Learn to handle Love Handles – How to get rid of them?

Some call them love handles and some describe them as muffin top!!! Either way those deposits of fats on tummy, thighs and upper arms are tough to lose.

Visualise those unsightly bulges hanging down from here and there! These bulges make it difficult for your favourite outfits to fit properly. And ultimately this dimply, cottage cheese-looking skin starts causing distress to many men and women.

LOVE HANDLES, they are called!!

They have nothing to do with love….It only shows your love for fatty food and unhealthy lifestyle!!

Love handles, like most types of stubborn abdominal fat, can be quite challenging to get rid of. A comprehensive approach that involves several things like dietary changes and high-intensity workouts along with other treatments can collectively help you remove excess fat deposit and cellulite.

To tackle the problem better, let’s understand what is cellulite?

What is Cellulite?

Cellulite is nothing but normal fat underneath your skin. According to Ayurvedic practitioners, cellulite can be caused by a number of factors such as toxicity, hormonal imbalance, endocrine imbalance, water retention and poor lymphatic drainage.

Love Handles
Love Handles look like Muffin Top

The dimpled bulges around your thighs, arms and stomach show that your body is suffering from an inflammatory disorder which requires some internal cleansing and detoxification. Regular massage with herbal slimming oils, deep breathing, dry brushing and exercising can all support the body to get rid of toxic fatty tissue.

Slimming Oil – Treatment for LOVE HANDLES

Say good bye to those bulging ‘love-handles’ with Ayurvedic Slimming Oils and Creams

Slimming oil mostly contains sesame oil as base oil and is formulated using a number of medicinal herbs such as Jalada, Ushira, Durva, Madhuks, Kushta etc. Massage with these oils directly stimulates your skin tissues and improves circulation, which in turn helps dislodge the extra cellulite deposited under the skin.

There is a huge variety of anti cellulite creams and oils available in the market. Ayurvedic anti-cellulite cream slims and tones your body. They also smoothens skin for a bright and youthful complexion. Regular use of these products may help you eliminate those stubborn love handles.

Anti-cellulite creams contain a variety of plant and fruit extracts with essential oils such as Rosemary and Lavender. These natural extracts and essential oils helps in removal of harmful toxins and boosting blood circulation.

Regular massage using ayurvedic anti-cellulite creams is one of the best weapons, when it comes to fight against cellulite. It is important to remove the harmful toxins to help reduce the embarrassing appearance of love handles and dimpled skin. If the accumulation of toxins keeps growing it will only become harder and harder, with time, to get rid of cellulite.

One should invest in a good quality ayurvedic formula based skin tightening cream. This will not only help to reduce those unsightly love handles from your belly, arms and legs but will also work as a muscle relaxant and help alleviate pain and stiffness.

Most of the over-weight people try to hide bulging fat in their belly, arms and thighs under loose-fitting dresses. Apart from giving you an uneven shape and low confidence the excess fat can actually increase your risk of diseases like heart ailments and cancer.

How to choose and use Slimming Oil?

One should choose an Ayurvedic slimming oil that includes cellulite reduction and has skin tightening properties. Always read the label and look ingredients which have specific properties such as cellulite break down and body contour. Triphla is one such ingredient.

Warm the oil and get a gentle massage done when the oil is lukewarm. Be careful to check the oil temperature to avoid scalding. Gentle massage with warm slimming oil on the body aids in faster absorption of the oil. Regular use of herbal slimming oil tones the flabby skin and gives you a refreshing and revitalising effect.

Popularity of Slimming Oils – Do they really work??

The main reason behind slimming oils popularity is that they work as an essential element of body-reshaping therapy. They also support your skin become firmer, younger and tighter after every use. With ayurvedic slimming oil massage, you can target the stubborn fat on your tummy, thighs and arms which doesn’t go away even with the high-intensity work-outs.

Slimming oil containing extracts from Triphla, Sesame, Lemon, Pomegranate and Rosemary etc are storehouse of properties that work naturally to deal with stubborn fats, without causing any side effects.

But always remember…….

Slimming Oils work in tandem with healthy lifestyle and regular workout.

Importance of Healthy Diet and Regular Exercise

We all know the importance of healthy food and active lifestyle when it comes to staying fit and healthy. Do remember that the weight loss achieved using such creams and oils can be maintained in long term only if you strictly follow dietary changes and adopt a more active lifestyle.

Results of various scientific researches prove that people who engage in strenuous jobs gain less weight than those who are in a deskbound job. Regular exercise helps burn calories. Consult an instructor for a customised exercise regime.

Importance of regular exercise
Exercise regularly to get rid of love handles

Don’t opt for extreme diet for quick weight loss instead go for a balanced diet containing essential nutrients and vitamins. This will ensure that you do not have any vitamin deficiencies or other diseases due to malnutrition. Low energy foods like vegetables, fruits, lean meat, fish, grains, and beans can help you lose those extra pounds. On the other hand, high-energy dense foods like red meat, deep fried snacks, fast foods; cake, burger and pizza etc. provide you empty calories without much nutrition.

Last but not the least – UDWARTHANAM MASSAGE

Udwarthanam is a special dry ayurvedic massage which helps you lose weight easily and naturally. In this massage, a herbal paste or powder is applied all over the body and massaged with specific movements for about an hour.

The herbs used for the massage are helpful in flushing out the harmful toxins from the body. This therapy is usually recommended for new mothers because it tones muscles, builds strength and provides a youthful skin. It also promotes vitality and reduces fatigue and pain.

Dry Powder Massage

Udwarthanam combined with other natural treatments like Shirodhara can give you excellent results in weight loss management. Combination of herbs and oils used in these therapies are carefully selected after thoroughly analysing your ayurvedic constitution (pita, vata, kapha).

To get rid of those love handles and cellulite, one need to balance his lifestyle, food habits and workout regime. Further, massage practice like Udhwarthanam and Ayurvedic Slimming Oil can boost the process of weight loss.

An Ayurveda guide to your back pain

Does your back feel stiff in the morning? Is tightness in your back and neck your best pal? Do you find it tough to bend and get up again? Whatever it is, whenever it is, you definitely need a relief from this. You want to be up and running and doing your chores again.

Joint pain is one of the most potential problems that is faced by the elder section of the society. With the growing age, the strength of the bones and the muscles decreases leading to several joint related issues. This problem is eternally associated with age. Therefore it is better with people who are aging, to start something healthy today that would benefit them tomorrow.

