queen of herbs is a great anti-oxidant, which enables it to fight infection-causing cells caused by “free radicals”.


A substance called “sapogenin” is also found in Shatavari. Sapogenins are compounds that maintain healthy body temperature and increase resistance against stress. This implies that Shatavari can help you fight a fever, assist you when your body is under stress, and aid your immune system to speed up your recovery from illnesses!

Clears Cough

Acting as a cold remedy is an age-old use of Shatavari’s root juice. In fact, this herb is believed to be a one-stop for all kinds of respiratory problems – whether it’s cough, flu, or a fever. The herb has antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-asthmatic characteristics to thank for the same. These claims were tested in a recent study done on mice and proved to be somewhat true. The cough clearing effects on the mice upon the dosage of Shatavari were comparable to a prescription cold remedy!


Additionally, Shatavari is also effective in clearing your lungs of phlegm. This can help you out if you often have breathing problems, sleep apnea, or general lung-related problems.

Can Alleviate Mental HealthShatavari has a soothing effect on physiology which makes it naturally effective in reducing the symptoms accompanied by stress and anxiety.

Shatavari has a soothing effect on physiology which makes it naturally effective in reducing the symptoms accompanied by stress and anxiety. Ayurveda used the herb originally to promote mental wellbeing and reduce stress. Some ayurvedic scholars even claimed that the herb can improve memory and concentration.


Current studies have shown that Shatavari has certain substances such as flavonoids and saponins that may combat the effect of stress on the body. Furthermore, a study with the herb conducted on rats indicated that Shatavari interacts with important neurotransmitters namely serotonin and GABA, both of which are chemicals that play a vital role in regulating one’s mood and mental health. This poses a strong indication that Shatavari can indeed have anti-depressive and anti-anxiety effects upon consumption.


Aids With PMS and Menopause Symptoms

PMS and menopause have tons in common, and not just in terms of the symptoms they exhibit: both these conditions mark a significant stage in the menstrual cycle. While menopause is obviously a bigger milestone, both these conditions are characterized by a drop in estrogen levels, devastating effects on the mood, lower levels of serotonin, irritability, and anxiety. It may also be accompanied by cramps.


Shatavari, along with being rich in phytoestrogens, is also a great anti-inflammatory. This enables it to reduce pain and discomfort during your menstrual cycle. The rise in estrogen levels caused by the herb helps reduce symptoms such as low libido and irritability. Furthermore, studies have proven that Shatavari is a mood enhancer (as mentioned in the previous section). Considering that depression and other mood disturbances are key symptoms that women have to deal with during PMS and menopause, this herb comes to you as a blessing that has the resolve to all your uterus woes!


Promotes Healthy Digestion 

Shatavari is popularly used as a home remedy to treat diarrhea and dysentery. Diarrhea is a condition where you pass fecal matter with little to no fiber and a lot of liquified matter. A key symptom and adverse effect of diarrhea is dehydration. Shatavari is rich in flavonoids and fiber that can help treat diarrhea. Further, it reduces fluid retention from excretion, which saves your body a lot of hydration and electrolytes.


The herb Shatavari has also proven to be effective in treating ulcers that may occur in one’s food pipes, stomach, and intestines. Ulcers can often be formed by either gastrointestinal malfunction or stress. The effect of Shatavari was sufficiently noted in gastric issues induced ulcers. In fact, a study on rats showed that its effects were equivalent to ranitidine, which is a drug prescribed for gastric issues. Therefore, Shatavari can enable healthy digestion in your system by treating ulcers, diarrhea, and preventing dehydration. That is certainly a lot of hassle avoided!


May Treat Hypertension

 By consuming Shatavari and getting rid of the excess sodium in your system your blood pressure can be effectively balanced.

Hypertension or High blood pressure is one of the most common health issues faced by humans and is on the rise with our stressful lifestyles. Research shows that Shatavari can help this condition by acting as a diuretic.

