Unintentional Weight gain – what are the reasons?

All of us want to be fit. So, keeping one’s weight in the normal range is a priority. Most of the time our weight increases when we consume more calories in our diet than what we burn by exercising. However, in spite of eating right and doing regular exercise some of us are putting on weight. We take a look at the other reasons which trigger weight gain.



A person’s thyroid may become underactive due to a variety of causes. This condition is known as hypothyroidism. It slows down the metabolism of the body leading to weight gain.



Corticosteroids administered in case of ailments such as asthma, rheumatoid arthritis and others are associated with fluid retention. Folks tend to exercise less when on steroid treatment. Steroids ramp up hunger and affect the regions in the brain that control feelings of satiety as well as hunger.

Steroid treatment


Lack of sleep

When you stay up late at night you have cravings for junk food and beverages. Lack of sleep is associated with higher levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin. At the same time there are lower levels of the satiety hormone leptin. Hence you tend to overeat leading to significant weight gain.


Blaming genetics

Many people think that obesity is solely caused by genes. So, they think that if their close relatives are on the obese side chances are they too will become obese. Studies observe that the more strongly individuals believed genetics was to blame for obesity the higher the probability of gaining weight. This section of people were also less likely to indulge in exercise as well as eat healthy. On the other hand, individuals who believed that weight gain was in their hands were more likely to eat right, exercise daily and be slim.


Chronic stress

Stress leads to higher secretion of cortisol in the body. As a result, you put on weight in the abdomen increasing the risk of heart ailments as well as obesity related issues.


Medication induced weight gain

Many classes of medicines including steroids, diabetes drugs and anti-psychotics make the medicine taker put on weight. Appetite may be stimulated leading to over eating or eating food items loaded with calories. Drowsiness is another major side effect of many medicines and leads to excessive sleep. Oversleeping also makes you pile up the pounds.



When you feel sad, alone and depressed you tend to binge on food since it makes you feel better. Antidepressants also make you feel better leading to weight gain. One of the classic symptoms of depression is decreased appetite. However, for some folk depression causes upward spikes in hunger.

Symptoms of depression


The inevitable consequence of aging

As you grow older (Anti-Aging) your metabolism decreases. So, it’s more difficult to burn calories. Also, individuals lose some amounts of muscle in their bodies. Muscles burn calories efficiently. Hence muscle mass loss translates to expending fewer calories. The inevitable result is weight gain.


Not eating breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Skipping breakfast will lead to hunger pangs later causing one to overeat or binge on items loaded with calories.


Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

This condition affects the working of the ovaries in women. Persons with PCOS put on weight in the abdominal region. Get yourself testing for this condition in the case of unexplained weight gain. This is a highly treatable condition.


Your appetite is affected by lighting as well as room temperature

As per research, dimly lit offices as well as homes ramp up appetite. Hunger is more in dark environments and less in bright surroundings. Cold temperatures also trigger higher appetite. Go outside the office/house and take a walk under sunlight. You will definitely feel better as well as less hungry.


Fluid retention

In this condition parts of the body retain water resulting in weight gain. Drinking enough water will result in decreased storage of water in the human body causing weight loss.


Diabetes treatment

Weight gain is a frequent side effect for folk taking insulin for diabetes management. Some diabetes patients eat more to prevent low blood sugar a condition called hypoglycemia. As a result, excessive calories are absorbed triggering overall weight gain.

Diabetes management


Overeating healthy foods

Moderation is the key. Even consumption of healthy food items will lead to weight gain if eaten in excessive quantities. Certain zero calorie food items have high calories. Better to eat the original product in small portions instead of binging on so called healthy food products. Read labels carefully before consuming any kind of food item.



Solution to lose unwanted weight


  • There are slimming oils which will burn fat when massaged regularly on the affected areas. Slimming oil burns down the cellulite as well as cut extra flab. It drives up metabolism accelerating the process of fat loss.
  • Compounds termed chlorogenic acids are present in coffee beans. It is believed that the former has antioxidant properties, brings down blood pressure and aids in weight loss. Roasting the beans bring down the percentage of chlorogenic acid. Hence drinking conventional coffee is less potent in weight loss when benchmarked against the unroasted beans.
  • Herbal potlis are employed for weight loss by deep tissue massage. It corrects the body shape as well as makes affected regions on the body to become tighter as well as firmer. A potli is to put it simply a therapeutic herbal blend popularly employed in massage treatments.
  • Slimming pills work by ramping up metabolism as well as suppressing appetite. Do not take the former on your own. Take the opinion of a qualified medical practitioner.

weight loss supplements


  • Garcinia cambogia is a tropical fruit famously referred to as the Malabar tamarind. It is one of the popular weight loss supplements. Hydroxycitric acid (HCA) is present in Garcinia cambogia and the former is believed to have potent weight loss characteristics. However, weight loss supplements should not be used without supervision as they can have negative impacts as well.
  • If existing medication is causing weight gain lower the dosage or switch to another medicine under the recommendation of a medical professional.
  • Whatever weight loss program you begin stick to it for a while at least to see visible results.
  • We hope that this blog has been useful in helping you understand the unseen reasons for weight gain and possible corrective actions.

Know how too much of screen time affects your body

Anya Kamenetz, through her book “The Art of Screen Time: How Your Family Can Balance Digital Media and Real Life” asked her audience a few questions.  They are as follows: –

  • Are you getting enough sleep, Exercise and Outdoor time?
  • When’s the last time you went 24 hours without checking your email and social media?”

As an adult, it’s time you start contemplating your answers to these questions. Today, we spend most of our waking hours whether at work or at home either on our phone or other screens. As per a study conducted by Braun Research Centre and Bank of America, it has been observed that as soon as we wake up, we think about our phones and we tend to check our phones even before we brush our teeth in the morning.

Negative impact of screen time


As we spend more time on screen, it can have a huge negative impact on our lives. It affects our health in the most unexpected way. Here are a few health problems that are faced by children, and adults alike.


Vision – Starring into a screen of either a tablet, laptop or even television for long hours can result in a vision syndrome called “computer vision syndrome.” The other symptoms include dry eyes, headaches, blurred vision.


Body pain

Poor posture such as slouching on the sofa or bed while using your devices such as laptops, smartphones and tablets can lead to severe neck and shoulder pain.


Sleep pattern is affected

Extended screen time will suppress melatonin, the sleep-promoting hormone. This will make us restless. When you don’t get enough quality sleep at night, it can lead to various health problems.



When you spend more time with your gadgets it can lead to weight gain. Many of us sit down while on the screen and this increases the risk of heart-related problems, diabetes, obesity and back pain.

You can reduce the effect of screen time on your health by following a few healthy habits.



