How Can Massage Help Depression?

DEPRESSION has become a growing public health problem, especially in urban areas. Modern life is making us more depressed and lonely. Recent research indicates that this constant feeling of sadness can drain our energy, hope, and drive to perform better at work place. With inadequate treatment, it can negatively affect the course and outcome of common ailments like arthritis, asthma, heart disease, and diabetes etc.

If your depression is severe and stubbornly persistent, it can cause you short-term disability too. Just like any other chronic illness, beating depression isn’t quick and it takes time to feel better. However, you can slowly win your fight against depression if you make positive choices each day.

Every time you do things that relax and energize you, you get one step closer to your ultimate goal of defeating depression. Therefore small steps like following a healthy lifestyle, learning to better manage stress, calling your friends, and taking time out for body massage and other holistic treatments etc. can make a huge difference.

The relation between Stress and Depression

There are so many factors which directly or indirectly increase the risk of developing depression; long term Stress and Anxiety is one of the most common causes of depression. Stress has become an unavoidable part of our everyday life and it is not possible to take away all the stress from our daily life. However, we can take some steps to lower physical and emotional stress in order to improve overall health.

The relation between Stress and Depression is quite complex. People, who are facing stressful situations on a daily basis, often tend to ignore healthy lifestyle practices. They try to comfort themselves by smoking or drinking alcohol, and also neglect regular work-outs. Heavy stress and anxiety for a longer period of time can sometimes lead to the risk of developing severe depression.


Lifestyle practices to combat Depression

The following healthy lifestyle practices and good body massage can help you de-stress, improve your flexibility and alleviate symptoms of depression too:

MILD EXERCISE: Only 30 minutes of moderate exercise, like brisk walking or swimming on a daily basis can do wonders! Regular exercise improves the production of chemicals in the body that fill you with positivity and reduces stress hormone, cortisol.

Exercising or working out of any physical form also releases chemicals called Endorphins. These endorphins interact with the receptor in our brain that reduces the perception of pain. Endorphin triggers a positive feeling in our body, similar to that of Morphine. Hence, there is a strong relationship between Exercise and Endorphin.

STRONG & HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP: Isolation or loneliness is one of the main reasons for depression, whereas strong relationships work as a shock absorber and saves you from the effects of adversity. Invest in a relationship which is long-term and will stay with you in the thick and thin of your life.

YOGA & MEDITATION: These ancient healing practices can be extremely beneficial if you feel depressed and stressed-out almost all the time. Meditation calms your mind and develops a positive attitude towards life. Yoga is another form of exercise with a controlled breathing pattern. A controlled breathing pattern ensures the right amount of oxygen to your body, which is essential for relaxation just like body massage.

BALANCED DIET & NO ALCOHOL POLICY: It is important to take a healthy and balanced diet; you should choose your carbs intelligently. Instead of taking too much sugary foods, go for “complex” carbs like whole grains. Ditch junk foods like cakes and cookies and start eating more fresh food like fruits, green tea and green vegetables.

THE MAGIC OF BODY MASSAGE THERAPY: The results of various researches show that getting Body massage therapy on a regular basis can help fight depression by significantly decreasing cortisol hormone levels. Body Massage can also be very effective in suppressing feelings of dejection. 

When you are under depression, your brain produces less amounts of feel-good hormones (serotonin, endorphins and dopamine etc.), these are the chemicals responsible for making us feel happy, relaxed, and confident. Massage with body massage oil helps our brain release both serotonin and endorphins.

Apart from increasing the levels of these feel-good hormones, massage therapy also aids in decreasing the stress hormone, cortisol which in turn releases tension and helps stabilize the mood. The emotional balance is vital and valuable for our overall health and well-being.

Massage is safe and nurturing therapy to relax, refocus and progress in life. It makes you aware of the mind-body connection and generates confidence and enhances self-esteem and overall personality.

Safe, nurturing and gentle touch provides “much- needed” human contact just like a comforting hug which helps you calm down physically and emotionally. Body Massage therapy supports a peaceful state of mental awareness, which in turn builds up a positive outlook towards life. Therefore it makes sense to reserve some time for a professional therapeutic massage, which is tailored to address your specific needs. Soothing massage sessions at regular intervals remind you that you deserve to feel good physically as well as emotionally.  