Diuretics refer to any substance that helps your body get rid of excess sodium and fluid (they are also called water pills). You see, when your body has too much sodium, it holds more water, which causes both blood-thinning and hypertension. By consuming Shatavari and getting rid of the excess sodium in your system your blood pressure can be effectively balanced.


May Help With Diabetes 

Diabetes and blood sugar problems are another deadly set of conditions that seem to be on the rise over the years. It is unclear how, but a study in 2007 found a relationship between the consumption of Shatavari with enhanced insulin secretion.


Insulin is the hormone that digests sugars in your body and a deficiency of which causes Type 2 diabetes. By affecting the insulin secretion in your body, the herb directly improves the blood sugar levels in your body. Future research might be able to figure out exactly what substance present in the herb causes this effect, which might hold great significance in medicine.


Shatavari For Skin & Hair

Though Shatavari may not directly impact your skin and hair, there are several characteristics in the herb that could work wonders for both your skin and hair! Shatavari is highly anti-oxidant – therefore it can keep your cells away from damage and slow the adverse effects of aging. This includes skin and hair cells. In other words, regular consumption of Shatavari might help you prevent wrinkles, and even prevent collagen damage. This means smooth, wrinkle-free, tight skin for years to come!


Shatavari, as discussed before, is also an amazing hormone balancer. This can be helpful particularly for people with oily skin and acne since androgens are often associated with excess oil production. Additionally, the anti-stress effects of Shatavari may save you a ton of weight gain caused by excessive stress.


How To Use Shatavari – the Queen of Herbs?

Shatavari is available in several different forms such as capsules, tablets, and a liquid extract.

Traditionally speaking, Ayurveda always used Shatavari in the form of a powder. This powder was made using the roots of the Shatavari plant and consumed as an ingredient in several folk remedies. Currently, thanks to the growing popularity of the herb in the modern world – Shatavari is available in several different forms such as capsules, tablets, and a liquid extract.


There is no official recommendation on the consumption of Shatavari, due to limited knowledge. However, here are some common ways the different forms of supplementary Shatavari are consumed:

  • If you are using Shatavari in powder form, there is an endless number of ways you can consume it. Traditionally, people liked to mix it with milk, ghee, and honey. Some even added the herb to the ghee they used for cooking so that they could consume it every time they consumed ghee. A nuanced way of consuming Shatavari is adding the powder to water and drinking it as herbal tea. This tea should ideally be consumed 1-2 times a day. Only 1-2 teaspoons of Shatavari should be used per cup.
  • The tablet form of Shatavari usually consists of a 500mg dose per unit. These tablets can be consumed once or twice a day, according to one’s preferences and needs.
  • A liquified form of Shatavari makes its appearance in markets as diluted juice from the roots of the plant. These can be either added to a drink or consumed in drops on their own, twice or thrice a day.


It would be wiser to consult a physician, or an Ayurvedic doctor before deciding to get on these supplements. Professionals will be able to guide you on what brands to choose, and what doses are reasonable.


Things To Keep In Mind Before Using Shatavari

  • Shatavari is not known to have any severe health hazards or side effects. Ayurvedic medicine considers Shatavari absolutely safe for all conditions, as one of the traditional uses of the herb was to aid lactation for mothers with newborns. However, there is not much medical research on whether or not it is safe for pregnant and lactating women to use. Use the supplement at your own risk.
  • Shatavari is effective in lowering blood sugar levels. Overconsumption of the herb may therefore lead to very low blood sugar levels causing tiredness, palpitations, and dizziness.
  • Do not use Shatavari if you have an allergic reaction to asparagus. Consult a doctor immediately if upon consumption you experience any dizziness, increased heart rate, itchiness, or rashes.
  • If you are diabetic and are taking supplement diuretics in your treatment, do not use Shatavari. The herb itself acts as a diuretic and the two substances may magnify effects on your body more than what is healthy and safe.


