Ayurvedic Spa For Men And Women

In today’s fast-paced world, where stress and pollution are an inevitable part of our lives, finding solace and rejuvenation is becoming increasingly essential. Ayurvedic spa, rooted in ancient wisdom, offers a holistic approach to wellness, catering to both men and women. This article explores the profound benefits of Ayurvedic spa therapies, delving into the distinct treatments tailored for men and women. Through this comprehensive guide, readers will gain insights into the principles of Ayurveda, various spa treatments, and how these therapies can restore balance and vitality in the lives of both genders.


Understanding Ayurveda: The Science Of Life


Ayurveda, often referred to as the “science of life,” is a traditional Indian system of medicine that dates back thousands of years. It revolves around the balance of the three doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha – within the body. These doshas represent distinct energies responsible for various physiological functions. Understanding one’s dosha constitution is fundamental in Ayurveda, as it helps tailor treatments to an individual’s unique needs.

masseue is giving massage to lady


What Is An Ayurvedic Spa?


An Ayurvedic spa is a wellness center that offers traditional Ayurvedic treatments and therapies aimed at promoting overall health and well-being. Rooted in ancient Indian wisdom, Ayurveda is a holistic healing system that focuses on achieving balance in the body, mind, and spirit. Ayurvedic spa adhere to the principles of Ayurveda, offering personalized treatments and therapies based on an individual’s unique constitution, known as dosha.

Ayurvedic spa provides a serene and nurturing environment where individuals can experience ancient healing practices tailored to their specific needs. These therapies not only offer relaxation and rejuvenation but also contribute to long-term health and vitality, making Ayurvedic spa popular destinations for those seeking holistic wellness.


Ayurvedic Spa Therapies For Men


Ayurvedic spa therapies for men are specifically designed to cater to their unique physical and mental needs. These therapies aim to balance the masculine energies within the body, addressing issues such as stress, fatigue, muscle tension, and overall vitality. Here are some key Ayurvedic spa therapies tailored for men:-

masseue is giving massage to men


  • Abhyanga: The Art of Ayurvedic Massage

Abhyanga is a popular Ayurvedic massage therapy that involves the use of warm herbal oils applied all over the body. The massage is performed by skilled therapists using specific techniques that vary based on the individual’s dosha constitution. For men, Abhyanga helps in relaxing muscles, improving blood circulation, and enhancing joint flexibility. Regular Abhyanga promotes better sleep, reduces stress, and revitalizes the body, making it an ideal therapy for men leading busy and stressful lives.


  • Panchakarma: The Detoxification Ritual

Panchakarma is a comprehensive detoxification process in Ayurveda that includes five therapeutic procedures: Vamana (emesis), Virechana (purgation), Basti (enema), Nasya (nasal administration), and Raktamokshana (bloodletting). These procedures are customized based on the individual’s dosha imbalance and help men in eliminating accumulated toxins from the body. Panchakarma therapies not only detoxify but also rejuvenate the body, improving digestion, boosting immunity, and increasing energy levels.


  • Shirodhara: Tranquilizing the Mind

Shirodhara is a deeply relaxing Ayurvedic therapy where a continuous stream of warm herbal oil is poured onto the forehead (the ‘third eye’ region) for a specific duration. This therapy helps calm the nervous system, reducing mental stress and anxiety and promoting mental clarity. For men facing high stress levels due to work or personal reasons, Shirodhara offers a profound sense of relaxation, balancing the mind and enhancing focus and concentration.


  • Nasya: Nasal Administration for Mental Clarity

Nasya is an Ayurvedic therapy that involves administering herbal oils or powders through the nasal passages. This therapy is particularly beneficial for men suffering from sinus congestion, allergies, or mental fog. Nasya helps clear the nasal passages, improving the flow of oxygen to the brain, which in turn enhances mental clarity, focus, and cognitive functions. It is especially useful for men engaged in mentally demanding professions.

ayurvedic leaves and ingredients


  • Kati Basti: Therapeutic Back Treatment

Kati Basti is a localized therapy focused on the lower back area. Warm herbal oil is poured into a well created using dough over the lower back. This treatment is excellent for men who experience lower back pain, muscle spasms, or stiffness. Kati Basti helps in relieving backaches, strengthening the muscles and improving flexibility in the lumbar region, allowing men to maintain an active lifestyle without discomfort.