The worst of pain occurs during the change of seasons and during winters. During winter season the joints become inflexible, creaky.  This is followed by unbearable pain making it impossible for you to move. As it is in winter, your body tends to become stiff, back pain, joint pain become a common problem. During summers, although there is little stiffness but people suffering from arthritis experience no ease.

Generally, common people term every joint pain as arthritis. However, there are two distinct types of arthritis and their symptoms vary too.

Osteoarthritis: when the cartilage between bones weathers away, until a bone vexes on another bone.

Rheumatoid arthritis: causes inflammation of the synovial membrane that leads to loss of bone.

General ways to keep joints healthy:

  • Balanced Diet: As you already know eating a balanced diet daily maintains the well-being of the overall body. For people who suffer from joint pain must have a diet rich in Vitamin K and D. They must also have oranges, cabbage, spinach, tomato in their diet to keep away knee problems. There are ample vitamin supplements available in the market, one should take them by consulting a doctor.
  • Drink Water: You must ensure that the amount of water you drink every day is sufficient. A proper balanced diet along with correct intake of water helps in keeping the body fit. Water just not prevents dehydration but also works wonderfully to reduce the joint aches. Water keeps the cartilages and joints from getting stiff and promotes smooth functioning.
  • Physiotherapy: People who suffer from several orthopaedic problems should regularly visit a physiotherapist and undergo physiotherapy to maintain the flexibility of the joints and keep them safe. People suffering from joints problems must consult a physiotherapist before winter hits hard and makes the pain worse. The session provides the accurate amount of movement, warmth, and medication to soothe your knees, backs, shoulders and necks.
  • Regular exercise: Motion is the best lotion for any kind of joint pain. Exercising is the healthiest habit that anyone can adopt. Daily exercises also help in keeping the joints and the bones healthy for a longer period of time. However, it does not need to undergo strenuous physical regime, you can do simple easy physical exercise to get the same health benefits. The basic reason for joints pain is the stiffness and immovability of the joints. Physical exercise helps in keeping the joints moveable and reduces the chances of joint pains. Regular walk is a good form of exercise for ageing people.
  • Wear proper shoes: You should be aware regarding the shoe that keeps you going for long. Hills and designer shoes are always in for fashion, but, too much of it can cause serious joint aches later. So avoid wearing hills and designer shoes always. You can wear slippers, kittos, and sneakers sometimes to give rest to your foot muscles. If you are already suffering from problems, visit a doctor and take advice about what shoe should you wear in your condition and try to follow it always.
  • Avoid same standing position for long: Sitting in your cubicle for 8-10 hours constantly and working or standing in your kitchen and working without sitting for a while are both very harmful. If your work needs constant standing or sitting, try to take breaks within and either sit or stand. The more strain you provide to your knees and joints now the more they will make you suffer as your age grows.
  • Avoid Smoking: Well, smoking has the only negative effect on your body and there is nothing good about it. It not only destroys your lungs but it also reduces the bone density of a person. If you want to keep your bones robust make sure you quit smoking as soon as possible.
  • More Calcium Intake: Calcium is good for bones. It keeps them strong and maintains the body balance. It is advisable to have food that contains more of calcium so that with age your bones do not get eroded and becomes fragile.
  • Vitamin D: More and more people are getting Vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D helps absorption of calcium. Hence, the importance of Vitamin D. Sun is the most important source of Vitamin D. There are very little edible sources of Vitamin D. The only option left is Vitamin D supplements.

Massage as an alternative treatment for joint pain:

A proper massage makes the blood circulation better and makes the pain less acute. Apart from the medications and the other things that have been mentioned before there are several ayurvedic medicines and treatments that work wonder in easing the pain of joints. There are several body massage centres in India, one such is Blueterra Spa. They offer potli massage therapy with Vitamin D Oil, which is very effective for joint pains.


Listed below are various ways in which body massage helps you:

  • Pain Relief

Chronic pains and cramps lessen when you start having the body massage on a daily basis. Depending on the health, age and tolerance level that you have the massage treatments vary. Along with the above-mentioned steps, a good body massage is what keeps your joints healthy and fit.

  • Stress Relief and Blood Circulation

Stress is a part of everyday life. But stress causes serious health issues. Body massage is a wonderful way to treat the stress. It helps in stimulating muscles by increasing the blood circulation. Relieves pain and also increases the circulation system of the body. This helps in the equal distribution of nutrients and oxygen in the body. As the massage releases the stiffness of the body, the joints and muscles become more flexible and help in better body movement.

  • Boosts Immunity and improves postures

As your daily work makes you do a thing for a long span of time, your body loses the flexibility and this weakens the immunity system of the body. As there is a little physical exercise that you go through usually in your regular life, there are chances that you grow diseases like spinal cord depression.  A whole body massage removes the stiffness allowing the proper flow of blood and oxygen. As a result, your joints and muscles do not get stiff and you have better and proper postures so the chances of your bone related and other diseases decrease.

So unless, something majorly important is waiting for you, step out, take a walk in sunshine, hit a Spa, have a glass of milk, every day. We assure that you will never ever lie down with back pain.

Fighting Depression? Ayurveda could be the solution!!

Being depressed is the most dangerous state of mind for a human being. Depression can lead to a pile of nonsense work which people do.  This is such a phase where one cannot think either of the present situation nor the future. People visit doctors mainly psychiatrist to heal this wound but the treatment is carried over a long time period. 

Ayurvedic treatment is one such way to deal with such situation. It gives maximum relief from stress.

Sadness and depression can be caused due to many factors. It varies from person to person.  But the Ayurveda treatment for this is uniform irrespective of the severity.

Before we talk of the various remedies lets discuss a little about the cause of depression. This prelude will help you to understand the remedies for depression that will be dealt later.

Understanding Depression

The expression in depression is something much unexpected. People can react in different ways.  Some of the common symptoms of depression are mood swings, feeling stressed, anxiety, extreme anger, confinement to bed, sleeplessness, extreme behaviour and many more.

Symptoms of depression

In this stage, there is a huge imbalance of both physical and mental health.  People tend to lose every support and dissolve all hopes from their mind.  Along with mental illness various physical issues could also be manifested-like diabetes, digestion problems, breathlessness etc.

There is another major factor which causes depression and that is stress at work.  In this contemporary age, work pressure is huge, especially in the private sector.  People lose out on their sleep and food due to the tension that gets build up in their mind.  If this goes on for a long time without any sign of success the depression is bound to set in.

Sadhaka Agni and Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, Sadhaka Agni is an important factor.   Sadhaka Agni is a subdosha of Pitta. It is the inner fire responsible for processing your emotions. It connects the heart and mind together so that there is constant communication between them.  It is believed that a strong Sadhaka Agni can be invariably linked with high emotional intelligence.