Cut down on the screen time

  • It may be tempting to check on the online news or catch up on social media when you take a lunch or tea break. However, avoid eating with your phone in hand.
  • Limit your non-work screen time. Spend time with your family instead of checking your work email when you are at home. It will lead to stress.
  • Go for walks without headphones.
  • Leave your phone in a different room when you plan to rest.
  • Set up a routine to get things done in the morning without checking your mobile device. This will help you get sound sleep and a high level of energy to kick start your day.
  • Avoid watching a movie or tv in your bedroom. The bedroom is the place where you rest. Setup your TV in the living room only.
  • Also, switch of all your mobile devices at least one hour before going to bed. This will give you better sleep.
  • Take up a hobby instead of chatting with friends on any of the social platforms.



Spa massages help relax

If you feel stressed out or have back/shoulder pain, register with a reputed spa close home. Have a relaxation massage at least once in two weeks. Spa massages are no longer just a luxurious treat to pamper yourself. It is the need of the hour for anyone who is in the corporate world fighting against time to catch up with work and strike a work-life balance.

Any certified massage therapist would tell you that massage counteracts the body’s negative response to stress, relaxes muscular tension and help the blood pressure and heart rate to return to normal.

Massages hep relax


  • Reduces back and shoulder pain – Massage releases endorphins into the nervous system. This is the natural painkiller that will reduce pain.
  • Sleep better – Massage helps the muscles to relax and sends signals to the nervous system to reduce the blood pressure and settle the heart rate. The breathing becomes deeper and more rhythmic which aids in good sleep. Regular massage may help fight insomnia.
  • Better immune system – The circulation in the lymphatic system increases through regular massage. This help heals injuries and wards off infection, thereby improving the immune system of the body.
  • Improves skin texture – If your spa therapist uses skin moisturizing and rejuvenating ayurvedic oils, it aids in skin repair and also removes toxins from the body. Regular massage will moisturize the skin thereby improving the skin texture.



Along with proper diet and exercise, there are slimming ayurvedic oils that will help in burning the excess fat at the wrong places. However, oil alone may not help if you are unwilling to have a planned and healthy diet and follow a strict exercise regime.


Back, neck and shoulder pain


Obesity leads to back pain

Obesity leads to back pain. Similarly, bad postures when you are working on your laptop, watching television or smartphone will also lead to severe strain in the neck and back. One of the ways to get rid of the pain is to maintain a good posture, and the other is to apply ayurvedic pain oil to your body. Once you apply the oil, allow the body to absorb the oil and then take bath in tepid to hot water. This will help to relieve pain to a certain extent.

You can approach a spa centre and talk to them about your body pain. If you mention the exact location where you have intense pain, the spa centre would be able to chart out a massage therapy specific to that area. There are various types of massages to help you relax and relieve you of your pain.

Early Morning Water Therapy – Ushapana

Culturally, the practice of drinking water early in the morning has existed for centuries. A popular example of this includes Japanese Water Therapy, which involves drinking warm or room temperature water first thing in the morning. It further preaches the benefits of warm water over cold water. Japanese medicine has claimed that it treats issues like Constipation, High Blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, and Cancer.

Benefits of warm water


Water is the element that is the base of all life on Earth. It is the magical elixir that has led to the existence of living beings. The human body is made up of about 60% water. It is an essential nutrient that is required for our survival.


India, too, has had a history of practicing early morning Water Therapy. Ancient Ayurveda preached the practice of “Ushapana”. Usha refers to “dawn” and Pana refers to “drinking”. This practice is said to be effective if you drink water just before sunrise. It is claimed that it aids in preventing aging, repulsing diseases, and expanding lifespan.



Essential Functions of Water in Our Body

Water is essential for our body. The human body loses its water content throughout the day through processes like sweating, urinating, and excretion. These are called water outputs. Once the optimum water quantity has gone down, our body becomes dehydrated.


Dehydration is a condition where our body does not have an optimal amount of water to function. It can lead to many detrimental health consequences. Let us take a look at the several processes in our bodies that go smoothly because of water.

Hydrated skin



Thermoregulation refers to maintaining a healthy body temperature. It is a vital process involved in maintaining homeostasis. It requires holding the body heat created by essential organs like the heart, the liver, and the brain. Water is an agent that holds this heat.


Conversely, when your body temperature is too high, it is water that helps your body come back to an optimal temperature. High temperatures put the human body under a lot of stress, putting it in danger of injury or even death.


Nutrient Transportation

One of the main functions of water includes aiding blood circulation and respiration. Water aids in blood circulation by making it a smoother process. This in turn helps get nutrients and oxygen to your essential organs like the heart and lungs more efficiently.


Further, water helps dissolve nutrients for easy consumption. This function is essential for important body processes like metabolism. Every organ of the human body needs to get enough water.



Water plays a major role in practically all digestive processes. It is an agent that brings down acidity in the stomach. It improves bowel movement. Warm water is said to de-solidify fats in our body making them easier to pass through our system. Any digestion problem you can name, water (or the lack of it) plays a role. It flushes out toxins from the liver and kidneys, essential for natural detoxification.


Body Lubrication 

Major part of the moisture our body has comes from water. Dehydration leads to dry and unpleasant skin. Other moist areas of our bodies like the eyes, nose, and mouth tissues are all kept lubricated through Water. Our bodies would practically be dry as sand without the presence of water.


Shock Absorbency 

The presence of H2O in and around your organs helps them defend better against shock. These organs include sensitive areas such as the brain and spinal cord. These structures depend on a protective layer of water around them.



The Benefits of Drinking Water on an Empty Stomach 

Ayurveda at its core preaches holistic wellbeing. Ushapana is no different from this core of Ayurvedic philosophy. This ancient water therapy preaches drinking water before sunrise every day. This process is claimed to improve the immune system, overall health, aging, and lifespan.


Today, the benefits of drinking water on an empty stomach have been scientifically proven. Getting your water intake through foods and drinks throughout the day is good. But drinking water early morning, on an empty stomach, has been time and time again proved to be the most beneficial. It is so therapeutic that many call it Water Therapy. In this section, we seek to discuss how.

Improve immune system


Speeds Up Metabolism

Metabolism is a process that is essential in maintaining a healthy weight and staying active. Several research studies have found that drinking water on an empty stomach speed one’s metabolism up to 30%.


Metabolism is an important process that determines how much energy your body consumes. You will find yourself become more physically active and alert during the day once you engage in regular Ushapana.


Improves Bowel Movement 

A major unpleasant problem caused by dehydration and poor diet is constipation. Starting your day with drinking water is almost like bathing the inside of your body. The detoxifying properties of water make sure to activate bowel movement.


With a good amount of water consumption in the morning, you get to start the day fresh.


The accumulated sludge can be removed by drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach. This will also aid better absorption of nutrition. This leads to a healthier colon and a healthier body overall.


Boosts Immunity  

By improving the fluid regulation of the body, water aids the immune system in fighting diseases. Drinking enough water in the morning aids detoxification and prevents illnesses from spreading. As a result, the immune system is strengthened and the body is protected from various infections.

Boost immune system 



Weight loss is a pleasant side-effect of getting enough hydration. No amount of calorie deficit diets and workouts will work if your body is dehydrated.