  • Ayurvedic Yoga and Pranayama: Balancing the Energies

Ayurvedic spa often integrate yoga postures and pranayama (breathing exercises) tailored for men’s dosha types. Specific yoga poses and breathing techniques help balance the energies within the body, improve flexibility, and enhance overall vitality. Regular practice of Ayurvedic yoga and pranayama empowers men to manage stress, maintain physical fitness, and achieve mental and emotional equilibrium.


  • Sound Therapy and Meditation: Stress Reduction

Sound therapy, using soothing sounds and vibrations coupled with meditation, provides men with effective tools to manage stress and achieve deep relaxation. These practices calm the mind, reduce anxiety, and promote mental clarity. Sound therapy and meditation sessions in Ayurvedic spa are structured to suit men’s needs, offering them a peaceful sanctuary to unwind and rejuvenate.

Incorporating these Ayurvedic spa therapies into their routine can significantly benefit men, helping them manage stress, improve physical health, and attain mental peace, ultimately leading to a balanced and fulfilling life.

sound theraphy


Ayurvedic Spa Therapies For Women


Ayurvedic spa therapies for women are specifically designed to cater to their unique physical, emotional, and mental needs. These therapies are rooted in the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and aim to balance the feminine energies within the body, addressing issues such as hormonal imbalances, stress, skin health, and overall well-being. Here are some key Ayurvedic spa therapies tailored for women:


  • Udvartana: Revitalizing Body Scrub

Udvartana is an exfoliating Ayurvedic therapy that uses a mixture of herbal powders and oils to scrub the body. This treatment helps in improving blood circulation, reducing cellulite, toning the skin, and promoting overall skin health. For women, Udvartana is beneficial as it not only enhances the skin’s texture but also promotes detoxification, leaving them feeling rejuvenated and revitalized.


  • Yoni Pichu: Feminine Rejuvenation

Yoni Pichu is a specialized Ayurvedic therapy for women that involves placing a cotton pad soaked in herbal oils on the vaginal area. This therapy is particularly beneficial for addressing feminine health issues such as vaginal dryness, discomfort, and menstrual irregularities. Yoni Pichu helps in promoting vaginal health, reducing inflammation, and providing a sense of balance and well-being to women.


  • Panchakarma: Comprehensive Detoxification

Panchakarma, the ancient Ayurvedic detoxification process, is highly beneficial for women. The therapies involved in Panchakarma, such as Virechana (purgation) and Basti (enema), help in removing deep-seated toxins from the body. These treatments are especially helpful for women dealing with hormonal imbalances, irregular menstrual cycles, and reproductive issues. Panchakarma therapies promote hormonal balance, enhance fertility, and support overall reproductive health.


  • Soundarya Vardhini: Enhancing Beauty Naturally

Soundarya Vardhini is an Ayurvedic therapy focused on enhancing beauty using natural ingredients. This therapy includes herbal facials, skin treatments, and massages tailored for women. The use of specific Ayurvedic formulations helps in improving skin complexion, reducing blemishes, and promoting a youthful glow. Soundarya Vardhini therapies are designed to boost confidence and enhance the natural beauty of women.


  • Pada Abhyanga: Rejuvenating Foot Massage

Pada Abhyanga is a therapeutic foot massage using warm herbal oils. Women, who often spend long hours on their feet, find this treatment particularly soothing. Pada Abhyanga not only relaxes tired feet but also improves blood circulation, reduces swelling, and promotes better sleep. By focusing on the feet, this therapy indirectly influences the entire body, providing a sense of relaxation and rejuvenation to women.