Let’s discuss some of the ways to fight depression and build a strong Sadhaka Agni.

  • Practice the art of detachment– A wise man once said that attachment is the root of all sufferings.  If you find no such productivity in an attachment then leave it then. Don’t ever stick to something which will never give you peace.  During depression try to detach with people or things that will never benefit you or stand by your side. People with negative vibes should be ignored.
  • Make changes in your lifestyle – It is understandable that during any depressing phase the lifestyle of people change drastically.  This could be hazardous for that person’s health. Try hard to get away from it and lead a balanced life, with a proper routine.  Eat food at the right time, do some sort of exercise, divert your mind towards lighter things, watch a funny movie, and most importantly try to sleep well. All these may seem difficult to do as the person who is under depression cannot see a purpose to things. But following this routine for a month will definitely reap results. The good feeling will automatically intrude in your life.
  • Eat healthy food – During depression phase, health of the unwell  person gets highly affected. One has to undergo a proper diet with good and healthy food to achieve a mind-body constitution. A person can consume lots of organic foods which have lots of prana (life force energy) in it.  Coconuts, soaked nuts, and some other dry fruits are a must in such situation.
  • Visit a spa– It is highly recommended to visit a spa in such a situation.  There are several Ayurvedic Spa treatments done at different Spas.  One of the most popular and effective treatment is Shirodhara.  This is basically a very soothing kind of treatment where a stream of warm oil is poured over the forehead. As a result, it calms down both your mind and body. One feels really relaxed and sound after the therapy.  It is very often practiced by people going through a depressing stage. It may not heal depression but can definitely bring some tranquility in your life.
  • Yoga is a must–   To keep a sound mind and a fit body it is mandatory to do some yoga in the morning. Even during depression, one should not leave the practice. Janu  Sirsasana (the art of head to knee forward bend) helps to stimulate the inner functions of the body. Camel Pose is another effective posture in Yoga.  This helps to deal with your emotions.
  • Always have a smile on your face–   This is the best anti-depression pill. Nevertheless, a smile can bring a huge amount of joy in your life. During depression, it is always a feasible idea to smile and let go of every bit of pain.  There is something called ‘smile inside meditation’ which helps to reincarnate positive energy inside the body.

Depression is one such thing which takes a lot of time to heal.  It starts from sadness and with time gets transformed into depression. It may be stress at work or stress at home one can get depressed with any event in life.

People often try to get hold of an anti-depression pill but it is best to have an Ayurvedic treatment with proper healing methods.

In the recent times, there are various Spas’ in all major towns and cities where you can get the best Ayurveda treatment.   Several kinds of massage and healing treatment are done over here. 

The phase of depression is really a tormenting one for people who are really suffering.  It takes great effort to bring them back to normal. The state of mind completely changes and there in no such guarantee of getting well, unless taken care of.

Are you suffering from any state of depression?  Has it really conquered your mind? If so then try to find a way to heal this state.  Never waste a little time in such cases. If depression gets deep, it could create a big trauma which again becomes difficult to handle.

There are several ways to deal with depression but Ayurveda treatment is the most promising one which has been proved by various experts.  Get a proper Ayurveda treatment at your nearest Spa and feel the difference.

Depression may kill you. Never get carried away with it. Life has too many things to offer. Get well soon and look for better opportunities.

Life is beautiful, go and embrace it!!!

An Ayurvedic perspective on OBESITY

Obesity is a medical condition involving excessive body fat. It increases the risk of severe health problems like diabetes, hypertension, arthritis etc. Though, it is not a serious problem in itself, yet it certainly could hamper quality of your life.

Obesity is turning into a major global health problem. A recent American survey shows that obesity has already become an epidemic in North America. More than one-third of the U.S. adult population is overweight!

Ayurvedic approach towards Obesity

Our ancient healing system, Ayurveda, provides a totally different holistic approach to life. The Ayurveda concentrates on the basic cause for any imbalance. It tries to fix the root cause, instead of focusing only on symptoms and overlooking their roots.

Ayurvedic experts believe that there are seven basic tissue elements (dhaatus) that assist our body in its functioning. Meda (Body Fat) is one of those Dhaatus. An excess of meda dhatu (fatty tissues) is the main reason behind obesity.


Overeating/binge eating:

Binge Eating
Over-eating leads to Obesity

A habit of consuming excessive amount of food is the primary cause of obesity. Over a period of time, excess amount of carbohydrates and fats get accumulated in the body causing obesity or bulkiness. Unnecessary consumption of heavy-to-digest, sugary and fatty food items start suppressing the ‘stop eating’ hormone. According to a study published in a Journal of the American Society of Nutritional Sciences, people who eat high calorie foods, bakery items, fried junk foods and cold drinks etc. tend to gain weight faster than those who eat light easily digestible food.

Physical inactivity and sedentary lifestyle:

Physical exercise on regular basis is the best natural way of allowing your body to burn extra calories. Adapting a sedentary lifestyle without physical activities can negatively impact your overall health. If your job involves long sitting hours, it may increase your chances of weight gain. Your body may become bulky and you may become prone to diseases like diabetes, heart disease etc.

Heredity and other medical conditions:

Obesity could be inherent
Obesity could be genetic

Several scientific research points towards a strong relationship between obesity and genetics. Sometime our genetics play an important role in deciding how our body will store fat. If a person is obese, in spite of regular workouts and healthy eating, he may have inherited the obesity gene.


As per Ayurveda, we should consume “living” food like fruits, green vegetables and grains that have been grown naturally. These whole-foods provide a more vitalising and reviving effect on our body and mind.  On the other hand, we should consumption of overcooked processed, frozen and micro-waved food. These kinds of food contribute towards the accumulation of harmful substances (ama) in our body, which may cause various health conditions like obesity, arthritis etc.

The concept of 12-hour fast:

Obesity Management
12-hour fasting for weight management

Ayurvedic experts believe a lot of energy is directed toward the digestive process at night time and our digestive fire goes down during night time. Therefore, they suggest strict fasting between dinner and breakfast. Fasting allows intense and more effective mental, emotional, and cellular cleansing. Thus, one should eat a nutritious breakfast in the morning and lunch meal at around 12. Also, one should make sure to have a very light dinner.

Importance of yoga and exercise in weight-loss:

Modern society is becoming more and more inactive, and desk bound. Our sedentary lifestyle has made us the slave of gadgets and machines which is causing a huge lifestyle imbalance. From an Ayurvedic viewpoint, daily physical exercise offers numerous health benefits. Physical activities facilitate prana to reach every tissue. Exercise supports blood flow and also helps in the removal of harmful toxins. It clears all the circulatory channels and improves our lung capacity. Apart from destroying excess fat, regular exercise offers better stamina and immunity against diseases caused by obesity. Hence, physical activity plays a huge role in obesity management.