Water is a nutrient that has zero calories. Drinking it on an empty stomach not only increases your metabolism (for up to an hour) but also reduces your appetite. As a result, you’re able to maintain a healthy diet without feeling like you’re starving. Regular early morning Water Therapy is recommended for optimal weight-loss results.


Clears Complexion

With its essential detoxifying properties, water leads to healthier skin. Water Therapy ensures that each cell of your body gets good nutrients and nourishment. This enables flushing out toxins and impurities from all over the body.


Toxic build-up in the body is a common cause of blemishes or dark patches. Water can assist in the removal of these harmful contaminants from the body. Since regular Ushapana has been proved to magnify the benefits of water consumption, it is effective for clearing skin complexion.

 clearing skin complexion


Improves Mood 

The detoxifying qualities of water don’t just assist in a healthy body but also one’s mental health. Practices like exercising and a healthy diet impact your mood greatly.


Water has been demonstrated to have inherent calming characteristics. Drinking enough water in the morning enables relaxation throughout the day, which is crucial in anxiety management. Even if you’re not anxious, drinking enough water can help you manage stress-related problems.


Additionally, Water Therapy makes sure your brain gets optimum hydration, which improves attention, cognition, and memory.




Signs That You Are Drinking Too Much Water

Water is an essential agent of detoxification and overall better health. However, like all good things, there is a limit to water’s benefits. Electrolytes like potassium, sodium, and magnesium play a key role in regulating vital bodily processes such as heart function. These electrolytes can get diluted and thereby dysfunctional if one consumes too much water.


Overhydration can be mild at first but eventually lead to water intoxication. In extreme cases, drinking too much water can lead to swelling in the brain. This results in symptoms like nausea, headache, vomiting, and mental disorientation. This is rare but most common in athletes who train a little too hard.


Health professionals recommend that consuming 2 to 3 litres of water per day is optimum. However, this number varies according to weather conditions, sex, age, weight, activity, and several other factors. Therefore, it may be wise to look for mild signs of overhydration to be safe. Keep in mind that these signs are based on possibilities and do not give you a diagnosis. Consult a healthcare professional for a diagnosis.  Here are four signs you ought to look out for: –

You Visit the Bathroom Way Too Many Times

An average human pee about 6-7 times in 24 hours. Drinking too much water unsurprisingly leads to higher water retention. Therefore, if you have to visit the loo way too many times in the day or disrupt your sleep during the night, it might be a good idea to cut back on water consumption.


Clear Urine

Contrary to popular belief, urine is not supposed to have a clear color. Of course, a dark yellow and burning sensation is a bad sign, but so is urine as clear as water. Health professionals say that the ideal color of your urine should be somewhere around a light yellow.


Drinking-Water Out of Compulsion Instead of Thirst 

Drinking water is an essential activity many people can neglect. However, doctors have found that most people stay hydrated naturally: by letting their body give them cues.


If dehydration is a problem for you, you should increase your water intake. But in other cases, it is absolutely fine to let your body do its work.


Headache and Nausea

Drinking too much water might cause your blood sodium levels to plummet, resulting in headaches and nausea. These symptoms are more concerning than others because they indicate swelling of the brain. We recommend medical attention if you feel disoriented after drinking too much water.


However, it should be noted that both headaches and nausea can be symptoms of many other health conditions. Use your judgment to decide if it’s because of overhydration.


Parting Note 

Water is an inseparable part of us. It has enabled the gift of life nature has given us. It is important to value its benefits and importance in our lives while also making sure not to overdo it. The benefits of water consumption can be reaped best by drinking it on an empty stomach. We hope that you now have a good idea about the benefits of Ushapana and early morning Water Therapy.

Moringa “Miracle Tree” benefits for health

Moringa is often spotted in multiple humble abodes across India and people love the vegetable it grows, “drumstick”. While we focus on the vegetable it bears, we stay unaware of the medicinal benefits of the plant. Ayurveda has identified Moringa as a superfood and it has created a niche for itself in the list of healthy foods.

Every part of this plant is useful and has multiple nutrients, vitamins, and minerals to offer and that has made it popular in Ayurveda. Superfood culture is on the rise for health-conscious citizens and the miracle tree has definitely made its place.

Moringa Oleifera



What is Moringa?

The name Moringa comes from the Tamil word Murungai which essentially means drumstick. The scientific name given to the miracle tree is, Moringa Oleifera. A few other names used to denote the tree is the moringa tree, the drumstick tree, Ben oil tree, or the horseradish tree.


Moringa has been native to the foothills of north western India. However, as it has some additional established perks of being a valuable, drought-resistant, multi-purpose crop, it has found a home across the world and is now grown across Asia, Africa, Egypt etc. Also, the superfood status that moringa has earned, was compelling enough for people to add this crop to their farms, greenhouses, and backyards.


Belonging to the flowering plant family Moringaceae, the crop’s medicinal properties have been used from ancient times. Multiple parts of the tree, specifically the drumstick leaves, fruit, oil extract, have numerous benefits attached to them, including, but not limited to the digestive, heart, and circulatory system.



The Miracle Tree

Moringa is cultivated throughout India and now the world, especially for the health-related benefits it possesses. Cultivating the crops is also fairly easy as well, since it is not affected by lack of rainfall, and can grow in highly arid regions. It can easily grow in a wide range of soils right from old, depleted pasture land to lands bordering desertification.


Moringa has many important nutrients and these includes, vitamin A, vitamin B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B-6, folate and ascorbic acid (vitamin C), calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc. The crop is immensely low in fats and cholesterol.


Most of the Moringa parts are edible, while the part the steals the show for excessive nutrients, is leaves. It is believed that the leaves have more Vitamin C (Up to 7times) than oranges. Raw leaves are cooked and eaten or dried, powdered, and added into soups, curries, sauces, tea, and more.  


The seeds, on the other front, are also consumed as food or used to extract Ben oil. The seed pods are either boiled and used in soups and curries or are cooked, roasted, and consumed like nuts. Ben oil on the other end can be used for consumption in the form of salad oil or can be used to make soaps or start a fire, i.e., as burning fuel. Other uses include a base for perfume and lubricating oil for machines.


What’s surprising is the roots of the Moringa tree, which has roots similar to horseradish. They can be shredded and used as a condiment. Summing up the uses of this crop, it can be used for culinary, agricultural, livestock, medicinal, and other purposes.



Health benefits of Moringa

The benefits of Moringa are not limited to medicinal benefits, but it also contains several beauty benefits. We would want you to focus on the parts of the plant and understand how you can absorb the benefits to the maximum extent. Here are some of the benefits you would love to know about: –


Beauty care

The essential components of Moringa seed oil helps you keep your skin clean and healthy. The proteins from the plants actually help your skin recover from any damage caused to skin cells. The hydrating and detoxifying elements on the other hand are quite beneficial for your skin and hair. You can count on the herb to cure skin infections and sores.

Moringa seed oil


Liver and Cancer treatment

You may fairly protect your liver and may shield yourself from cancer with this herb. Moringa appears to protect a person from any damage caused to liver, especially the one from anti-tubercular drugs. Its properties also may also help us to fight cancer as it contains anticancer compounds, known to suppress the development of cancer cells, and built immunity.