How does massage therapy help in relieving depression?

When you feel stress for an extended period of time, your muscles and joints become stiff or inflexible; it can cause soreness and limit your physical activities. Massage therapy using ayurvedic oil like nalpamaradi thailam can help relieve this stiffness in your body. However, body massage therapy alone can’t cure severe depression without proper medication, but it can definitely help relieve the symptoms associated with depression. Body massage therapy helps you get rid of fatigue, back pain, migraines, and sleeping problems.


Stress management with Shirodhara

Ayurveda, the ancient healing system explains a number of curative procedures like meditation and massage therapies for relaxation of body and mind. These ancient practices bring an unstable mind to a tranquil state, de-stress the body and help in developing a positive attitude.  

All the above benefits of meditation and relaxation techniques can also be achieved by an ayurvedic procedure called “Shirodhara”. Due to its positive effects on mind and body, Shirodhara ayurvedic treatment is now gaining huge popularity in the western countries too.   This classical procedure involves slow and steady dripping of herbal oil on the forehead.  The word “shiro” refers to the head and the word “dhara” refers to the stream in Sanskrit language.  Gentle pouring of warm herbal oil on the forehead or the Ajna chakra between the eyebrows, can cure various neurological disorders like Alzheimer, Parkinson disease, dementia and paralysis.

This ancient ayurvedic therapy for peace and serenity has several health benefits:

  • It nurtures the brain cells by increasing the blood flow. 
  • The nerves originating from the brain becomes stronger with this therapy. 
  • Shirodhara increases the production of feel-good hormones like dopamine, which improves the quality of sleep, and regulates mood and social behavior.
  • This classical stress busting treatment has the ability to unblock the chakras, and to develop an increased flow of the vital energy towards the brain.

Shirodhara is one of the most effective treatments for balancing the aggravated vata dosha in the mind. When your mind is preoccupied with racing thoughts, it becomes difficult to slow down the mind; this causes nervousness, anxiety, depression, insomnia and fatigue.  

Shirodhara is the perfect treatment for these types of stress related disorders.  Scientists claim that more than eighty percent of all diseases in the western world are stress related; in such a scenario, shirodhara can be considered as one of the most effective stress-busting therapies. 

Anxiety, Sleep Disorder, Fatigue are another name of Stress. Take charge and act before it is late.

No doubt that stress in short bursts can be helpful and actually work as a positive motivator when it comes to accomplishing an important task. But when this feeling of stress continues for longer periods, it impacts our body and mind negatively. When our brain senses any kind of stress, our muscles tighten; the heart beat and the blood- pressure goes up. In general, our fight or flight response is triggered to make us ready for action.


However useful your body’s response to stress in short term is, it becomes harmful if stress continues for weeks or months. If the cortisol hormone levels remain high for long time, it can negatively impact our immune system and kill certain brain cells. Raised blood pressure and fat deposit in our blood stream may make us prone to heart attack or stroke.

If a person is already struggling with insomnia or sleeping disorders, the anxiety and tension can make things even worse for him. Long- term stress may start interfering with physical, mental, and emotional functioning of our body. A survey conducted by the National Institute of Health in America has revealed that around 40 million people suffer from chronic, long-term sleeping disorders, insomnia and restlessness.


Stress makes our body and mind feel completely exhausted; and we become an easily irritable, miserable and lifeless person. When the anxiety becomes a part of our daily life, our mind stops recognising the negative impact on body and accepts it as a normal feeling. Extreme amount of stress can push us to a point where we may feel alone, isolated and completely depressed. Chronic Stress and work pressure at office can cause serious damage to a person’s social and personal relations too.


Another issue that comes along with stress is the constant feeling of tiredness and weakness. Don’t confuse the symptoms of fatigue with the feeling of drowsiness. Almost all of us feel exhausted and sleepy at night after a long busy day, and a good 6-8 hours sleep relaxes our body and rejuvenate our minds. However if you feel tired or drowsy all day it may be a result of fatigue.


After conducting various studies and experiments, researchers have now come to a conclusion that not just major problems like heart diseases and cancer, but most common illnesses such as poor digestion, weak immunity, body pain and muscle stiffness are also the result of stress and anxiety.