Obesity management through asanas and therapies:

Simple yoga asanas, ayurvedic massage therapies along with few lifestyle changes can help your body slim down naturally.

Ayurvedic practitioners suggest various dietary changes and anti-obesity herbs to pacify the imbalances in our body. Vata and kapha imbalance is the main cause of obesity in adults. Plenty of natural remedies have been described in ‘Charak sanhita’. These herbs, when taken in right quantities, may help in reducing excess fat and improving metabolism.

Udwarthanam (Dry powder massage): 

Apart from these lifestyle changes, Ayurveda also suggest specific types of body massage, with ayurvedic oils, for obesity and related ailments.

Dry Powder Massage

Udwarthanam is an ancient massage therapy in which massage is performed with herbal medicated powder. It facilitates the removal of toxins from body which in turn helps in fat reduction. Udwardhanam treatment is extremely beneficial in the treatment of obesity, rheumatoid arthritis and skin problems. For better digestion and metabolic activities, some ayurvedic supplements can also be taken after consulting an ayurvedic practitioner.

Ayurvedic Slimming Oil and anti-cellulite oil:

Benefits of massage with ayurvedic slimming and anti-cellulite oil – Body massage with ayurvedic slimming oils is one of the most natural and popular way of removing excess fat. Panchakarma treatments such as vasti and vamanam are also beneficial for weight management. It is advised to take these specific weight reduction therapies from a highly experienced and well qualified massage therapist.

Ayurvedic slimming oil
Ayurvedic Oils

Body massage with ayurvedic slimming oil offers remarkable improvement in overall physical and mental health. The whole process of weight management with slimming oil is actually very pleasing and uplifting. Through massage, you can achieve your weight loss goal without starvation or intense work-out. For getting extra benefits from ayurvedic slimming treatments, one should follow slimming diet along with some herbal medications.

Herbal anti-cellulite oil or slimming oil includes warm and detoxifying properties of fat-reducing herbs. These herbs help you in weight reduction. Most of the ayurvedic anti-cellulite oils are enriched with antioxidant properties of herbs like Haridra, Trikatu, Peepal and Ashwagandha etc. These herbs along with organic essential oil help remove fat and excess water while toning and tightening the skin.

Slimming massage with warm oil is performed all over body with gentle firm strokes. Effective herbal ingredients work in synergy to trigger the slimming process. They also offer extreme satisfaction and relaxation to your body and mind. Anti-cellulite oil instantly starts working on restoring suppleness of your skin. Whereas vigorous massage strokes improve blood circulation, removes toxins and reduces excess fluid.

Aromatherapy for weight-loss:

Aromatherapy massage can also help you reduce your belly fat up to a great extent. A 2007 Korean research proved that there is a clear link between high cortisol levels (stress level) and abdominal weight gain, even in otherwise slim people.

Therefore, it is important to reduce cortisol levels in order to prevent abdominal weight gain. Aromatherapy massage solves both the purposes. Frequent massage with slimming oils help reduce cortisol levels, thus boosting the weight reduction process. Various kinds of essential oils such as sweet fennel, juniper berry, rosemary, sage, and citrus essential oils are used in aromatherapy for fat reduction and excess fluid retention.


Obesity can be managed with few changes in lifestyle and eating habits. It is a challenge but not a hurdle that cannot be overcome. So, fight it out with smaller, doable changes.

Good Luck to all our readers!!

Energised in summer
Stay Healthy!!

How could Ayurveda help with Stress-relief?

Stress has become a fairly common element of the modern life. While little amount of stress is productive, excessive stress can seriously damage our health – physically, mentally, and emotionally. Almost everyone in today’s world is living a chaotic life, be it the household life, the school life, the workplace, or the society.

Ayurveda, the ancient system of natural healing, offers a totally distinctive and holistic approach to stress management. It recommends several natural effective ways of stress management for our day-to-day life. Ayurveda focuses on using the intrinsic power of herbal medicines to treat various physical and mental diseases.

According to Ayurvedic philosophy, the systems of human body are governed by three fundamental energies: Vata, Pitta & Kapha.

Energies of Life
The 3 Doshas of Ayurveda

When the balance of these 3 energies a.k.a  ‘3 doshas’ is disturbed, our body and mind start suffering with various diseases. Therefore, the Ayurvedic experts advocate the use of various natural remedies to bring back the balance of these three energies of Ayurveda. These natural substances are totally harmless and support our body in managing an easy, stress-free life.

Ayurvedic herbs for stress relief

A range of powerful combinations of herbs and plants have been mentioned in Ayurvedic scriptures. These combinations/ herbs help in the treatment of stress, anxiety and depression etc.

The BRAHMI herb is considered very helpful in the treatment of stress. It takes care of the mental disturbance, headaches, anxiety and depression. Brahmi has shown amazing effects on serious disorders like Alzheimer’s disease. It is highly recommended for people suffering with stress, post-natal depression, anxiety etc.

Brahmi is beneficial in treatment of stress
Brahmi Herb

ASHWAGANDHA is yet another important stress bursting herb which is heavily used in Ayurvedic medicines.

Ashwagandha for treatment of Stress
Ashwaganda – a powerful Herb

According to an eminent ayurvedic consultant, Ashwagandha is an all-purpose brain tonic, which improves our thinking ability, memory power and concentration. It basically helps in maintaining the chemical balance in our brain, which in turn helps us deal with chronic stress. One study published in the Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine suggests that Ashwagandha has shown extremely positive results in the treatment of anxiety, insomnia and depression.

Alternative Therapy for Stress Relief

Restore your inner balance with yoga and meditation

Most of us are juggling from one task to another during the day, and there is a constant lack of time to finish those tasks. The pressure that we feel due to a tight schedule may negatively affect our mental and physical health. Over a period of time our body, mind and heart start losing the sync.

Meditation is vital for stress relief

Therefore, it is essential to re-establish the inner connection in order to regain our mental and physical balance.  The practice of yoga and meditation allows us to naturally experience our inner self, which in turn increases our capacity to handle challenges of life more easily and calmly.

Yoga, meditation and other relaxation therapies allow our body, mind and heart to be more integrated. Thus our natural balance is restored and the level of stress and anxiety goes down.