Incorporating these Ayurvedic spa therapies into their lives can empower women to embrace their femininity, enhance their overall well-being, and achieve a sense of balance and vitality. These therapies are not just pampering sessions but holistic approaches to women’s health, addressing both physical and emotional aspects of their lives.

ayurvedic foot massage


Benefits Of Ayurvedic Spa For Men And Women


Ayurvedic spa offer a myriad of benefits for both men and women, addressing various physical, mental, and emotional aspects of well-being. Here are the key benefits of Ayurvedic spa therapies for both genders:


  • Physical Relaxation and Rejuvenation: Ayurvedic massages, such as Abhyanga, Udvartana, and Pada Abhyanga, relax muscles, improve blood circulation, and reduce physical tension. These therapies are particularly beneficial for individuals with stressful lifestyles, providing deep relaxation and rejuvenation.


  • Stress Relief: Ayurvedic spa therapies like Shirodhara, Sound Therapy, and Meditation help in reducing stress levels significantly. The calming effects of these therapies promote mental relaxation, alleviate anxiety, and enhance overall emotional well-being.


  • Detoxification: Panchakarma therapies offered in Ayurvedic spa facilitate detoxification at a deep level. These therapies eliminate toxins from the body, promoting better organ function, improved digestion, and increased energy levels. Detoxification is essential for maintaining overall health and preventing various chronic diseases.


  • Hormonal Balance: Ayurvedic treatments, especially those focusing on specific areas like Yoni Pichu for women, help in balancing hormones. Hormonal balance is crucial for women’s reproductive health, while for men, it supports vitality and overall energy levels.


  • Skin Health: Ayurvedic spa therapies like Udvartana and Soundarya Vardhini are excellent for skin health. They promote better blood circulation, cleanse the skin, and improve complexion. Herbal formulations used in these therapies nourish the skin and help in reducing blemishes and signs of aging.

Ayurvedic spa therapies offer a holistic approach to health and well-being, providing tailored solutions for men and women. By incorporating these therapies into their lives, individuals can experience profound benefits, leading to a healthier, happier, and more balanced life.




Ayurvedic spa offer men and women tailored solutions for their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. By embracing the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, individuals can rediscover balance, vitality, and harmony in their lives. Whether seeking relaxation, stress relief, or holistic healing, Ayurvedic spa therapies provide a transformative journey, reconnecting individuals with their inner selves.



Let us look how we enjoy the mesmerizing experience of ayurvedic organic spa:


The Ananda Spa is a peaceful online hub where you can discover relaxing Ayurvedic spa experiences in the beautiful Himalayas. The website’s calm design highlights its top-notch treatments and holistic getaways.


The Ayurvedic Healing Village website offers a glimpse into a soothing retreat, presenting authentic Ayurvedic healing experiences. Set against a serene backdrop, the site showcases various wellness treatments and traditional practices for a holistic approach to well-being.

ayurvedic spa

The Blue Nectar features a collection of Ayurvedic body massage oils, offering natural and aromatic products designed to enhance well-being and relaxation through traditional Ayurvedic principles. Explore the selection for a holistic approach to skincare and rejuvenation.


The Blue Nectar Products showcases a diverse range of Ayurvedic skincare and wellness solutions, emphasizing the fusion of ancient Ayurvedic wisdom with modern beauty care. Explore the site for a curated collection that embodies the essence of Ayurveda for a holistic spa experience.



Traditional Versus Contemporary Ayurveda Spa

In the bustling wellness world, where ancient traditions meet modern innovations, the clash between tradition and contemporary practices is perhaps most evident in Ayurveda spas. 

Ayurveda, the ancient Indian holistic healing system, has gained global recognition for its natural and rejuvenating therapies. Among the various facets of Ayurveda, Ayurvedic spa have become immensely popular, offering a blend of relaxation, wellness, and cultural experience. However, with the evolution of time and technology, Ayurvedic spa have also undergone significant transformations. This article delves deep into Ayurvedic spa, comparing the essence of traditional practices with the innovations of contemporary approaches. By exploring the roots and branches of Ayurvedic spa treatments, we can understand the balance between heritage and modernity in the pursuit of wellness.

Lady is getting spa treatment

Traditional Ayurveda Spa: Preserving Ancient Wisdom


Traditional Ayurveda spas are sanctuaries of ancient wisdom. Rooted in centuries-old practices, these spas adhere strictly to the principles outlined in the ancient Ayurvedic texts. The therapies offered here are based on individual doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) and are meticulously designed to restore the balance of these life forces. Each therapy celebrates traditional healing methods from Abhyanga (oil massage) to Shirodhara (oil pouring treatment).