Yet another most common problem caused by stress and anxiety is inflammation. It is a well-known fact that inflammation is the main reason of stiffness, swelling and pain in our joints. Joint pain is usually not considered as a standalone symptom of stress because it increases as the level of anxiety increases in the body.

It has been observed that people who suffer from panic attacks change the way they move, stand or sit; for example some people start shaking their leg or sit in an awkward way . All these changes eventually cause joint pain, stiffness and muscle tension. Stiff muscles put direct strain on the joints and make your joints work harder which leads to more inflammation and discomfort.


From cancer, heart attack and stroke to common cold and allergies, chronic stress makes our body more vulnerable to almost all kinds of illnesses. Thankfully, there are a number of ways by which you can get quick relief from the symptoms you may feel due to stress and anxiety.

Yoga and Meditation

Yoga and meditation can be highly beneficial in improving the way one feels. One should never hesitate to take help from a professional therapist if he/she is not able to find a perfect solution for his/her condition. A therapist may advice you several relaxation techniques and personalised massage therapies which may be helpful in reducing overall feelings of stress.

Spa and Wellness Centre

Spas and wellness centres are no longer considered as the places for rich and famous to take full advantage of the wide variety of services they offer. Having spa time may relax your body and recharge your batteries. Just go and hit a Spa

De-stress your body and mind with a soothing massage


Body massage is one of the best way to get rid of stress related pain and fatigue. Almost all kinds of ayurvedic oil massage therapies provide relief from stress and anxiety. If you regularly get a good oil massage from professional therapist you can easily de-stress yourself up to a great extent and also get long term relief from body pain and joint pain. Moderate pressure and long, gentle strokes gives an extremely relaxing experience. It alleviates headaches and lessens depression and anxiety. A full body massage can do wonders for tense and sore muscles which is why it is considered as the best antidote to stress.

Beat the stress with Shirodhara


Shirodhara does wonders in treating a compromised nervous system and relieves stress, restlessness, fear as well as depression etc. People suffering with sleep problems, insomnia etc should consider Shirodhara as a useful treatment because it stimulates pineal gland which forms melatonin, the controller of the wake-sleep cycle in our body.

The word Shirodhara is combination of two words: in sanskrit “shiro,” means head, and “dhara,” means flow. It is an intensely soothing and balancing ancient therapy that is performed by pouring a warm, smooth stream of herbal oil onto the middle of the forehead (that is where the third eye is) for an extended period of time. The benefits of this therapy multiply when it is used with herbal remedies.

If you are not suffering with any major health problems, Shirodhara is still a great therapy for you as it helps you maintain your fitness, overall well-being and immunity.

So, follow these simple practices and de-stress yourself to lead a healthier and happier life.

9 things that I do every day to ensure that I don’t gain weight

I have always wondered how some people manage to stay slim without putting much effort? Recently I have become aware of the fact that anyone can stay fit by following some simple habits. Followed are the nine things I do every day to ensure that I do not gain any weight.

  • Eat in small portions: Most of the people don’t understand how portion control can help promote their weight loss efforts. A 2004 study which involved 329 overweight participants found that 38 percent of them lost 5 percent of their weight after practicing portion for two years. Researchers at the Summa Health System in Ohio conducted the study. I always eat in small portions at regular intervals. I reduce my portion size by using plates and spoons of small sizes. Also, I never eat chips and tacos straight from the bag.
Eat smaller portions
  • Stop eating when stomach is 80% full: I always eat until my belly is only 80% full. By doing this I avoid the risk of overeating. Also, our stomachs produce more digestive juices to break down food when we have more space in our stomachs. I eat slowly so my brain gets a full feeling. I follow some basic rules like only eating when I am hungry, never eating anything immediately before hitting the bed etc. Most importantly, I never skip a meal.

    Stop!!! Your tummy is 80% full!!
  • Detox my body: The first thing I do after waking up is to chug a glass full of warm water mixed with lemon juice. It flushes out toxins, improves digestion, balances the pH level and helps me to maintain a healthy weight. Sometimes, I mix 1 to 2 teaspoons of unfiltered, raw apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink it up. Needless to say, I avoid alcoholic beverages and smoking cigarettes at any cost.

DETOX – Flush out those toxins!!