Food for a stress-free life – Eat Right

As we know, prolonged stress generates free radicals and toxic chemicals. This disturbs the balance of vata, pitta and kapha in our body and creates several disorders. These disorders could be related to health, brain, heart and digestive system. According to Ayurvedic philosophy, food that we eat can also work as our medicine. The right kind of foods can help us find our inner peace and reduce stress.

Eat Right
Food for Stress-Relief

In case of stress and anxiety, all plain or sweet fruits are usually considered the right choice due to their vata and pitta pacifying qualities. These two energies stimulate and control various mental and physical functions. Hence, it is important to pacify them in order to maintain proper functioning of the body.

Berries, bananas, sweet orange and amla help in pacifying pitta. They reduce the stress level by providing Vitamin C and Vitamin B6. All kinds of berries like blueberries, raspberries and strawberries are good sources of antioxidants and vitamin C. Consuming these fruits on regular basis may help reduce the risk of depression, tiredness and anxiety etc.

Abhyangam (The ancient oil massage therapy) for stress relief

Abhyangam is the ancient warm oil massage therapy which recharges and rejuvenates the whole body and mind. It is a very effective ancient treatment of muscles and connective tissues, which also help calm down the nervous system. Abhyanga with Ayurvedic nutrient-rich warm oils promotes good sleep. It also helps to improve skin while taking care of your emotional health. In this treatment, warm Ayurvedic oil is poured and gently applied on the body. Oil starts penetrating, slowly, through the cells and removes the harmful toxins or ‘Ama’ from the body. This makes our body and mind feel totally relaxed and stress- free.  This warm oil massage on regular basis can help pacify tri-doshas and promote good health.

Anger Management Techniques to Rein in your Temper

Anger is a completely normal healthy human emotion that prompts you to make positive changes in your life. However if not managed appropriately, it can ruin your social as well as your personal life. Apart from creating problems all around, anger could also impact your health negatively.


Anger can destroy your life completely –

Uncontrolled anger can spoil your relationships with the most important people in your life. Moreover, your judgment becomes impaired which eventually gets in the way of your success and prompts you to act inappropriately.

Results of various medical researches show that constant high levels of stress, impulsive behavior and anger can increase your risk of heart ailments, sleeping problems, high BP and various mental disorders etc.


Manage your anger and live a better life-

Uncontrolled anger, constant irritability and anxiety drain enormous mental energy, and make it difficult for you to focus on positive aspects of life or simply enjoy life. This is why anger management has become the need of the hour. However, it takes time and a positive mindset to master the art of anger management; but constant effort can take you closer to your goal.

Learning to calm your anger and put your thoughts in proper manner is extremely important for strong relationships, and success at work. Anger management techniques and therapies like massage bring your body and mind in sync with each other. It also enables you to take the right steps to calm yourself down in challenging situations.


Role of massage in anger management-

Several occupational therapists say that anger is basically a stress reaction. Gradual reduction in stress level can be very helpful in keeping the anger down. Massage techniques are a great way to release stress and anxiety. Relaxation techniques and massage therapies can help your brain release negative energy while providing you a serene space to peel away all the tensions of life.

Massage therapies on a regular basis help decrease the negative impact of stressful and hectic lifestyle on your outlook towards life. Apart from other health benefits, it also makes you mentally strong to cope with everyday stress and anxiety.

A soothing massage session with a qualified and trained therapist can relieve stress and aid relaxation. A massage will help flush out the harmful toxins from the muscles, and increase the ‘feel-good’ hormones.

However, massage also alleviates nerve pain and offers relief from everyday aches and pains, but the physiological impact is much deeper than simple relaxation. Constant stress and anxiety at work or home may cause depression. A combination of massage therapy and herbal preparations can improve emotional health significantly by increasing the level of serotonin, which in turn reduces depression and pain.

Specific massage techniques are used for balancing anger and the fire element inside the body. That’s the reason why massage therapy is considered very useful in stress management. Moreover, if your anger gets out of hand at times, you should consider learning a simple self-massage technique for calming yourself instantly.

According to Ayurveda, an insufficient communication between the brain and heart causes the emotional imbalance due to anger. Some people can easily overcome their anger due to their ability to express emotions in a healthy way. Some people, on the other hand, find it difficult to control their temper with slightest annoyance.

Ayurveda and holistic therapies like massage lead the path to personal power while helping people learn how to win over the negative emotions. Once this control is achieved, you can become a master of your own thought process.

Ayurvedic principles are applicable on mind and body, both. With regular yoga practice and soothing oil massage, you can easily learn to manage your anger, anxiety, and other negative emotions.

Therefore, it is important to take a break from a busy work schedule and indulge in a stress busting massage therapy. This will help you to take control of your emotions and feelings.


How Abhyangam and Shirodhara can help reduce anxiety and anger-

Abhyangam massage and Shirodhara therapy, both are based on ancient Ayurvedic wisdom. They can provide you support and comfort during times of distress. It is a well- known fact that our emotions come from our mental state. Few sessions of these therapies can help you calm down while improving your emotional state.

These types of therapeutic massage offer a caring human touch of the therapist which helps individuals’ relieve their emotional burden. Also, it will accelerate the healing process by creating a sense of emotional security.

Meditation and therapeutic massages are scientifically proven ways of creating consciousness, compassion and acceptance. All of these ultimately help you defeat stress and anger. So, don’t be afraid to get away from crowded elevators, noisy streets and busy workplaces. Just start treating yourself with relaxing massage therapies more frequently than ever before. This will build up your emotional well-being and physical strength.

How Massage could help to sleep better!

A good sleep is a scarce resource in the recent years. People are too busy to take a proper nap at night.  Stress and working schedule is the main reason for causing a recession in sleep. All over the world, people are losing out on good sleep which in turn is affecting their good health.

The modern mantra of life is very simple. Work hard now and sleep later. If this is an ideal life to lead then a time will come when people will actually forget how to sleep.

Work hard, be passionate, give every bit of your energy towards the work but never ignore on sleep.  This is the basic necessity for a person to stay alive for a lifetime.

The pain of sleepless night is horrendous.  People get affected by insomnia and slowly it turns out to be a serious disease.

Sleepless nights lead to health ailments
Massage could help with sleepless nights

What causes sleepless nights?

There are reasons that affect sleep. In the initial stage people may ignore but later it turns out to be a major issue.