  • The Healing Touch of Traditional Therapies

Traditional Ayurveda therapies focus on the power of touch. Therapists, well-versed in the nuances of Ayurvedic massages, use specific strokes and techniques to stimulate energy points and channels in the body. This touch therapy is believed to ease physical tension and promote mental and spiritual well-being.


  • Rituals and Therapies In Traditional Ayurvedic Spa

Traditional Ayurvedic spa treatments often commence with Abhyanga, a therapeutic oil massage that balances the doshas and promotes relaxation. This is followed by Swedana, an herbal steam therapy detoxifying the body. Shirodhara, where warm herbal oil is gently poured onto the forehead, induces deep relaxation and balances the nervous system. Panchakarma, an intensive detoxification process, is another hallmark of traditional Ayurvedic spa. These therapies are rooted in centuries-old wisdom and are meticulously designed to bring harmony to the body and mind.


Contemporary Ayurveda Spa: Bridging Ancient Wisdom With Modern Needs


The surge in global interest in Ayurveda has led to the evolution of contemporary Ayurveda spas. While rooted in traditional principles, these spas have adapted to cater to the fast-paced lifestyle and varied needs of the modern clientele. They blend ancient wisdom with modern techniques and amenities to offer a holistic wellness experience.

Main is getting spa


  • Fusion Therapies: Merging Tradition With Innovation

Contemporary Ayurveda spas often offer fusion therapies that combine traditional Ayurvedic treatments with modern techniques such as aromatherapy, hydrotherapy, and even elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine. These hybrid therapies aim to provide a comprehensive healing experience, addressing physical ailments and mental stressors.


  • Modern Techniques In Contemporary Ayurvedic Spa

One of the significant advancements in contemporary Ayurvedic spa is the incorporation of specialized therapy equipment. For instance, hydrotherapy, which utilizes water jets and mineral baths, enhances the traditional spa experience. Additionally, aromatherapy, where essential oils are used to promote relaxation and well-being, has become a popular choice. Yoga and meditation sessions in contemporary Ayurvedic spa are often augmented by virtual reality technology, providing immersive and serene environments for practice.


Comparison: Tradition Versus Modernity In Ayurvedic Spa


Ayurveda, the ancient science of life, has transcended centuries, evolving and adapting to the ever-changing tapestry of human existence. This ancient wisdom finds itself at a crossroads in the contemporary world, where traditional Ayurvedic spa and their modern counterparts coexist, each offering a distinct approach to wellness. Let’s dive deeper into comparing these two paradigms, shedding light on their nuances.


  • Philosophy And Approach

Traditional Ayurvedic spa adhere strictly to the principles outlined in ancient Ayurvedic texts. The approach is deeply rooted in the belief that the human body is a microcosm of the universe and that balance is the key to health. Traditional spas follow the holistic approach, addressing physical ailments and mental and spiritual well-being. The treatments are based on the individual’s dosha, emphasizing the restoration of doshas balance.

Contemporary spas, while honoring the core principles of Ayurveda, often integrate modern philosophies. They recognize the impact of contemporary stressors and environmental factors on health. The treatments are adapted to cater to specific health issues prevalent in the modern world, such as chronic stress, digital fatigue, and lifestyle-related disorders. The focus is on a personalized approach that incorporates ancient wisdom into the context of contemporary challenges.


  • Therapies And Treatments

Traditional Ayurvedic therapies are time-tested rituals passed down through generations. These therapies, such as Panchakarma (a detoxification process) and Marma therapy (a therapy focusing on energy points), are designed to purify the body, enhance energy flow, and promote holistic healing. The therapies use herbal oils, natural ingredients, and precise techniques from ancient sages.

Contemporary Ayurvedic spa often offer a fusion of traditional therapies with modern techniques. This fusion includes treatments like Ayurvedic facials, herbal ingredients, and specialized massages combining Ayurvedic principles with aromatherapy or hot stone therapy. These innovative treatments cater to individuals seeking the traditional essence of Ayurveda with a touch of modern luxury and comfort.