  • Exercise: Lack of physical activity is the main reason of excess weight gain. Many people start to follow different weight loss diets, while neglecting the most basic rule – you have to exercise to burn fat. Unless there is a calorie deficit, your body will not show results. It doesn’t mean one has to do rigorous work out at the gym. You can run, jog, swim, walk, dance, yoga or anything according to your choice. I make sure that I do some exercises for at least 30 minutes daily. Besides from keeping my body in shape it also helps to reduce stress. Sometimes I use Slimming Oil to get even better results.


E is for Exercise Everyday

Small acts or efforts go a long way. Try taking stairs instead of elevators. Get down one stop before your office/home and walk that remaining distance on foot. Try and include walking, as much as possible, in your daily routine.

  • Eat a healthy breakfast: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. As per several studies, those who skip on breakfast are more likely to gain weight than who eat a healthy breakfast. Skipping breakfast will leave with little energy for the day, resulting in unhealthy cravings and snacking.Skipping breakfast also effects concentration and mood levels as the glucose levels in ones body goes down. And remember that the last meal that you have had was last nights dinner, which may been a 7-8 hours gap. I always eat a high-protein, low-carbohydrate breakfast so that I cut down on my cravings.
  • Identify hunger: It has taken me some time for me to identify the real hunger. Often, people confuse thirst for hunger and end up having a sumptuous meal when the body is demanding water. To understand whether I am hungry or thirsty, I drink a glass full of water and wait for 15 minutes. Most of the time, my hunger subsides which means I was just thirsty.Stay away from junk food: Fast foods and carbonated sodas are the main culprits behind increasing obesity problem. I always stay away from junk food, no matter how hungry I am. Try substituting fast food with healthy food. Instead of having sodas, try drinking green tea or any other herbal tea.

Do not confuse Thirst with Hunger

  • Live stress-free: Stress is one of the main causes of weight gain as it reduces your body’s ability to burn calories. Instead of emotional eating, I go for Body Massage, Spa therapy to fight stress.
  • Get enough sleep: Many researchers have suggested that lack of adequate sleep promotes weight gain and obesity. I never compromise on my sleep. I try to get minimum 8 hours of sleep daily. This not just keeps me fit but also keeps me full of positive attitude. I also have a better concentration and I feel fresh and happy in the morning. When I have trouble falling asleep I go for a Spa Therapy or Steam Bath before hitting the bed. Sometimes, I even try a massage with essential oils to relax my mind.
Never compromise on your sleep

These things definitely work for me and keep me charged for everyday challenges. Give it a try and see the change yourself.

How to know you are Stressed and How to avoid it?

Stress is our body’s way of responding to any type of demand or threat. And de-stress is the way to combat stress.  When we feel threatened, our nervous system responds by secreting a flood of stress hormones which include adrenaline and cortisol. Those hormones rouse the body for emergency action. As a result heartbeats get quicker, muscles tighten, blood pressure rises, breathing quickens, and senses get sharper. These physical changes boost your strength and stamina, increase your reaction time, and enhance your focus. This is called the ‘fight or flight’ or mobilization stress response and this is how your body protects you.

Here are some signs that denote you are stressed:


Effect of Stress
Stress impacts all species
  • FEELING CONSTANTLY SICK: If you keep getting a cough, sore throat or a fever, it might be because of the stress.
    As per medical professionals, when we are under too much pressure, our bodies release a stress hormone named cortisol. Cortisol helps us in short-term. However, when we are constantly stressed, these hormones can deplete after some time. Though cortisol and other hormones help our body to cope with stress, we get more susceptible to sickness when these hormones are withdrawn.

What to do:

Listen to your body if you feel drained or tired and take some time off your schedule. Sleep for at least 8 hours daily. Give your body the time it requires to recover. Find the Best Spa in your locality and pamper yourself with a Body Massage.

  • POOR CONCENTRATION: You are definitely under stress if you are too overwhelmed to focus on what is in front of you.  Simple things like not able to recall a colleague’s name is also a sign of stress.
    Studies have connected long-term exposure to surplus amounts of stress to shrinking of the brain’s memory centre, the hippocampus. Research has also shown that being under stress for too long can stimulate growth of proteins that might lead to Alzheimer’s disease.