Moringa helps in the process of lowering glucose in the blood and maintain the appropriate ratio of sugar and protein in the urine.


Cardiovascular System

Moringa contains antioxidant properties, which shield a person from cardiac damage, and helps maintain a healthy heart.


Healthier Bones

Bone strength can be built with calcium and phosphorous that Moringa contains. It also contains anti-inflammatory properties which may be perfectly be put to use for the treatment of conditions like arthritis. The herb has the power to heal damaged bones as well.


Some other benefits we derive from the herb include treating edema, stomach complaints, bacterial diseases (like Salmonella, Rhizopus, and E. coli), mood disorder, wounds, asthma, kidney disorders, blood pressure, eye, anaemia and sickle cell disease.



Uses of moringa – How to include Moringa in your diet

The key is to use “Freshly” cut part of the tree for maximum health benefits. With the emphasis being on the word ‘fresh’. In case you do get tender leaves and seed pods from the crops you cultivated or from the market, make sure you remove the stems before use as they can be a bit hard.


You can easily substitute spinach with Moringa leaves for a quick, healthy culinary delight. The seed pods essentially can be used in a stew as it adds a fleshy meat texture. If your ideas of eating healthy is salads, you can also add the leaves and seed pods of Moringa to your salad. The roots however contain a horseradish-type texture and lets you add the roots as dressing to any meal.


If you cannot get your hands on fresh Moringa leaves, you can opt for a substitute. Many suppliers sell, Moringa leaves powder, that you can purchase and instantly use in your dishes.

Moringa leaves


You can simply sprinkle the Moringa powder on your food in a similar manner as you add green salt or pepper. The best use case would be to add a spoonful of Moringa powder to your soup or stew, which is equivalent to adding a heap of nutrients, with no alteration to the original taste. Furthermore, you can add the powder to tea or smoothies that you love consuming.



Side effects of Moringa

With the natural health benefits this crop possesses, it is still advisable to consult a doctor first before usage. Another side effect attached to the use of Moringa is due to its anti-fertility properties. Hence pregnant women are strongly advised to refrain from using it.

While using the medicines that contain Moringa, check the dosage and other components thoroughly before use, preferably with a physician. Though Moringa does not contain a lot of side effects to worry about, it is always good to be cautious and observe yourself for any adverse reactions when you start the use of it.




Moringa is indeed the superfood that you can add to your diet and sit back to witness the health benefits kicking in. And there we have our answer to why this crop is called the “Miracle Tree”. Tiny bits of the crop put to use every day can give you a significant amount of boost in nutrients.

Cherish your Memory with Personalised Gift

Everybody loves gifts. However personalized gifts are remembered for a long time. A traditional gift may get lost among many conventional gifts. But a personalized gift stands out from the crowd. There are various methods to personalize gifts based on what the stuff is and its making material. We look at reasons why personalized gifts are the best.

  • Giving these Gifts Demonstrate that Thought has Gone in Selecting or Making the Gift

Almost everybody is impressed when given a personalized gift. The phrase ‘it’s the thought that matters’ is true in the realm of gift giving. In practice it mostly takes only a bit of time and effort on the gift givers part. In spite of that the gift shows that you have given attention to something that matters to the gift taker. It could be their favourite brand, or favourite quote. It is amply clear that you took the extra step to come up with something that suits the recipient.

  • Personalized Gifts are an apt fit irrespective of Age or Gender

The truth that it is not easy to select gifts for somebody who is not of your age or gender. Shopping is even more tough if you don’t know the individual well. However, you can get them what they will love dearly irrespective of the occasion by coming up with a personalized gift. It doesn’t make a difference what their age is. Gifts that have something they are attached to such as their nickname, birth date or photo are sure to floor them.

  • Nobody else would have given the same gift

After spending considerable time, money and effort you get the best possible gift only to discover that someone else has given them the same gift. This embarrassing situation can be averted by going for personalized gift. You could get a gift with the recipient’s photo and make sure it is cherished for a long time.

  • Demonstrate Affection

A personalized gift is an indicator that you know the recipient very well and taken special effort to ensure the gift is something they will cherish as well as hold dear. The former is very important to your partner as it indicates that you care for the person as well know them extremely well which is the best gift of all.

  • A Personal Gift is one of its kind

Everybody is unique. Hence give a gift that respects or highlights their uniqueness. Traditional gifts reflect little or no effort. But personalized gifts mean thought and care has been put to get or make something truly novel.

Spa and Massage Gifts

  • These Gifts are Cherished Forever

Most gifts are easily forgotten as well as used. Personal gifts evoke memories and are extremely valued. Examples are personalized wardrobe, personalized jewellery and others.

We take a look at some ideas for personalized gifts

  • Honeymoon Package

You could give a newly wedded couple a honeymoon package covering travel fare, meals, sight-seeing as well as shopping. It could be a destination they haven’t visited or is their favourite destination. This shows that you know what they like to visit, eat and shop. This is a once in a lifetime trip which makes it memorable.

Honeymoon Packages

  • Personalized Wardrobe

You could have shirts with the photos of the wearers favourite celebrities. A good idea is to have the recipient’s favourite quotes emblazed on his clothing. This shows you know the person’s likes as well as dislikes.

  • Autographed Souvenirs

We all are fans of certain personalities. Get to know who the recipient admires. Present him with a gift with the signature of his favourite personality. He will remember you forever for going out of the way to get him/her the treasured gift.

  • Chocolates Shaped like Cartoon Characters

Everybody loves chocolates especially kids. The latter are in the age group where this gift is highly precious and something to show their pals.

  • For the Foodie

Everybody likes to eat at fancy restaurants but find it costly. So, if you have to gift somebody passionate about food a meal at his/her favourite eatery will be remembered as well as appreciated.

  • Married Folk

Marriages are supposed to last a lifetime.  Both partners consider each other their dearest asset. A perfect gift would be a necklace with the spouse’s name on it. This is a gift meant to last for a lifetime.

  • Coffee Mugs with Favourite Quotes

You need to take pains to find out the recipient’s favourite quotes. He/she will be pleased with the gift and daily remember who went out of the way to make the gift truly special.

  • Spa as a Gift

Now this is a different kind of gift. The recipient will enjoy luxurious spa and massages. Different oils will be used to make the experience more enjoyable and relaxing. The scent of essential oils will mesmerise the person.  A birthday is a perfect occasion to give this gift. However, find out the person’s preferences before bestowing him/her with a birthday spa. He/she will remember the satisfying as well as pleasurable experience for a long time.

Spa and Massage Gifts

  • Books

For the book lover a rare book or a book by the recipient’s favourite author makes an apt gift. Usually books are preserved for a long time bringing back sweet memories.

  • Greeting Cards

There are many occasions when greeting cards are sent. It could be a birthday, marriage anniversary, Valentine’s day, Father’s day, Mother’s day and more. Have a photo of the recipient and a handwritten message to ensure that he/she treasures them for a long time. Online greeting cards with personalized music make for excellent and personalized gifts for all.