  • Customization And Personalization

Traditional spas rely on the wisdom of experienced Ayurvedic practitioners. Diagnostics involve in-depth consultations, pulse analysis, and detailed examinations of the individual’s constitution (Prakriti) and imbalances (Vikriti). Therapies are personalized based on these assessments and the individual’s dosha. In traditional Ayurvedic spa, treatments are meticulously personalized after in-depth consultations with Ayurvedic practitioners. The focus is on individual dosha imbalances, ensuring targeted healing. 

On the contrary, while offering personalized treatments, contemporary Ayurvedic spa often provide predefined packages catering to specific wellness goals. This standardization allows for a more streamlined experience, ideal for those seeking quick relaxation and rejuvenation. Contemporary spas leverage technology for precise diagnostics. Advanced tools and software help analyze Doshas imbalances, enabling practitioners to create highly personalized wellness plans. This technology integration ensures accuracy and allows a deeper understanding of the individual’s health profile.

diya and towels


  • Ambiance And Atmosphere

Traditional Ayurvedic spa often embrace the rustic charm of traditional Indian architecture and natural surroundings. The ambiance is serene, with Ayurvedic herbs wafting through the air. Traditional Ayurvedic spa often immerse visitors in an ambiance reminiscent of ancient healing centers. The décor, music, and even the architecture reflect the cultural heritage of Ayurveda. The serene atmosphere encourages visitors to connect with their inner selves and nature.

In comparison, contemporary Ayurvedic spa focus on creating luxurious and modern environments. These spas often feature state-of-the-art facilities, soothing lighting, and ambient music, providing a cocoon of comfort for the guests. The emphasis is on creating a sensory experience that complements the healing therapies. The ambiance is designed to provide a modern, comfortable experience. High-end amenities, plush furnishings, and state-of-the-art facilities enhance the spa experience, offering luxury and tranquility.


  • Role Of Technology

Traditional Ayurvedic spa rely on skilled therapists whose hands are their primary tools. In contrast, contemporary Ayurvedic spa leverage technology for various purposes, including diagnostic tools to assess dosha imbalances accurately. Additionally, online consultations with Ayurvedic experts have become prevalent in modern spas, breaking geographical barriers and providing access to renowned practitioners worldwide.


Embracing The Duality Of Ayurvedic Spa Wellness


Ayurvedic spa, both traditional and contemporary, play a pivotal role in promoting wellness and relaxation. While traditional spas preserve the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, contemporary spas innovate to cater to the diverse needs of a global audience. The key lies in finding a balance between tradition and modernity, ensuring that the essence of Ayurveda is preserved while embracing the benefits of scientific progress.

In the choice between traditional and contemporary Ayurvedic spa, the decision ultimately rests on individual preferences. Some may seek the authenticity of age-old practices, valuing the connection to ancient traditions. Others may prefer the convenience and innovation offered by contemporary spas, appreciating the amalgamation of modern techniques with traditional wisdom.


How to Choose Between Traditional and Contemporary Ayurvedic Spa?


Choosing between a Traditional Ayurvedic Spa and a Contemporary Ayurvedic Spa can be challenging, as both offer unique experiences and benefits. To make an informed choice, consider the following factors:-


  1. Understanding Your Needs

Traditional Ayurvedic Spa: A traditional spa might be the right choice if you seek an authentic, deeply spiritual experience rooted in ancient Ayurvedic practices and rituals. Traditional spas are ideal for those who want a more personalized approach with treatments tailored to their dosha imbalances. 

Contemporary Ayurvedic Spa: A contemporary spa might be a better fit if you are looking for a more streamlined and modern experience that integrates ancient Ayurvedic wisdom with innovative techniques and technologies. These spas often offer a wider range of services and cater to a broader audience.


2. Budget and Accessibility


Traditional Ayurvedic Spa: Traditional spas might be more budget-friendly, especially those in regions where Ayurveda originated. However, the quality of services can vary, so it’s essential to research and read reviews to find a reputable spa.