What to do:

If it seems that you are experiencing this throughout the day, taking a few long inhales and exhales can help when under extreme pressure. Deep breathing helps us to control our thoughts and it also affects the bodily sensations which we experience when faced with a high-stress situation. Deep breathing also helps to control the heart rate and blood flow and muscle tension.

  • CONSTANT HEADACHE: If you feel pressure or throbbing anywhere on head or temple area, it might just be stress headache which is caused by tension.


Stress & headache
Stress could cause headache

Most of the times people tend to think that any particular problem in their life is causing the headache, but their lifestyle should be blamed instead. However, you should keep in mind that a headache might be a sign of some serious health problem. So, at those times you should visit a doctor immediately.

What to do:

When you understand that stress is causing you headache; the easiest thing to do is to have less stress in your life. But it is not that simple. It is a challenge how to de-stress yourself. Meditation, diet control, music, Spa therapies are some of the ways to cope up with stress. A relaxing de-stress massage is a sure shot. Choose oil from aromatherapy essential oils, which may help to relax your brain. Ask your spa expert for more on the choice of oil.

  • ACHING BACK AND NECK: If you have got Back Pain or Stiff Neck, it could be because of long-term stress, and not only the position you sit in throughout the day. High levels of stress and tension can result in discomfort and Muscle Pain by tightening muscles and causing muscle spasms. Knotted muscles in your neck can also give birth to headaches. However, if have developed backache and neck pain after an accident or emotional trauma, it could be due to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Surveys have shown that a lot of people are not able to heal their backache until they handle the emotional stress which is causing it.
Stress aggravates back and neck pain

What to do:

Dealing with Back Pain: There are many relaxation techniques that can help you with stress reduction, including guided imagery, taking deep breaths, meditation and even getting a Spa. Try to devote some time for Stretching breaks during the day to help stop muscles from tightening up. One could also try yoga at the end of the day. This will help ease Joint Pain as well.

For Neck Pain and knots in the muscles, a gentle massage helps release the tension in muscles. A Potli massage with warm herbal oil can provide with immediate relief. You may ask your nearest Spa for a Potli massage or may consult a physiotherapist for neck exercises.

  • TROUBLE GETTING A SOUND SLEEP: If you find yourself waking up in middle of the night or pondering on things, it could mean you are suffering from anxiety or stress. After a long and tiring day, you should fall asleep easily. Our brain only relaxes during the time we sleep. When you have a difficult time falling asleep, even though when you are tired, it is possibly because of the stress.

What to do:

Consult your doctor about this and ask if your chronic stress may have led to this. When you are not getting enough sleep, everyday problems can make you feel more frustrated and overwhelmed. This happens as your brain is already tired and hence is more vulnerable to anxiety and depression. A worn out body is not properly prepared to cope with stressful situations and ward off illness. To get proper sleep at night, cut back on caffeinated beverages. You can opt to have a cup of warm chamomile tea before hitting the bed. You could even try reading a book before going to bed.

  • HAVING MORE THAN USUAL HAIRFALL: When you find more than few strands of hair on your pillow after waking up in the morning, it maybe because of the constant stress. You could be suffering from a medical condition known as alopecia areata, an autoimmune skin disease, which is brought on when the body’s immune system attacks the hair follicles. It causes small round patches of hair loss on the scalp. It is likely to be associated with a severe stressor, such as an assault or a significant traumatic event. This disease usually happens in young women.
Excessive hairfall due to stress

What to do: Usually, this is a temporary condition and your hair will grow back once the stress has reduced. Try to take few days of leave from the office and get a relaxing body massage or just take up a membership with a spa and get de-stress therapy done. Some Ayurvedic massages like Shirodhara are helpful in combating stress.

In a nutshell, most health problems could be an indicator of your stress level. The first thing that has to be done is to de-stress oneself and understand the underlying cause of the problem. Most stress situations can be combated and worked at. A doctor or a counsellor should suggest the corrective measures or if medical intervention is needed. So, uninstall the word ‘Stress’ from the motherboard of your life.

De-stress and relax

Lifestyle changes after the age of 30

It is true that the lifestyle you follow in your thirties reflects how healthy you would be in your sixties. Although, you may not look or feel much different than you did a few years ago, your body keeps changing bit by bit. Health problems, especially lifestyle-related ones, starts coming up after you turn 30.