The Takeaways

Shatavari, an herb being used in Ayurvedic medicine for 3000 years, has caught the eye of modern medicine and proven to be effective in what it claimed to do. Not only does the consumption of this herb balance sex hormones in your body, but it resolves stomach issues, keeps your intestines clean, reduces hypertension, treats cold allergies, and can even help with Type 2 diabetes!


However, it is important to be careful before using any new supplement for your physiology. Though the herb is generally safe to use overconsuming it might lead to severe consequences. Therefore, treat your body like your own little kingdom and invest in our royal Queen of herbs wisely and mindfully, just like a sensible queen would.

How does a Spa & Body Massage help to relax?

Most of us will agree to the fact that we spend most of our time sitting in front of a laptop or computer doing our work. Well, it is quite impossible to skip that if we are working and not just that, if our schedule is packed with tons of work, we hardly get any time to walk around and relax. We also go through times when we literally curse our daily schedule that royally ends up draining out all the energy from our body, leaving us feeling stressed, tired and irritated.

In today’s lifestyle, stress, pressure, and tiredness not only takes a toll on our physical health but also make us mentally vulnerable. People go through conditions like depression and loneliness as they hardly get time to relax and spend time with their close ones. Such conditions are not always successfully cured with the help of a doctor. Have you ever thought of hitting a spa center for a sumptuous and relaxing body massage? If not, then it is time for you to pamper yourself and get involved into a great body spa and massage session.

Hitting a body spa and massage centre is the best way to kick out stress and feeling rejuvenated, both mentally and physically. A good body massage session works wonders at lowering the level of stress, thereby relieving the joint and muscle pains which in turn makes you feel happy. It is considered to be the best therapy when it comes to fighting stress. So, today in this blog we will highlight some benefits of body spa and massage that will compel you to hit the nearest spa centre in no time.

body massage session


Benefits of body massage and spa Session

  • Helps in Fighting Body Pain: Spa session is known to relieve you from all the pesky muscle pain, spasms and discomfort due to prolonged working hours. It works wonders in fighting against a symptom called Fibromyalgia. This symptom is characterized by acute muscle pain which takes place due to excessive exhaustion and work pressure over a prolonged period. In fact, experts have claimed a good body massage session is the secret that helps you in getting rid of the said symptom most effectively.
  • Post Surgical Treatment: After surgery, due to excessive lying on the bed, we start getting body cramps and pains. Our muscles seem to have to get stuck and moving hands, leg, and body, on the whole, becomes quite difficult. However, after a certain period of time, if you hit a spa center post surgery, a body massage session can help you get rid of the rigidness in your muscles, increases circulation, improves the movement of the joint areas and flexibility. Body Massage also helps in tissue regeneration and reduces post-surgical swelling effectively.
  • Lifts Mood: Well, we are not aloof of the fact that a good body spa and massage session is a great mood lifter. However, research has proved that it also works effectively at treating conditions like anxiety and depression. It keeps the ability to lower the body’s cortisol level up to 53% which a pretty significant number. Accordingly, it produces the happy hormones called serotonin and dopamine.
  • Treats Migraine: It is said that almost half of the world population suffers from a migraine which occurs due to lack of optimum hours of sleep. However, individuals who receive body massage feel more relaxed which stimulates quality sleep in their lifestyle. This therapy has shown positive results against fighting migraine which has lasted for up to three weeks after the therapy. Thus, it is a great medicine when it comes to getting rid of a headache.
  • Lowers Blood Pressure: Relaxation is great, as it helps our body to feel less stressful and happy. However, if you want to lower your blood pressure, seek for a body spa and body massage center for the same. Blood pressure can be effectively reduced with a nice 10 min back massage, thrice. It has proved to be more effective than simply sitting and relaxing.
  • Gives a Flexible Body: We all love the feeling of having a flexible body and staying fit. This means whether you are a professional athlete or a middle aged person, staying fit and having a flexible body is a key to staying happy. Thus, a good long body massage can help you keep the flexibility of your body intact by working the muscles, tendons, ligaments and connective tissue. This way, a stimulation of lubricant production takes place in between the connective tissue fibers.
  • Relives Back Pain: Back pain is one of the most common things that people suffer from due to prolonged working hours. Most people seek body massage for back pain; however, they do not know how effective this treatment is actually for back pain. Body massage works best at reducing back pain compared to other therapies like spinal modification and acupuncture. Results have also shown that the intake of painkillers have decreased as much as 36%.