Contemporary Ayurvedic Spa: Contemporary spas, especially those in urban areas or luxury resorts, tend to be more expensive due to their modern amenities and high-end services. Consider your budget and the value you place on the services offered.


3. Health Conditions and Consultation


Traditional Ayurvedic Spa: Traditional spas often consult with experienced practitioners who assess your health conditions, lifestyle, and dosha imbalances before recommending treatments. If you have specific health concerns, a traditional spa might be better equipped to address them. 

Contemporary Ayurvedic Spa: Contemporary spas offer consultations, but the approach might be more standardized. A contemporary spa could be suitable if you have common wellness goals and prefer a more general approach.

lady is getting potli massage

4. Atmosphere and Preferences


Traditional Ayurvedic Spa: If you prefer a rustic, authentic atmosphere with traditional Indian architecture, natural surroundings, and the aroma of Ayurvedic herbs, a traditional spa is ideal. The focus here is on creating a spiritual and serene ambiance.  

Contemporary Ayurvedic Spa: If you appreciate a luxurious and modern environment with state-of-the-art facilities, soothing lighting, and ambient music, a contemporary spa might be more to your liking. These spas aim to create a sensory experience that complements the healing therapies.


5. Time Considerations


Traditional Ayurvedic Spa: Due to their personalized and intricate nature, traditional Ayurvedic treatments often require more time. If you have the luxury of time and seek a deeply immersive experience, a traditional spa is worth considering. 

Contemporary Ayurvedic Spa: Contemporary spas often offer quicker, targeted treatments. If you have a busy schedule and are looking for efficient relaxation and rejuvenation, a contemporary spa can accommodate your time constraints.


6. Feedback and Recommendations


Traditional Ayurvedic Spa: Seek recommendations from people who have experienced traditional Ayurvedic spa in the region where Ayurveda originated. Personal testimonials and feedback can provide valuable insights into the authenticity and quality of services. 

Contemporary Ayurvedic Spa: Read reviews and testimonials from guests who have visited contemporary Ayurvedic spa. Focus on spas with positive feedback regarding integrating modern techniques with Ayurvedic practices.


Consider these factors thoughtfully to make an informed decision and enjoy a rejuvenating Ayurvedic spa experience tailored to your unique requirements.

Final Thoughts –



Regardless of the choice, Ayurvedic spa, in all their forms, continue to be sanctuaries of healing, providing solace to weary souls and revitalizing tired bodies. Whether you find bliss in the gentle strokes of a traditional Abhyanga or the soothing ambiance of a contemporary spa, the essence of Ayurveda remains unchanged – a timeless journey towards holistic well-being.


Benefits of Massage Therapy and Why Athletes Love It

Are you an athlete? Have you been struggling with intense muscle cramps and severe pain from injuries? If these are your concerns, we have just the right solution for you!

Massage therapy has come a long way over the years, from sceptics not believing its

And now massage therapy has made its way into the sports industry. Studies have found that regular massage therapy can help athletes reduce the impact of injury and further increase their recovery rate. For athletes, who are especially prone to injuries having a prevention measure is excellent for both their physiological and psychological well-being. This is why many athletic trainees gravitate more towards oil massage therapy and include it in their regime.

To get an in-depth understanding of what massage therapy really is and how it benefits your body, keep reading.

What is sports massage?

Sports massage is a form of massage that has its roots dating back to the Roman and Greek eras. Now, we see sports massage being adopted everywhere thanks to its wide range of benefits. Sports massage can help prevent the body from injuries and prepare the body for athletic training and intense workout. It has also proven to be beneficial in increasing the recovery rate from injuries. Thus, all-in-all, massage therapy is great for relieving muscle tension and should be adopted by every athlete worldwide.

Masseue is giving back massage to athelete

What is deep tissue massage?

In this massage technique, the musculoskeletal tissues are targeted which further helps with muscle strain and provide relief from sports injuries. Deep tissue massage is especially good for athletes since it is proven to provide instant relief from muscle strain caused by training and intense workout.