Due to today’s fast life a lot of people who are in their thirties suffer from Back Pain and Joint Pains. Depression and anxiety is also pretty common, hence it is important to take care of your mental health.

There is a stigma attached with thirties age line that once you reach the thirties you are no more considered young. The truth is that the feeling of being  young or old is a state of mind. Making a few changes to one’s lifestyle will lead to a healthier and happier life. So, here are the certain lifestyle changes to make before blowing those 30 candles on the cake.

EAT HEALTHY: This may sound dubious but is an obvious truth. Thirties is the high time when you need to start eating healthy. It cannot be stressed enough that how following a Healthy Diet is extremely important to live a healthy life. All that you read in magazines, newspapers, web articles and blogs are very true and you should make this change when you step in your thirties.

Cut down on those extra calories, fats, carbohydrates, sugar and everything that is harmful for your health. Always avoid junk food, those pizzas may taste delicious, but they are really bad for health.  Try to eat more protein, vitamins and minerals loaded food. Follow a well-balanced healthy diet rich in protein, vitamins and low in saturated fats. Include a lot of greens, fruits and vegetables in your diet. So, make a Healthy Diet regime and eat accordingly.

REGULAR EXERCISE: If you had no workout routine previously, then make a new regime and start following it religiously. Exercising on a regular basis would help you stay fit and young. You will definitely be more energetic and full of zest. No matter how busy your life is, you can always take some time to exercise. Even 30 minutes of daily exercise can do wonders, both for your body and your mind.

Back Pain relief
Motion is the best lotion

If you don’t want to work out rigorous at the gym, then running and Stretching are good options. Simple measures such as taking the stairs instead of the lift will also help. Moderate exercise will help you get rid of even the slightest Back Pain or Joint Pain. Always remember, Motion is the Best Lotion.

AVOID ADDICTION: Since you are not in twenties anymore, your body may not be able to handle that binge drinking sessions like it had earlier. Same goes with smoking. If you are a frequent drinker or a chain smoker, then you need to cut back. Try to get rid of all the bad habits. If you can’t stop smoking completely, then cut down slowly on the number of cigarettes. Cigarettes come with a warning. Do read the warning every time you take out one from the packet. It may help to wake up your conscience.  Also, try to limit your drinking sessions to once a week or on on special occasions.

GETTING ENOUGH SLEEP: Getting enough sleep is really important for your overall health. Besides, giving you ugly dark circles, lack of sleep can stop you from functioning properly. Try to get a minimum of 6-8 hours of sleep daily. Do not compromise on your sleep unless it is a need of the hour situation. Getting sound sleep will keep you fresh and energetic throughout the day. If you have trouble falling asleep, then have a cup of chamomile tea before hitting the bed at night. Also, refrain from using mobile phones, tabs, computers and laptops at bedtime. Read a book instead.

Getting an ayurvedic massage like Shirodhara will induce a good night sleep. Shirodhara is nothing but a gentle massage on your forehead through a continuous flow of warm ayurvedic oil.

INDULGE IN SOME ‘Me’/ ‘Spa’ TIME: It is really important to follow this point. Indulge in quality ‘me’ time, twice a week. You can do anything that you enjoy doing. Pamper yourself by getting a Spa Massage or a Body Massage once in a fortnight. You could also go for a movie or read a book. You could even start pursuing a new hobby. Basically, make sure to do something that you enjoy and makes you happy and stress free.

I, me, myself

REGULAR HEALTH CHECK UP: It is an old but a wise saying – Prevention is better than cure. It is a wise idea to get a full body check-up done annually after you enter the thirties and half yearly after you enter forties. This will help you diagnose your health problems, if any, at an early stage.

For women, it is recommended to get a mammogram done every year. It is proved in various studies that diagnosing breast cancer early reduces the risk of dying from the disease by 25% to 30%.

Most of the health problems arise from a bad lifestyle or poor mental health. To overcome mental health problem, visit a spa and take a membership plan. Go for a de-stress therapy and make sure that you stick to your plan.

PURSUING THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE: Following your passion is the best thing you could ever do. If you are not satisfied with your job, then thirties is the perfect time to quit and start exploring your passion.