treatment of back pain

  • Cures Carpal Tunnel: Have you heard about Carpal Tunnel? Well, experts have explained this condition to be a painful one whereby the median nerve which connects to the forearm and hand becomes pinched at the wrist. The symptoms include burning sensation, numbness or tingling in the palm, middle finger and thumb. The condition can be serious enough to leave you with the inability to form fist or grip smaller objects. However, research have shown that such patients who are treated with regular massage session along with other medicinal treatment have shown rapid signs of recovery. Such signs include reduced symptoms, decreased pain and increased ability to form fist and gripping of smaller objects.



Bonus Takeaway

Before wrapping the blog, we will give a sketch about the techniques that are involved in massage therapy. In some massage therapy the client might prefer undressing and get covered by sheet; others might not have to undress. The therapist can use his/her feet, hands or elbows, as per the demands of the treatment. Some techniques of massage include deep tissue, Swedish, sports, trigger point and reflexology. Other forms might make use of oil or warm stones in order to knock out tension and stimulate relaxation. So, if you are already feelings stressed, indulges youself into a relaxing massage seesion and see yourself feeling fresh and pumped up.

The many benefits of using a stretch mark cream or oil during pregnancy

Pregnancy is indeed the most beautiful phase a woman goes through. The whole idea of a little tiny human being nurturing in your womb is priceless. During pregnancy, a woman has to go through many physical changes and one of them is the appearance of pregnancy stretch mark. Before we get to know the benefits of using a Stretch Mark Oil during pregnancy, let us know what exactly is a stretch mark. So, a stretch mark is basically a small scar which is located in the middle layer of one’s skin and is visible on the top layer of one’s skin. A stretch mark is formed when one’s skin stretches itself beyond its capability to restore itself and this happens because of hormonal changes or weight gain. This is the reason it is known as a stretch mark.


Our skin has been blessed with an excellent ability to stretch and adapt because it has collagen plus elastin fibres. However, when our skin stretches way too far or too fast then it can tear slightly, thereby leading to development of stretch marks.


Getting those ugly stretch marks on one’s body can affect a women’s self-confidence considerably. Thankfully, with advancements in cosmetic industry stretch mark removal has become comparatively easy. Below noted points will help you understand the many benefits of using a stretch mark cream or a stretch mark oil during pregnancy for scar removal.

Pregnancy stretch mark oil


It keeps your skin hydrated: It is a known fact that if your skin is well hydrated, it has lesser chances of developing stretch marks. A stretch mark cream will provide your body the moisture it needs and will keep it hydrated. It is suggested that you use a stretch mark cream or oil after you take a shower.


It makes your skin soft and supple: Every woman dreams of having a soft and supple skin during pregnancy and also otherwise. Apart from keeping your skin well hydrated, your stretch mark cream or oil will also make your skin soft and supple. Now this benefit is something we all don’t mind getting. 


Can be used for massaging: You won’t believe but if you spend just 10 minutes daily to massage a stretch mark cream or oil onto your skin, you would be able to enhance your body’s potential for preventing stretch marks. You just need to gently massage all your stretch mark-prone areas and see the magic working. Good enough reason to invest in a stretch mark cream or oil.


 A stretch mark oil or cream can break up any stretch mark which might have started to form: This is one of the most important benefits a stretch mark cream or oil offers to a pregnant woman. Apart from this, when you massage a stretch mark cream or oil onto your skin, it even directs blood to your skin for keeping everything healthy.