The unique massaging technique used in deep tissue massage is known to be excellent for releasing muscle tension and stress. Unlike regular massages, deep tissue massage incorporates the usage of slow and forceful strokes thus targeting the muscles and connective tissues in the body. Just a 30 minutes deep massage session can be extremely beneficial for you especially if you are athletic.

Deep tissue massage vs Sports massage

Now you might be wondering what is the major difference between deep tissue massage and sports massage. Well, the major difference is that deep tissue massage is designed for the whole body while sports massage is meant for specific areas that either need to be protected from an injury or are recovering from one.

Nevertheless, both massages are great for you depending on your needs and requirements. If you are looking for general relief from pain then you can opt for the deep tissue massage, however, if you want a more area-specific massage and want to get rid of the pain that has been built up over time, then sports massage will be your best bet.

Benefits of sports massage for athletes

There are tons of benefits of sports massage and few of which have been mentioned earlier. We will now look into the various benefits of sports massage and understand why it is so popular among athletes.

Reduces muscle pain

Muscle pain is one of the major concerns of every athlete. Due to intense training and regular workout regimens, muscle pain becomes extremely common among athletes. However, if not rectified on time, muscle pain can result in major discomfort and prevent you from performing well. Thus to maintain your body at its optimal level, treating muscle pain is extremely crucial.

Our specialists here at Blue Terra is well trained to provide instant relief from acute muscle pain and help you recover from those stubborn back aches and neck pains.

Masseuse is giving ankle massage to the athelete

Prevents muscle cramps

Muscle cramps are usually a result of lactic acid accumulation in the muscles that is secreted when our muscles are overworked or strained. Experiencing muscle cramps is pretty normal, however, it can result in extreme levels of pain and affect your everyday functioning.

Massage therapy is an effective way to get rid of the excess lactic acid accumulated in your muscles thus preventing muscle cramps and various other discomforts.

Improve sleep patterns

Experiencing acute pain and cramps can really affect your sleep cycle in a bad way and having a bad sleep cycle is extremely detrimental to your health. Thus, sports massage therapy can greatly reduce the impact of pain caused by muscle strain and injuries and allow you to get the good night’s sleep that you deserve.

Increases recovery rate from injuries

One of the major reasons why sports massages became so popular in the first place is their benefit in increasing the recovery rate of injuries. Now we are very well aware of the fact that athletes are extremely prone to injuries and sustaining an injury can not affect them physiologically but may even result in psychological distress, thus to prevent this, many athletes opt for sports massages so that they can recover faster from their injuries and get back to their best form as soon as possible.

Protects the body from sustaining major injuries

Earlier you saw how massage therapy can help you recover from your injuries at a faster rate, however, in addition to this, massage therapy can also help your body from being more prone to injuries. It has been found that pre-event workouts are especially beneficial to prevent one from sustaining major injuries during training or workout.

Remove toxins and build up stress from muscles

Another benefit of massage therapies is that it helps release toxins from your muscles and also provide instant relief from all the stress that has been building up in your muscles.

Here at Blue Terra, we use the best body massage oils that have been specifically designed for sports. Our wide range of body massage oils contains sesame and cinnamon oils, which are known to be active agents in releasing muscle tension, uncomfortable knots and pain. One such product that we swear by is the Devtvakadi pain relief oil by Blue Nectar which contains both of these active agents in high concentration, thus providing you with instant relief from acute muscle and joint pains.

Increase flexibility

Massage therapy is an excellent way to train your muscles. The massage technique used in sports massage is particularly good for not only providing relief from pain but also increase flexibility and enhancing muscle movement.

Maintains psychological well-being

Besides the many physical health benefits of sports massage, these massages also have several psychological benefits. Muscle and joint pain can be pretty annoying and agonizing, which will result in a bad mood and mindset, this is when sports massage therapy comes into play. With sports massage therapy you can instantly get relief from your pain. Furthermore, the calming properties in the body oils used here will help you release all your stress thus maintaining your overall psychological well-being.

Athlete is holding his knee due to pain


While sports massages have their own sets of benefits, there are certain things you need to keep in mind before opting for massage therapy. Make sure that your therapist is a licenced massage therapist and is well aware of the procedure. Here, at Blue Terra, all our massage therapists are licensed therapists who have all the knowledge about massage and sports medicine.