Even if you are happy with your job but that’s not your passion, take time out of your schedule and pursue what you really love. Travel to new places, cities, countries, meet new people, explore new cultures, take pictures, paint, go hiking, take dancing lessons, write a book; just do whatever that makes you truly happy.

Pursuing your heart and hobby is one of the most significant lifestyle changes that should be made when you are in your thirties. By doing this you will get to know yourself better and will be at peace with yourself

START LOVING YOURSELF: Loving yourself is necessary especially when you hit your thirties. A lot of people start getting depressed thinking that they are getting older and they can’t have fun like before. So avoid all the negative thoughts and learn to love yourself. In order to do that you have to first believe in yourself and bring back the confidence in yourself. Be proud of your appearance, your mind, ambitions and dreams. Don’t get affected by any criticism and love yourself wholly.

BE CONTENT: There is nothing wrong in wanting to be more successful. It is good to try to achieve more and grow more. However, you should be content with what you already have. You should stay happy in every situation and under every circumstance. This will bring an inner peace and satisfaction.

What can you expect in a first spa visit

What can you expect in a first Spa Visit

Getting a massage can be a great experience! It is important to know what will take place during first Spa visit and how it will happen. Read below to learn what happens before a massage, during and after the massage. You will get a chance to learn more about the full process and how enjoyable it can be. So grab a drink, and let’s get started!


young handsome man have relaxing massage in spa and wellness salon

What to expect before your Massage treatment:

First of all, make sure it is a good time for you to have a massage. Reschedule your visit if have a fever, skin irritations (such as poison ivy or sunburn), or if you are trying to stabilize your medication (because massage can affect the dosage needed). Do not eat just before your massage. Drink plenty of water. Give yourself enough time to arrive on time and relaxed. If you are rushing and arrive stressed, it will take longer to get into a relaxed state.

The beginning of the appointment will involve a health and history screening. You’will be asked questions such as:

  • General lifestyle – sedentary or travelling or home maker
  • Problematic areas & amount of pain
  • What helps to reduce the pain and what make it worse
  • Your general contact info
  • Please state any medical issues

The next step before your appointment will be the discussion while your room is getting ready. This is a good time to ask questions, and find out about the style of massage that you have requested. When you are ready you will dress down as far as is comfortable and lie down for your session.

During the massage:

Generally, you will lie on a massage table, covered by a sheet or large towel. Make sure you are comfortable and let the therapist know if you are not. Remember that you can ask for changes to make you comfortable, such as if you are cold, or wish to let the massage therapist know that you are uncomfortable with specific areas of your body being touched.

Also, advise massage therapist regarding extent of pressure you will prefer. The massage therapist will typically drape your body with a towel across the parts that are not currently being massaged.

To get the most from the session just try to relax, let your thoughts wander, and do not focus on stressful thoughts. Remember to breathe, as this helps you relax. Sometimes people hold their breath when a sensitive area is massaged, but it is best to breathe through it. In the same way, tightening your muscles during the massage is counterproductive. If you can’t seem to relax your muscles, let your massage therapist know. They may need to adjust the massage technique.

After the massage:

At the end of the massage, the therapist will leave the room so you can take steam/Shower and dress in private. Wait a few minutes on the table as you get grounded, especially if you feel light-headed. Then take your time getting ready.

When you leave the treatment room and enter into the reception area, the therapist will offer you Green tea. It is a good idea to drink green tea to help the body flush waste product.  Most people leave their massage therapy treatments feeling very relaxed. However if you received deep tissue work, you may experience slight tenderness that lasts for a day or two. We recommend that you drink plenty of water after your treatment in order to flush away any toxins that were released during the massage.


Here are some frequently asked questions you may have after your massage treatment:

  • Can I go back to work after my massage?Of course, but plan on enough time to readjust. Be aware that your perception of motion (driving, stairs, distances may be “off” for 20 minutes or so after the session). Also, realize your relaxed state may bring your feelings close to the surface.
  • Will the oil ruin my clothes or mess my hair?No, the oil will not harm your clothing, but if you wish, wear some comfortable workout clothing.
  • Should I tip the massage therapist?It is nice to let the therapist know that you appreciate a good job, but tipping is not the only way, especially if the cost of the massage therapy is already a burden. Regardless of your decision, it is wise to be consistent, so that you do tip one time and not the next and leave the therapist wondering if they did something wrong.