  • Personalized Calendars

Calendars are something that folks check out everyday. Married couples can be presented with personalized Calendars featuring different photos of the couple for each month. For the office goers make a calendar where there are photos of family as well as friends for each month of the calendar year.

  • Birthday Cakes

Birthdays happen once a year. Get an expert cake maker to create a cake with a picture of the birthday boy or birthday girl. Rest assured the recipient will go gaga over the gift.

Health Care Tips for Winters

Almost everybody you know dislikes winter season for some obvious health reasons. There are other numerous reasons why winter is disliked by most. Everything outside is white and colourless. Mornings are dull and hazy. Wherever you go, you have to put on layers of clothes and woollens, so much that you feel suffocated. All day you feel like keeping yourself warm curled inside the blanket. It seems as if the normal active life you liked has come to a halt. More than that, you cannot wear just anything you like without covering yourself with heavy winter clothing.

But, all said and done, winter is the season when you must take maximum care of your body and health. The amount of care you take of your body in winter is reflected throughout the year. So, even though you cannot avoid winters, there are numerous ways you could defeat it by following some easy health care tips for winters.

Body Stiffness and Skin Dryness are the common problems which you encounter in winters. The skin and hair become dry and seems to lose its sheen. These are common things which you have to endure in the cold season. Body Massage, if done regularly can help to some extent with winter dryness and body stiffness. But, what is most important is how to keep oneself healthy in the cold season.

Yes, it is possible to keep yourself healthy and glowing in winters. There are many ways to beat the cold.

Why is it Essential to Stay Healthy in winters?

According to research, winter is the time when your body absorbs most nutrition. It is the time actually when it needs more nutrition than any other season. This is because your body is continuously working to keep you warm by using the stored energy. You need to provide your body with all the nutrition which you can.

During this time of the year, bacterial and viral infections are also on the rise. So, if you do not care for yourself, you will easily fall ill. To keep up the normal functioning of your body tissues and cells, you must take proper care of your body.

How to Maintain Your Health in winter

There are certain tips and tricks which you need to follow to keep yourself healthy and glowing in winter. Once you follow that, winter might not seem so bad.

  • You might be tired of reading about the health benefits of WATER, but yes once again water is the elixir for humans. Winter is the time when your urge to drink water decreases. You might not want to drink as much water as you might do in summers. But that does not mean that your body needs less water. Drinking plenty of water prevents your body from getting dehydrated. To ensure the normal and smooth functioning of your body organs, you must not forget to drink water. Drink at least eight glasses of water regularly. If it seems too much for you, you can keep water container beside you at all times and occasionally sip water. Or you could even keep some warm water in an insulated flask and keep sipping that. This will not only fulfill the water requirement of your body but also keep your skin hydrated and less dry.
  • You must keep a watch on what you are eating. You need to EAT HEALTHY to stay healthy and feel energetic. Remember what you put inside your body reflects on the outside. Winter is the time when you can see a lot of colourful veggies. You can cook them in whatever way you want but make sure you have a diet full of veggies, fruits and grains. At this time, it is essential to provide your body with all the vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates it needs. Besides that, a hot steaming bowl of soup or stew is not only soothing but also nourishing for your body. You must avoid caffeine and aerated drinks at all costs. If you want something good to drink, you can have herbal teas, shakes and juices.

Herbal Green Tea boosts immunity

Blue Nectar Amritanadi Green Tea

  • Winter makes you lazy and inactive, agreed. But that does not mean you have to stay like that. You might already know the benefits of exercising regularly. Exercising in winter is all the more important. It is a herculean task to drag yourself out of the bed and abandon the warm and comfortable covers. But, to gain something you have to sacrifice something. Here, you have to sacrifice the warm bed.

Exercising keeps your joints mobile
Exercise in winter is a must

Proper exercise routine maintains blood circulation in the body. It keeps you fit and increases your activity and mobility especially during the cold season. You do not just have to go by the words. You can exercise daily for a week and feel the difference. You also cannot deny the good feeling which you get after an exercise routine. If you are not into vigorous exercises, you can also try yoga and meditation for peace of mind.

  • A proper skincare regimen is important. No, skincare is not only for the girls. It is essential for women of all ages and men equally. Do you feel good when you look good? Everybody will be saying ‘yes’ to that question. So, to look good you need to take proper care of your skin. Many people misunderstand skincare as care of the face. But, taking care of your skin involves the entire outer layer of your body. Oil Massage with good quality oil, regular cleaning, exfoliation and moisturising your skin is important. You can also try the Abhyangam Ayurvedic Massage as it has numerous benefits for your skin and also increases blood circulation. It is also important that you use quality products for your skin for long-lasting You can also pamper yourself to a Spa Therapy.



Spa Therpay
Relaxing winter massage in a spa

Winter is the time when bacteria and virus are most active. There is every chance that you can catch an infection quickly. Apart from keeping yourself healthy, it is also important to keep yourself protected. You need to use handkerchiefs and tissues whenever travelling outside. Hand sanitizers are a must. You have to be over conscious of the hygiene while using public washrooms, especially in winters. At home, you need to maintain a hygienic lifestyle so that germs do not breed and you can stay way out of the way of diseases and infections. In case you are infected by a virus or catch a cold, you must take necessary actions. In any case, it is better if you consult a physician.

Winter might seem drab and boring. But there are so many things you could do to make it interesting. Winter is the time when you travel, eat and enjoy with your friends. So, this winter, you must keep healthy and enjoy the weather to its fullest.

Layman explanation of Cervical Spondylosis

Cervical spondylosis or cervical osteoarthritis is a condition characterised by wear on the cartilage (disks) and bones of the neck (cervical vertebrae). It is a degenerative disorder which usually occurs in men and women older than 40 and progresses with age.

Cervical spondylosis mostly affects people with sedentary lifestyle or those who sit for long hours with bad postures. This condition causes pain at the back of the neck which radiates towards the upper limbs. Some of the common problems faced because of Spondylosis are:

  1. Some people experience dizziness while bending downwards.
  2. This condition negatively affects the range of motion in your neck.
  3. Your neck becomes more vulnerable to injuries such as strained ligaments and muscles.
  4. It may cause headache and nausea in some cases.
  5. It may weaken or restrict the arms movement and may cause a tingling sensation in hands (in severe cases when a nerve is compressed between neck columns).


Neck Pain
Cervical Spondylosis


As per ayurvedic principle, problems relating to skeleto-muscular system and the nervous system are predominantly caused by vitiated vata dosha and ama (toxins). Treatment for this disease involves detoxification and removal of ama along with vata pacifying diet. Cervical spondylosis causes stiffness, pain and reduces mobility therefore some lifestyle changes along with herbal medicines are mandatory.

The most common complaint by a person suffering from cervical spondylosis is stiff and painful neck. But as mentioned earlier, some people may experience shoulder, arm or chest pain too. Furthermore, spondylosis may cause tingling and pinprick sensations in the arms, hands and legs, if it remains untreated for long time. Patients above fifty years of age may even lose bladder or bowel control.