Now that you know all the benefits of using a stretch mark oil during pregnancy, go ahead get one right away. In order to get the most from a stretch mark cream or oil, we recommend you take a generous amount on your fingertips and then massage in small circular movements. Follow this routine daily and you will surely get amazing results. Just remember that when you massage, you should apply gentle pressure.


Pregnancy is a beautiful phase, enjoy it without worrying too much. A good skincare routine and of course a healthy diet will work wonders for you.

Why abhyanga is a must for all seasons and how to do it?

We gave up on a lot of old, beneficial practices, all in the name of new modernized ones. We felt super proud too in calling ourselves a progressive race. But it is only after realizing the repercussions of the new ways, do we truly understand that old is gold. And this is especially true for all the traditional practices being followed earlier in the Indian households.



One such practice of Indian households was “Abhyanga“ or Self massage. Abhyanga is performed with warm oil, before a bath.

Generous amount of oil is applied to the whole body, including the hair and sole of the feet. The oil is then gently massaged into the skin. This is then followed by a bath, after allowing some time for the oil to soak into the skin. There are a lot of benefits of applying oil before a bath.

Apllying oil before bath



Why choose Abhyanga?

If you are seeing signs of dry skin, aging skin, scattered mind, sluggishness, trouble sleeping or feeling low, these common afflictions can easily be remedied with Abhyanga.

Self-massage is a time-tested practice for improving health and filling one with a sense of well-being.



Is it difficult to do Self-Massage?

There aren’t really any rules to follow here and it is fairly easy. Gently massage your whole body. Pay special attention to whatever part of the body is feeling discomfort – neck, shoulder, arms, feet and anywhere else. Concentrate on trouble areas for 3-5 minutes in a dedicated yet relaxed manner.



What type of strokes to use?

Apply gentle yet firm strokes. Rounded areas such as joints and head should be massaged with a circular motion. On straight areas such as arms and legs, use straight massage strokes. Stomach should be massaged in the direction of the GI tract.

Using your own hands to knead the muscles, applying pressure on certain points and manipulating your own muscles has immense mental and physical benefits. The most noticeable of these benefits are pain relief and relaxation.

Massage with right strokes




Abhyanga is a practice for all seasons as it is important to keep the skin hydrated, even when we do not feel the need.

The glands which secrete oil or sebum in our body are known as sebaceous glands. These glands become overactive when the skin hydration level drops in our body. The excess oil leaves us feeling sticky and icky.

Not to forget that the excess oil along with dead skin and impurities, can block pores as well. To control the amount of oil being produced, it is important to hydrate the skin in a natural way. This way the sebaceous glands do not go into overdrive.

So, soak in the oil to hydrate and soothe your skin, add a warm glow to bring your inner radiance to the surface.



Benefits of Abhyanga

Let’s delve further into why you should be following this age-old tradition of Self-Massage.


Detoxification of the World’s Largest Organ – Skin

Self Massage With Oil, applying gentle pressure, helps to drain the lymph nodes and flush out toxins and impurities via the skin. One should wait for the sweating to start before having a bath. The toxins get washed away when you bathe. Detoxification of the body leaves the body and mind feeling energized.

Body detoxification



Warm oils provide the required, easy to absorb hydration which leaves the skin feeling soft, supple and hydrated.


Smooth and soften

Oils mimic the natural lipids and so tend to work better than other moisturizers. They fill the gaps between skin cells that are caused by dryness or flaking. This creates a smoother surface. Lipids also help to trap the moisture in our skin.



While there are a number of Facial Serums available for the face, we don’t have so many options for anti-aging for the body. Oils are a great way to Protect Skin From Aging and sun damage as they have antioxidants. Use oils which are high in Vitamin A, C and E. Some of the oils which you can opt for are Wheat germ oil – rich in Vitamin A, Rosehip oil – rich in Vitamin C and Safflower oil rich in Vitamin E.