  • Anxiety – It is one of the major reasons for a sleepless night. People suffer from various types of anxieties like fear, tension, depression etc. All these thoughts create a big disorder in sleep. Anxiety can affect a person at any age and if not taken seriously it might lead to a great disaster.
  • Alcohol and nicotine – Too much consumption of alcohol and drugs can also lead to sleeplessness. People get addicted to it and slowly it creeps into your body affecting various normal functioning.
  • Stress – This is the most obvious reason for staying up all night. Be it work or personal matter stress affect a person from many ways. There are people who can handle stress but the rest who are unable to do it suffer the most. Not only sleep but it also affects their eating habit, nature etc. When stress hits a relax mind then everything around gets affected
  • Change in the schedule – Sleep may often get hamper due to chance in working schedule. The circadian rhythm of the body gets affected due to it.
  • Getting old – Another worry for people who are getting old. After a certain age man finds it very difficult to sleep for longer hours. Slowly with time people starts losing out on sleep.

Another major factor behind disturbance in sleep is innovation in technology.  With time people are getting highly addicted to social media, games on phone and movies in a laptop.  These are actually making them stay awake night after night.  The attraction is so deep that people find it difficult to come out of it. More or less every person in the age group of 20 to 30 is addicted to it.

Finding remedies for sleeplessness is difficult.  There are sleeping pills but consumption in a huge quality may cause serious trouble.  The best way to get over it is to find some peace and maintain a balance in life.  Maintaining a proper routine is the basic need for a pure and healthy life.  Good food, good sleep, proper exercise will even enhance the productivity of work.  Though such lessons have been given at various occasions yet people are not ready to accept it.

How does Spa work as a magic?

Body massage in a spa helps to get over with stress and all kinds of anxiety. People are often visiting such place for a quick massage.  Relaxation is a need for every human body after a tormented working hour. A simple body massage can create a magic.

Relaxation Therapy at a Spa
Relaxation therapy could help to sleep better

A tired body is unable to find sleep and if you are extremely tired you won’t be able to get a good sleep.  You need to calm down and relax a bit to get some proper sleep at night.

Massage is the best way to heal every bit of tiredness in a persons body. Visiting a Spa can give you a variety of massage. Some of them are:

  • Swedish massage- This form of massage uses long strokes, deep circular movements, vibration which helps one’s body to relax and get more energy.
  • Deep Massage- This technique uses more forceful strokes so that the deep layers of the muscles get affected.
  • Trigger point massage- This kind of massage focuses on certain tight muscle fibers for relaxation.

There are innumerable types of massage that one can get in a Spa. The main motive remains to calm down the human body and make it relief from stress.

Destress massage
Relief from stress through a massage session

A person goes through a lot over an entire day.  It becomes extremely difficult for a tired soul to get a good sleep.  Relaxation is a need for everyone. Body Massage in a Spa will help you to wash out every bit of tiredness and give you freshness for a good sleep.

Both sleep and massage shares an extremely good bonding with each other.  A proper massage at a Spa helps in the production of serotonin in the body, which is essential for melatonin.

People often consume sleeping pills due to uneven sleep.  They belief that is can bring immediate relief and is the best remedy for it. Nevertheless it is harmful and disturbs the other functions in a body.

Try to undergo a body massage in a Spa and experience the difference. People who already done it knows how much effect it makes. A comfort sleep is all that a person can get after a full body massage in a Spa.

Massage therapy is a complete drug free therapy which helps people to fight with sleep.  There are thousands of people around the world who are spending their life without sleep.  This has been the biggest issue for people who are unable to sleep.

Be it men or women, every person should undergo a massage therapy for relaxation.  This not only helps him/her to regain his/her body fitness but also helps to rejuvenate your mind and to think better and act better.

Sleep is a necessity which every person needs.  If you are too stressed out or tired or going through a rough patch in life just make out some time and visit a Spa for a massage therapy.  You will feel better eventually.


How Can Massage Help Depression?

DEPRESSION has become a growing public health problem, especially in urban areas. Modern life is making us more depressed and lonely. Recent research indicates that this constant feeling of sadness can drain our energy, hope, and drive to perform better at work place. With inadequate treatment, it can negatively affect the course and outcome of common ailments like arthritis, asthma, heart disease, and diabetes etc.

If your depression is severe and stubbornly persistent, it can cause you short-term disability too. Just like any other chronic illness, beating depression isn’t quick and it takes time to feel better. However, you can slowly win your fight against depression if you make positive choices each day.

Every time you do things that relax and energize you, you get one step closer to your ultimate goal of defeating depression. Therefore small steps like following a healthy lifestyle, learning to better manage stress, calling your friends, and taking time out for body massage and other holistic treatments etc. can make a huge difference.

The relation between Stress and Depression

There are so many factors which directly or indirectly increase the risk of developing depression; long term Stress and Anxiety is one of the most common causes of depression. Stress has become an unavoidable part of our everyday life and it is not possible to take away all the stress from our daily life. However, we can take some steps to lower physical and emotional stress in order to improve overall health.

The relation between Stress and Depression is quite complex. People, who are facing stressful situations on a daily basis, often tend to ignore healthy lifestyle practices. They try to comfort themselves by smoking or drinking alcohol, and also neglect regular work-outs. Heavy stress and anxiety for a longer period of time can sometimes lead to the risk of developing severe depression.


Lifestyle practices to combat Depression

The following healthy lifestyle practices and good body massage can help you de-stress, improve your flexibility and alleviate symptoms of depression too:

MILD EXERCISE: Only 30 minutes of moderate exercise, like brisk walking or swimming on a daily basis can do wonders! Regular exercise improves the production of chemicals in the body that fill you with positivity and reduces stress hormone, cortisol.

Exercising or working out of any physical form also releases chemicals called Endorphins. These endorphins interact with the receptor in our brain that reduces the perception of pain. Endorphin triggers a positive feeling in our body, similar to that of Morphine. Hence, there is a strong relationship between Exercise and Endorphin.

STRONG & HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP: Isolation or loneliness is one of the main reasons for depression, whereas strong relationships work as a shock absorber and saves you from the effects of adversity. Invest in a relationship which is long-term and will stay with you in the thick and thin of your life.

YOGA & MEDITATION: These ancient healing practices can be extremely beneficial if you feel depressed and stressed-out almost all the time. Meditation calms your mind and develops a positive attitude towards life. Yoga is another form of exercise with a controlled breathing pattern. A controlled breathing pattern ensures the right amount of oxygen to your body, which is essential for relaxation just like body massage.

BALANCED DIET & NO ALCOHOL POLICY: It is important to take a healthy and balanced diet; you should choose your carbs intelligently. Instead of taking too much sugary foods, go for “complex” carbs like whole grains. Ditch junk foods like cakes and cookies and start eating more fresh food like fruits, green tea and green vegetables.