Ayurveda is an ancient healing science which utilises the power of herbs and spices to treat various health ailments. Most of the spondylosis patients respond well to ayurvedic treatment. The treatment mainly focuses on balancing the vata, which is one of the main reason for this.

Ayurvedic experts use herbs like kaishore guggul, aloe-vera juice, yograj guggul to control vata. Some experts may prescribe Ashwagandha for stress support as stress could also be a cause of pain in the neck area.

Ashwagandha is an extraordinary, 100% natural, safe and anti-inflammatory herb.

Ayurveda also offers some special types of massage therapies for the treatment of cervical spondylosis. It has been proved time and again that gentle massage with medicated ayurvedic oils gives extraordinary relief from pain, stiffness and swelling. Massage with warm ayurvedic oils is a safe, effective and calming way of getting nourishment externally.

Massage for Cervical Spondylosis  

Massage for cervical spondylosis is done with utmost care. Therapist start with gentle massage strokes to gradually soften and relax the muscles. Circulatory massage, crosswise and lengthwise strokes, along with light- to medium-pressure techniques are applied for relaxation. This helps the muscles to loosen up and also leads to increase in blood circulation.

A light massage for neck pain
Massage for Neck

Your therapist may also assist you to stretch your neck gently to the front and back; under his/her supervision.

You could also try to roll your head gently to your left (with left cheek near your left shoulder). Now, slowly roll to your right side with right cheek near your right shoulder.

Therapies like panchakarma, abhyangam, shirodhara and potli massage give remarkable results. Ayurveda experts generally advise a suitable ayurvedic therapy depending upon the condition of the patient and severity of the disease.

Potli Massage for Cervical Spondylosis

Potli massage is one of the most popular treatment for neck and joint pain. It is a unique and extremely helpful natural remedy any kind of pain.

What is a POTLI?

Natural, pain relieving dried herbs are tied in a muslin cloth, in the shape of  potli or a pouch. These potlis are dipped in warm herbal oil and are used to massage the body. These heated medicated potlis provide instant results on the painful areas. They provide a refreshing, relaxing and therapeutic effect on the body. Ayurvedic herbs that are used in the pouches are carefully selected based on your ayurvedic constitution or your health problem. Herbs and oil combine together to open the pores and relax the muscles which creates a revitalizing and rejuvenating effect on the body and mind.

The ayurvedic experts and massage therapists commonly recommend potli massage for health issues like rheumatoid arthritis, spondylosis, frozen shoulders, osteoarthritis etc. It provides long-term relief from pain and inflammation. This stimulating treatment increases blood circulation, which in turn supports removal of metabolic wastes (ama).

Benefits of exercise and massage therapy for cervical spondylosis

Inactive urban lifestyle is one of the biggest reasons for problems like cervical spondylosis. Incorporating some exercise and yoga moves in your daily routine can help you get rid of pain or stiffness in your neck and shoulder area.

Physiotherapists usually suggest gentle rotation of the head in both clockwise and anti-clockwise direction, for few minutes, daily. Nodding the neck side-to-side from one shoulder to the other for 8-10 minutes, daily, can also prevent the pain in your neck from getting severe.

Morning walk, tai chi, and yoga are good activities to get some relief from pain, but extreme stretching or flexing could sometimes do more harm than good. So, when you are experiencing pain around your neck, shoulders or back just work within the range of motion that your body allows. Don’t try to force moves that cause you pain.

A leading Physiotherapist, Dr Kanika Khetrapal, Gurgaon says – “Good posture is important, and it’s even more crucial when you have cervical spondylosis. Therefore while working on laptop or watching a movie on television, maintain a comfortable posture.”

Correct posture for work station
A good posture goes a long way

“It is important to note that heavy exercises or fast movements may aggravate the pain, so don’t go for extreme work outs if you are suffering from spondylosis. Massage with deep pressure can be harmful for the people suffering with spondylosis. Therefore, it is always a good idea to take therapeutic massage from a trained and highly skilled therapist.”, adds Dr Kanika.

Gentle massage with warm ayurvedic oils over the muscles of the neck and shoulder joints is extremely useful for this purpose. If you are experiencing severe pain in neck and shoulder, then massage could be taken twice a week.

Dietary considerations

The Ayurveda philosophy suggests that sour things like curd, tamarind, mangoes and pickles are strictly prohibited for muscle pain, joint pain and arthritis etc.  Fried things, pulses and various food items made with pulses can also aggravate the pain and inflammation. Vegetables like drumstick, bitter gourd, carrot and cucumber should be preferred. Spices such as garlic, turmeric, ginger and coriander are most suitable for inflammation, pain and swelling.

So, if you are suffering from severe neck pain or cervical spondylosis, take great care of yourself, get a potli treatment done and walk pain-free.


Fighting Depression? Ayurveda could be the solution!!

Being depressed is the most dangerous state of mind for a human being. Depression can lead to a pile of nonsense work which people do.  This is such a phase where one cannot think either of the present situation nor the future. People visit doctors mainly psychiatrist to heal this wound but the treatment is carried over a long time period. 

Ayurvedic treatment is one such way to deal with such situation. It gives maximum relief from stress.

Sadness and depression can be caused due to many factors. It varies from person to person.  But the Ayurveda treatment for this is uniform irrespective of the severity.

Before we talk of the various remedies lets discuss a little about the cause of depression. This prelude will help you to understand the remedies for depression that will be dealt later.

Understanding Depression

The expression in depression is something much unexpected. People can react in different ways.  Some of the common symptoms of depression are mood swings, feeling stressed, anxiety, extreme anger, confinement to bed, sleeplessness, extreme behaviour and many more.

Symptoms of depression

In this stage, there is a huge imbalance of both physical and mental health.  People tend to lose every support and dissolve all hopes from their mind.  Along with mental illness various physical issues could also be manifested-like diabetes, digestion problems, breathlessness etc.

There is another major factor which causes depression and that is stress at work.  In this contemporary age, work pressure is huge, especially in the private sector.  People lose out on their sleep and food due to the tension that gets build up in their mind.  If this goes on for a long time without any sign of success the depression is bound to set in.

Sadhaka Agni and Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, Sadhaka Agni is an important factor.   Sadhaka Agni is a subdosha of Pitta. It is the inner fire responsible for processing your emotions. It connects the heart and mind together so that there is constant communication between them.  It is believed that a strong Sadhaka Agni can be invariably linked with high emotional intelligence.


Let’s discuss some of the ways to fight depression and build a strong Sadhaka Agni.