Protect skin from aging



The qualities associated with youthfulness – Resilience, joy and vitality, are enhanced by self-massage. The detoxification and hydration of the body, soft, smooth and lustrous skin, and balancing effects of self-massage, wards off the early Signs of Aging.


Rejuvenation of Body and Mind

A leisurely self-massage of warm oil, can help to relax the body, calm the mind while observing your breath.

Whereas a more energetic massage can help remove the feeling of mental and physical sluggishness. It can vitalize the body and mind.

One can choose the type of massage, depending on the time of performing abhyanga – Night or morning. A massage in the night should bring you tranquility whereas a morning massage should fill you with vigor.



Benefits of Oiling Before bath

A barrier is created between the skin and water by applying oil before a bath. This prevents the water from draining the oils from your skin. This is especially essential for people with extremely dry and flaky skin.

Toxins are exfoliated from the body by applying warm oil. These toxins are then washed away from the skin when we bathe.

As water seals the moisture content of the oils, Applying oil before a bath ensures that we stay moisturized.

Blood circulation is improved and muscles are relaxed by applying warm oil before a bath. It wards off the early signs of aging.


Soaking the benefits of essential oils

The benefits of the Essential Oil can be reaped by adding them to your carrier oil. This oil can then be used for Abhyanga. Lavender or Frankincense essential oil are an excellent choice for relaxation. Opt for tea tree oil or eucalyptus oil to clear blemishes and remedy skin ailments.

Tea tree oil



How is oil different from lotion?

Ever wonder about why you should opt for an oil when you can easily be using a lotion and massage that in.

Well oils are different from lotions as they contain several fatty acids. The most important of which are linoleic and oleic acids. They are the building block of healthy cell membranes. They play an important role in helping us fight off skin aging and sun damage. They protect our Natural Skin Barrier, keeping it hydrated, plumper and younger looking.

Skin lotion on the other hand is more of humectants, which bring moisture to our skin. They do not contain the essential fatty acids that oils do. If the quality of the lotion is not very good, it can evaporate from the skin very quickly.

You will not miss your lotion once you give Abhyanga a go!



Abhyanga is Sensuous Luxury

Being drenched in warm oil is like being encased in sensuous luxury! It leaves the skin feeling hydrated, dewy soft and all the senses relaxed. The best part! Abhyanga can be carried out in the comfort of your own home, without the need of a masseur.

It also acts like a wonderful reminder for enjoying and celebrating life rather than just getting through it like a chore.

So, turn off your inner critic and just relax and love yourself while enjoying a self-massage. The most incredible act of self-kindness is Abhyanga.


Self Ayurvedic Massage Can Do Wonder For Your Body During Lockdown

While the whole world is trying to fight the pandemic of corona virus together, the lockdown has given all of us a break from our stressful lifestyle. I know we are in a panic phase but we should make the best use of this time period to stay fit and healthy. Since, most of us are working from home, there is less physical activity and more bingeing on food. The best way to deal with these issues is to follow a fitness regime and go for healthy snack options. Another very important thing which can work like magic for your body during lockdown is self ayurvedic massage.

knee pain massageAs we all are in quarantine, we do not have the luxury to go to a spa for a relaxing body massage, but you can apply oil yourself on a daily basis. A good quality body oil will not only enhance the quality of your skin and leave it moisturized but will also lubricate your joints. You won’t believe but Ayurveda prescribes that one must apply oil for 5-10 minutes on all body joints after taking a shower. Massage joints can help strengthen them and also improve blood circulation. You can ask your spouse to give you a nice massage back, this will not just relax you but will even help you bond with your partner.

back massageIt is important that you apply oil daily during this lockdown, so that your body can get the much needed care which is otherwise not possible because of your hectic work schedule. You will see results in just a matter of days, once you start with Ayurvedic massage knees and joints. Your flexibility and stamina will definitely increase.

ayurvedic massage oilSo, go ahead give your body the care it truly deserves.