THE MAGIC OF BODY MASSAGE THERAPY: The results of various researches show that getting Body massage therapy on a regular basis can help fight depression by significantly decreasing cortisol hormone levels. Body Massage can also be very effective in suppressing feelings of dejection. 

When you are under depression, your brain produces less amounts of feel-good hormones (serotonin, endorphins and dopamine etc.), these are the chemicals responsible for making us feel happy, relaxed, and confident. Massage with body massage oil helps our brain release both serotonin and endorphins.

Apart from increasing the levels of these feel-good hormones, massage therapy also aids in decreasing the stress hormone, cortisol which in turn releases tension and helps stabilize the mood. The emotional balance is vital and valuable for our overall health and well-being.

Massage is safe and nurturing therapy to relax, refocus and progress in life. It makes you aware of the mind-body connection and generates confidence and enhances self-esteem and overall personality.

Safe, nurturing and gentle touch provides “much- needed” human contact just like a comforting hug which helps you calm down physically and emotionally. Body Massage therapy supports a peaceful state of mental awareness, which in turn builds up a positive outlook towards life. Therefore it makes sense to reserve some time for a professional therapeutic massage, which is tailored to address your specific needs. Soothing massage sessions at regular intervals remind you that you deserve to feel good physically as well as emotionally.  

How does massage therapy help in relieving depression?

When you feel stress for an extended period of time, your muscles and joints become stiff or inflexible; it can cause soreness and limit your physical activities. Massage therapy using ayurvedic oil like nalpamaradi thailam can help relieve this stiffness in your body. However, body massage therapy alone can’t cure severe depression without proper medication, but it can definitely help relieve the symptoms associated with depression. Body massage therapy helps you get rid of fatigue, back pain, migraines, and sleeping problems.


Stress management with Shirodhara

Ayurveda, the ancient healing system explains a number of curative procedures like meditation and massage therapies for relaxation of body and mind. These ancient practices bring an unstable mind to a tranquil state, de-stress the body and help in developing a positive attitude.  

All the above benefits of meditation and relaxation techniques can also be achieved by an ayurvedic procedure called “Shirodhara”. Due to its positive effects on mind and body, Shirodhara ayurvedic treatment is now gaining huge popularity in the western countries too.   This classical procedure involves slow and steady dripping of herbal oil on the forehead.  The word “shiro” refers to the head and the word “dhara” refers to the stream in Sanskrit language.  Gentle pouring of warm herbal oil on the forehead or the Ajna chakra between the eyebrows, can cure various neurological disorders like Alzheimer, Parkinson disease, dementia and paralysis.

This ancient ayurvedic therapy for peace and serenity has several health benefits:

  • It nurtures the brain cells by increasing the blood flow. 
  • The nerves originating from the brain becomes stronger with this therapy. 
  • Shirodhara increases the production of feel-good hormones like dopamine, which improves the quality of sleep, and regulates mood and social behavior.
  • This classical stress busting treatment has the ability to unblock the chakras, and to develop an increased flow of the vital energy towards the brain.

Shirodhara is one of the most effective treatments for balancing the aggravated vata dosha in the mind. When your mind is preoccupied with racing thoughts, it becomes difficult to slow down the mind; this causes nervousness, anxiety, depression, insomnia and fatigue.  

Shirodhara is the perfect treatment for these types of stress related disorders.  Scientists claim that more than eighty percent of all diseases in the western world are stress related; in such a scenario, shirodhara can be considered as one of the most effective stress-busting therapies. 

9 things that I do every day to ensure that I don’t gain weight

I have always wondered how some people manage to stay slim without putting much effort? Recently I have become aware of the fact that anyone can stay fit by following some simple habits. Followed are the nine things I do every day to ensure that I do not gain any weight.

  • Eat in small portions: Most of the people don’t understand how portion control can help promote their weight loss efforts. A 2004 study which involved 329 overweight participants found that 38 percent of them lost 5 percent of their weight after practicing portion for two years. Researchers at the Summa Health System in Ohio conducted the study. I always eat in small portions at regular intervals. I reduce my portion size by using plates and spoons of small sizes. Also, I never eat chips and tacos straight from the bag.
Eat smaller portions
  • Stop eating when stomach is 80% full: I always eat until my belly is only 80% full. By doing this I avoid the risk of overeating. Also, our stomachs produce more digestive juices to break down food when we have more space in our stomachs. I eat slowly so my brain gets a full feeling. I follow some basic rules like only eating when I am hungry, never eating anything immediately before hitting the bed etc. Most importantly, I never skip a meal.

    Stop!!! Your tummy is 80% full!!
  • Detox my body: The first thing I do after waking up is to chug a glass full of warm water mixed with lemon juice. It flushes out toxins, improves digestion, balances the pH level and helps me to maintain a healthy weight. Sometimes, I mix 1 to 2 teaspoons of unfiltered, raw apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink it up. Needless to say, I avoid alcoholic beverages and smoking cigarettes at any cost.

DETOX – Flush out those toxins!!

  • Exercise: Lack of physical activity is the main reason of excess weight gain. Many people start to follow different weight loss diets, while neglecting the most basic rule – you have to exercise to burn fat. Unless there is a calorie deficit, your body will not show results. It doesn’t mean one has to do rigorous work out at the gym. You can run, jog, swim, walk, dance, yoga or anything according to your choice. I make sure that I do some exercises for at least 30 minutes daily. Besides from keeping my body in shape it also helps to reduce stress. Sometimes I use Slimming Oil to get even better results.


E is for Exercise Everyday

Small acts or efforts go a long way. Try taking stairs instead of elevators. Get down one stop before your office/home and walk that remaining distance on foot. Try and include walking, as much as possible, in your daily routine.

  • Eat a healthy breakfast: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. As per several studies, those who skip on breakfast are more likely to gain weight than who eat a healthy breakfast. Skipping breakfast will leave with little energy for the day, resulting in unhealthy cravings and snacking.Skipping breakfast also effects concentration and mood levels as the glucose levels in ones body goes down. And remember that the last meal that you have had was last nights dinner, which may been a 7-8 hours gap. I always eat a high-protein, low-carbohydrate breakfast so that I cut down on my cravings.
  • Identify hunger: It has taken me some time for me to identify the real hunger. Often, people confuse thirst for hunger and end up having a sumptuous meal when the body is demanding water. To understand whether I am hungry or thirsty, I drink a glass full of water and wait for 15 minutes. Most of the time, my hunger subsides which means I was just thirsty.Stay away from junk food: Fast foods and carbonated sodas are the main culprits behind increasing obesity problem. I always stay away from junk food, no matter how hungry I am. Try substituting fast food with healthy food. Instead of having sodas, try drinking green tea or any other herbal tea.