  • Practice the art of detachment– A wise man once said that attachment is the root of all sufferings.  If you find no such productivity in an attachment then leave it then. Don’t ever stick to something which will never give you peace.  During depression try to detach with people or things that will never benefit you or stand by your side. People with negative vibes should be ignored.
  • Make changes in your lifestyle – It is understandable that during any depressing phase the lifestyle of people change drastically.  This could be hazardous for that person’s health. Try hard to get away from it and lead a balanced life, with a proper routine.  Eat food at the right time, do some sort of exercise, divert your mind towards lighter things, watch a funny movie, and most importantly try to sleep well. All these may seem difficult to do as the person who is under depression cannot see a purpose to things. But following this routine for a month will definitely reap results. The good feeling will automatically intrude in your life.
  • Eat healthy food – During depression phase, health of the unwell  person gets highly affected. One has to undergo a proper diet with good and healthy food to achieve a mind-body constitution. A person can consume lots of organic foods which have lots of prana (life force energy) in it.  Coconuts, soaked nuts, and some other dry fruits are a must in such situation.
  • Visit a spa– It is highly recommended to visit a spa in such a situation.  There are several Ayurvedic Spa treatments done at different Spas.  One of the most popular and effective treatment is Shirodhara.  This is basically a very soothing kind of treatment where a stream of warm oil is poured over the forehead. As a result, it calms down both your mind and body. One feels really relaxed and sound after the therapy.  It is very often practiced by people going through a depressing stage. It may not heal depression but can definitely bring some tranquility in your life.
  • Yoga is a must–   To keep a sound mind and a fit body it is mandatory to do some yoga in the morning. Even during depression, one should not leave the practice. Janu  Sirsasana (the art of head to knee forward bend) helps to stimulate the inner functions of the body. Camel Pose is another effective posture in Yoga.  This helps to deal with your emotions.
  • Always have a smile on your face–   This is the best anti-depression pill. Nevertheless, a smile can bring a huge amount of joy in your life. During depression, it is always a feasible idea to smile and let go of every bit of pain.  There is something called ‘smile inside meditation’ which helps to reincarnate positive energy inside the body.

Depression is one such thing which takes a lot of time to heal.  It starts from sadness and with time gets transformed into depression. It may be stress at work or stress at home one can get depressed with any event in life.

People often try to get hold of an anti-depression pill but it is best to have an Ayurvedic treatment with proper healing methods.

In the recent times, there are various Spas’ in all major towns and cities where you can get the best Ayurveda treatment.   Several kinds of massage and healing treatment are done over here. 

The phase of depression is really a tormenting one for people who are really suffering.  It takes great effort to bring them back to normal. The state of mind completely changes and there in no such guarantee of getting well, unless taken care of.

Are you suffering from any state of depression?  Has it really conquered your mind? If so then try to find a way to heal this state.  Never waste a little time in such cases. If depression gets deep, it could create a big trauma which again becomes difficult to handle.

There are several ways to deal with depression but Ayurveda treatment is the most promising one which has been proved by various experts.  Get a proper Ayurveda treatment at your nearest Spa and feel the difference.

Depression may kill you. Never get carried away with it. Life has too many things to offer. Get well soon and look for better opportunities.

Life is beautiful, go and embrace it!!!

An Ayurvedic perspective on OBESITY

Obesity is a medical condition involving excessive body fat. It increases the risk of severe health problems like diabetes, hypertension, arthritis etc. Though, it is not a serious problem in itself, yet it certainly could hamper quality of your life.

Obesity is turning into a major global health problem. A recent American survey shows that obesity has already become an epidemic in North America. More than one-third of the U.S. adult population is overweight!

Ayurvedic approach towards Obesity

Our ancient healing system, Ayurveda, provides a totally different holistic approach to life. The Ayurveda concentrates on the basic cause for any imbalance. It tries to fix the root cause, instead of focusing only on symptoms and overlooking their roots.

Ayurvedic experts believe that there are seven basic tissue elements (dhaatus) that assist our body in its functioning. Meda (Body Fat) is one of those Dhaatus. An excess of meda dhatu (fatty tissues) is the main reason behind obesity.


Overeating/binge eating:

Binge Eating
Over-eating leads to Obesity

A habit of consuming excessive amount of food is the primary cause of obesity. Over a period of time, excess amount of carbohydrates and fats get accumulated in the body causing obesity or bulkiness. Unnecessary consumption of heavy-to-digest, sugary and fatty food items start suppressing the ‘stop eating’ hormone. According to a study published in a Journal of the American Society of Nutritional Sciences, people who eat high calorie foods, bakery items, fried junk foods and cold drinks etc. tend to gain weight faster than those who eat light easily digestible food.

Physical inactivity and sedentary lifestyle:

Physical exercise on regular basis is the best natural way of allowing your body to burn extra calories. Adapting a sedentary lifestyle without physical activities can negatively impact your overall health. If your job involves long sitting hours, it may increase your chances of weight gain. Your body may become bulky and you may become prone to diseases like diabetes, heart disease etc.

Heredity and other medical conditions:

Obesity could be inherent
Obesity could be genetic

Several scientific research points towards a strong relationship between obesity and genetics. Sometime our genetics play an important role in deciding how our body will store fat. If a person is obese, in spite of regular workouts and healthy eating, he may have inherited the obesity gene.


As per Ayurveda, we should consume “living” food like fruits, green vegetables and grains that have been grown naturally. These whole-foods provide a more vitalising and reviving effect on our body and mind.  On the other hand, we should consumption of overcooked processed, frozen and micro-waved food. These kinds of food contribute towards the accumulation of harmful substances (ama) in our body, which may cause various health conditions like obesity, arthritis etc.

The concept of 12-hour fast:

Obesity Management
12-hour fasting for weight management

Ayurvedic experts believe a lot of energy is directed toward the digestive process at night time and our digestive fire goes down during night time. Therefore, they suggest strict fasting between dinner and breakfast. Fasting allows intense and more effective mental, emotional, and cellular cleansing. Thus, one should eat a nutritious breakfast in the morning and lunch meal at around 12. Also, one should make sure to have a very light dinner.

Importance of yoga and exercise in weight-loss:

Modern society is becoming more and more inactive, and desk bound. Our sedentary lifestyle has made us the slave of gadgets and machines which is causing a huge lifestyle imbalance. From an Ayurvedic viewpoint, daily physical exercise offers numerous health benefits. Physical activities facilitate prana to reach every tissue. Exercise supports blood flow and also helps in the removal of harmful toxins. It clears all the circulatory channels and improves our lung capacity. Apart from destroying excess fat, regular exercise offers better stamina and immunity against diseases caused by obesity. Hence, physical activity plays a huge role in obesity management.

Obesity management through asanas and therapies:

Simple yoga asanas, ayurvedic massage therapies along with few lifestyle changes can help your body slim down naturally.

Ayurvedic practitioners suggest various dietary changes and anti-obesity herbs to pacify the imbalances in our body. Vata and kapha imbalance is the main cause of obesity in adults. Plenty of natural remedies have been described in ‘Charak sanhita’. These herbs, when taken in right quantities, may help in reducing excess fat and improving metabolism.

Udwarthanam (Dry powder massage): 

Apart from these lifestyle changes, Ayurveda also suggest specific types of body massage, with ayurvedic oils, for obesity and related ailments.