Do not confuse Thirst with Hunger

  • Live stress-free: Stress is one of the main causes of weight gain as it reduces your body’s ability to burn calories. Instead of emotional eating, I go for Body Massage, Spa therapy to fight stress.
  • Get enough sleep: Many researchers have suggested that lack of adequate sleep promotes weight gain and obesity. I never compromise on my sleep. I try to get minimum 8 hours of sleep daily. This not just keeps me fit but also keeps me full of positive attitude. I also have a better concentration and I feel fresh and happy in the morning. When I have trouble falling asleep I go for a Spa Therapy or Steam Bath before hitting the bed. Sometimes, I even try a massage with essential oils to relax my mind.
Never compromise on your sleep

These things definitely work for me and keep me charged for everyday challenges. Give it a try and see the change yourself.

How to know you are Stressed and How to avoid it?

Stress is our body’s way of responding to any type of demand or threat. And de-stress is the way to combat stress.  When we feel threatened, our nervous system responds by secreting a flood of stress hormones which include adrenaline and cortisol. Those hormones rouse the body for emergency action. As a result heartbeats get quicker, muscles tighten, blood pressure rises, breathing quickens, and senses get sharper. These physical changes boost your strength and stamina, increase your reaction time, and enhance your focus. This is called the ‘fight or flight’ or mobilization stress response and this is how your body protects you.

Here are some signs that denote you are stressed:


Effect of Stress
Stress impacts all species
  • FEELING CONSTANTLY SICK: If you keep getting a cough, sore throat or a fever, it might be because of the stress.
    As per medical professionals, when we are under too much pressure, our bodies release a stress hormone named cortisol. Cortisol helps us in short-term. However, when we are constantly stressed, these hormones can deplete after some time. Though cortisol and other hormones help our body to cope with stress, we get more susceptible to sickness when these hormones are withdrawn.

What to do:

Listen to your body if you feel drained or tired and take some time off your schedule. Sleep for at least 8 hours daily. Give your body the time it requires to recover. Find the Best Spa in your locality and pamper yourself with a Body Massage.

  • POOR CONCENTRATION: You are definitely under stress if you are too overwhelmed to focus on what is in front of you.  Simple things like not able to recall a colleague’s name is also a sign of stress.
    Studies have connected long-term exposure to surplus amounts of stress to shrinking of the brain’s memory centre, the hippocampus. Research has also shown that being under stress for too long can stimulate growth of proteins that might lead to Alzheimer’s disease.

What to do:

If it seems that you are experiencing this throughout the day, taking a few long inhales and exhales can help when under extreme pressure. Deep breathing helps us to control our thoughts and it also affects the bodily sensations which we experience when faced with a high-stress situation. Deep breathing also helps to control the heart rate and blood flow and muscle tension.

  • CONSTANT HEADACHE: If you feel pressure or throbbing anywhere on head or temple area, it might just be stress headache which is caused by tension.


Stress & headache
Stress could cause headache

Most of the times people tend to think that any particular problem in their life is causing the headache, but their lifestyle should be blamed instead. However, you should keep in mind that a headache might be a sign of some serious health problem. So, at those times you should visit a doctor immediately.

What to do:

When you understand that stress is causing you headache; the easiest thing to do is to have less stress in your life. But it is not that simple. It is a challenge how to de-stress yourself. Meditation, diet control, music, Spa therapies are some of the ways to cope up with stress. A relaxing de-stress massage is a sure shot. Choose oil from aromatherapy essential oils, which may help to relax your brain. Ask your spa expert for more on the choice of oil.

  • ACHING BACK AND NECK: If you have got Back Pain or Stiff Neck, it could be because of long-term stress, and not only the position you sit in throughout the day. High levels of stress and tension can result in discomfort and Muscle Pain by tightening muscles and causing muscle spasms. Knotted muscles in your neck can also give birth to headaches. However, if have developed backache and neck pain after an accident or emotional trauma, it could be due to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Surveys have shown that a lot of people are not able to heal their backache until they handle the emotional stress which is causing it.
Stress aggravates back and neck pain

What to do:

Dealing with Back Pain: There are many relaxation techniques that can help you with stress reduction, including guided imagery, taking deep breaths, meditation and even getting a Spa. Try to devote some time for Stretching breaks during the day to help stop muscles from tightening up. One could also try yoga at the end of the day. This will help ease Joint Pain as well.

For Neck Pain and knots in the muscles, a gentle massage helps release the tension in muscles. A Potli massage with warm herbal oil can provide with immediate relief. You may ask your nearest Spa for a Potli massage or may consult a physiotherapist for neck exercises.

  • TROUBLE GETTING A SOUND SLEEP: If you find yourself waking up in middle of the night or pondering on things, it could mean you are suffering from anxiety or stress. After a long and tiring day, you should fall asleep easily. Our brain only relaxes during the time we sleep. When you have a difficult time falling asleep, even though when you are tired, it is possibly because of the stress.

What to do:

Consult your doctor about this and ask if your chronic stress may have led to this. When you are not getting enough sleep, everyday problems can make you feel more frustrated and overwhelmed. This happens as your brain is already tired and hence is more vulnerable to anxiety and depression. A worn out body is not properly prepared to cope with stressful situations and ward off illness. To get proper sleep at night, cut back on caffeinated beverages. You can opt to have a cup of warm chamomile tea before hitting the bed. You could even try reading a book before going to bed.

  • HAVING MORE THAN USUAL HAIRFALL: When you find more than few strands of hair on your pillow after waking up in the morning, it maybe because of the constant stress. You could be suffering from a medical condition known as alopecia areata, an autoimmune skin disease, which is brought on when the body’s immune system attacks the hair follicles. It causes small round patches of hair loss on the scalp. It is likely to be associated with a severe stressor, such as an assault or a significant traumatic event. This disease usually happens in young women.
Excessive hairfall due to stress

What to do: Usually, this is a temporary condition and your hair will grow back once the stress has reduced. Try to take few days of leave from the office and get a relaxing body massage or just take up a membership with a spa and get de-stress therapy done. Some Ayurvedic massages like Shirodhara are helpful in combating stress.

In a nutshell, most health problems could be an indicator of your stress level. The first thing that has to be done is to de-stress oneself and understand the underlying cause of the problem. Most stress situations can be combated and worked at. A doctor or a counsellor should suggest the corrective measures or if medical intervention is needed. So, uninstall the word ‘Stress’ from the motherboard of your life.

De-stress and relax