Dry Powder Massage

Udwarthanam is an ancient massage therapy in which massage is performed with herbal medicated powder. It facilitates the removal of toxins from body which in turn helps in fat reduction. Udwardhanam treatment is extremely beneficial in the treatment of obesity, rheumatoid arthritis and skin problems. For better digestion and metabolic activities, some ayurvedic supplements can also be taken after consulting an ayurvedic practitioner.

Ayurvedic Slimming Oil and anti-cellulite oil:

Benefits of massage with ayurvedic slimming and anti-cellulite oil – Body massage with ayurvedic slimming oils is one of the most natural and popular way of removing excess fat. Panchakarma treatments such as vasti and vamanam are also beneficial for weight management. It is advised to take these specific weight reduction therapies from a highly experienced and well qualified massage therapist.

Ayurvedic slimming oil
Ayurvedic Oils

Body massage with ayurvedic slimming oil offers remarkable improvement in overall physical and mental health. The whole process of weight management with slimming oil is actually very pleasing and uplifting. Through massage, you can achieve your weight loss goal without starvation or intense work-out. For getting extra benefits from ayurvedic slimming treatments, one should follow slimming diet along with some herbal medications.

Herbal anti-cellulite oil or slimming oil includes warm and detoxifying properties of fat-reducing herbs. These herbs help you in weight reduction. Most of the ayurvedic anti-cellulite oils are enriched with antioxidant properties of herbs like Haridra, Trikatu, Peepal and Ashwagandha etc. These herbs along with organic essential oil help remove fat and excess water while toning and tightening the skin.

Slimming massage with warm oil is performed all over body with gentle firm strokes. Effective herbal ingredients work in synergy to trigger the slimming process. They also offer extreme satisfaction and relaxation to your body and mind. Anti-cellulite oil instantly starts working on restoring suppleness of your skin. Whereas vigorous massage strokes improve blood circulation, removes toxins and reduces excess fluid.

Aromatherapy for weight-loss:

Aromatherapy massage can also help you reduce your belly fat up to a great extent. A 2007 Korean research proved that there is a clear link between high cortisol levels (stress level) and abdominal weight gain, even in otherwise slim people.

Therefore, it is important to reduce cortisol levels in order to prevent abdominal weight gain. Aromatherapy massage solves both the purposes. Frequent massage with slimming oils help reduce cortisol levels, thus boosting the weight reduction process. Various kinds of essential oils such as sweet fennel, juniper berry, rosemary, sage, and citrus essential oils are used in aromatherapy for fat reduction and excess fluid retention.


Obesity can be managed with few changes in lifestyle and eating habits. It is a challenge but not a hurdle that cannot be overcome. So, fight it out with smaller, doable changes.

Good Luck to all our readers!!

Energised in summer
Stay Healthy!!

Feeling Lazy? Tips to fight lethargy in summer

As the summer sets in, the heat waves have reached to the maximum level. The heat is contributing to tiredness and lethargy. The excessive sweat that occurs during summer drains out all the energy that we store. Thus, it is very common to feel a bit lazy during the summer. Due to heat, we even lose our appetite and the heat takes a toll on our body. We usually tend to get more sick and restless in summer.

Those who work in offices in an air conditioned environment, suffers a lot more. You reach your office bathed in sweat and then sit for long hours at your chilled office. Then again when you come out, you feel the intense heat. The extreme changes in temperature tires our body more than we could imagine. As a result, you get more tired and lazy when you finally reach home. Fatigue and tiredness are very common during summers. However, there are numerous ways you can beat them.


Discussed below are few ways in which you can combat your laziness during summers:

  • STAY HYDRATED – Maintain a high water level

Since we sweat a lot during summers, a lot of body water and glucose drains out of our body. One must ensure that he/she consume lots of fruit juices, water, and juicy fruits. Regular intervals of these juices and fruits keep our body remain cool and hydrated. Coconut water is a thirst quencher and a natural store of electrolytes. Make sure to consume atleast one every alternate day. Also, avoid black coffee during summers. If you are addicted to it, try to gulp at least two glasses of water after you have your cup of coffee.


Summer Hydration
Stay Hydrated in Summer to fight Lethargy
  • EAT HEALTHY- Eat in small quantities

Avoid too spicy and oily food during summers. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Melons are a good source of hydration. It is suggested to have light food and fill only 1/3 of your stomach, but make sure to eat at regular intervals and do not skip meals. Skipping meals will lower down your energy level. All of this keep the insulin level of our body under control and prevent laziness. It is also important to maintain the vitamin and mineral content of your body.


Summer food
Eat healthy and variety
  • SPA TREATMENT – Body Massage

It is helpful to visit a health care clinic for a body massage once a week in summers. Body massage helps in regulating the blood circulation, releases the stress and also helps to overcome the laziness. Spa treatment is also beneficial. It relaxes the muscles and rejuvenates the weakness that has been caused due to the excessive heat. Body massages are very beneficial for various reasons to several people. If you are looking for a clinic, contact Blue Terra Spa, for best spas and body massages.

  • GO GREEN – Include Green vegetables in your diet

As you already know, green vegetables contain a lot of essential nutrients that are of high importance for proper body metabolism. Food rich in protein like pulses, chicken, eggs and meats takes longer time to digest than vegetables and fruits. It is because the body can break down minerals and vitamins at a higher rate than protein. So, to gain energy during the summer, include a lot of vegetables in your diet.


Go Green
Go Green in summer
  • EAT REGULARLY – Eat to gain energy and not weight

Although, the easily available foods like burgers, sandwiches, and pizzas satisfy your hunger but they provide you nothing except calories. During summer, you are usually lazy and consuming these foods will add on to your weight and increase the level of your fatigue. Avoid these foods as much as possible. Also, to quench your thirst, grab juices and water over fizzy drinks or other beverages. You can have milkshakes, as that provides you along with energy. During summers, think before you eat to fight against the laziness that is ruining you.

  • DO NOT SKIP A MEAL – Restore the lost energy

As the excessive heat makes you lose the essential glucose of your body, you lose your appetite. Also, tiredness added to it makes you skip meals. This is the worst decision that you could ever think of. When you are losing out on glucose, it is important for you to understand that you are losing out on your energy. Your body needs food that will fulfil the void and help you to restore back the lost energy. Eat light, eat less but eat frequent is the key to keep you active during this summer.


Energised in summer
Restore the Lost Energy
  • MAINTAIN HYGIENE – Keep yourself clean

It is very important for you to keep yourself clean during the summers if you want to be fresh and not fatigue. Bath early in the morning, before the scorching heat of the sun, reaches you. And also bath before you hit bed. This reduces the chances of a heat stroke. Wear clothes that are light and prefer cotton garments. It is better that you cover your face and head with a scarf so that you can be prevented from the sun. Wash your face, drink a lot of water and maintain a proper hygiene.

Along with all these try and avoid the sun as much as possible. Use sunscreen, and summer lotions and sunglasses when you step out in sun. A proper sleep is also very necessary. So, keep practicing all of these in order to enjoy summer without laziness.