For people with acute infectious disease, hernia, cancer, high blood pressure, varicose veins and other skin conditions, it is recommended to consult a physician before going ahead with sports massage.

It is also important to look into the type of injury sustained by the patient since certain types of injuries are not supposed to be handled with massage, such as fractures. Thus you must keep these mandatory precautions in mind before booking an appointment for any massage therapy.

Side effects

There are a lot of doubts and concerns regarding sports massages and massages in general and we are here to debunk them all. Massage therapy is an age-old practice and it has been a part of our culture for centuries. Massage therapies are extremely safe and if implemented properly, they can be a life-changing regimen for all.

The bottom line

Sports massage or deep tissue massage have their own sets of benefits and can be extremely good for all the athletes out there. However, these massages are not only restricted to athletes or sportspersons. Anybody who is suffering from muscle pain or cramps can opt for these massages as they have been designed to provide relief from pain.

Regardless of whichever massage you go for, make sure you keep in mind all the precautionary measures and make sure to go to a professional massage therapist who will cater to your needs.

Bad Habits That Cause Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most chronic and common discomforts experienced by most of the people worldwide. A huge number of people have suffered from back pain at least once in a lifetime. Although back pain is not a serious health issue, it is uncomfortable and painful. It reduces your energy and increases the frequency of visiting doctor. Though we often experience a back pain, we cannot specify the actual reason for its occurrence. It may cause due to a bad sitting posture, it may associate with the muscles, bones or ligaments and a defective lumbar spine also can cause severe back pain. Back Pain Posture is one of the most common reasons nowadays because people work for long sitting in front of a desktop or a laptop.

Causes of Back Pain

Common causes of back pain:

  • Muscle or ligament strain: heavy lifting or abrupt awkward movement can strain your spine or back muscle. In a certain physical condition, a continuous strain on the back can be a reason of painful muscle spasms.

  • Bulging or ruptured disk: disks are the cushions placed between the vertebrae in the spine. The flexible material placed inside a disk may rupture, bulge or press a certain nerve. Disk diseases or slip disk is a serious cause of back pain and that too a chronic pain.

  • Arthritis and osteoporosis: osteoarthritis can affect your lower back bones and spine. It causes narrowing the space between the bones and spinal cord and that causes severe chronic back pain. Sometimes due to porous or fragile bones, vertebrae can develop density fracture.

  • Traveling: sitting for long in the flights or trains and walking for long carrying an overloaded backpack can cause Back Pain due to traveling.

  • Daily activities: We don’t maintain the right posture of sitting during our work. Also, we don’t follow the correct rule in order to plan our sitting arrangements. A straight back hard surfaced chair is always preferable to avoid back pain causes due to the wrong sitting posture.

Back Pain

Remedies for back pain:

You must be wondering how to get rid of a chronic back pain? Is it ever possible to achieve a complete recovery from the back pain? Choosing the right treatment for Back Pain is quite difficult. Now, we will discuss all of the fruitful remedies of back pain. You can overcome most of the back pain symptoms by following proper home remedies. But in some serious cases, you may have to consult with your doctor or may have to consider surgeries. Depending on the severance you have to decide the type of treatment.

Medications: Some popular pain reliever may get you relief from back pain. But you should take them according to your doctor’s instruction. Otherwise, harmful side effects may happen.

Exercise and Physical Therapy: exercise is the best remedy to treat back pain. Regular exercise can strengthen your abdominal and back muscles, increases flexibility and improves posture. Physical therapy is another keystone of back pain treatment. A therapist will apply various treatments including ultrasound, heat, electric stimulator and other muscle relaxing techniques.

Excercise and Physical Therapy

Acupuncture: this is the procedure to insert sterilized needle inside your skin at some specific points. Appropriate acupuncture can relieve you from the lower back pain.

Yoga: Specific types of yoga including breathing exercises, practicing certain poses and postures, some popular muscle and mind relaxation techniques can help you to get rid of the chronic back pain. Yoga is a therapy where we learn to strengthen and stretch our muscles. Specifically, yoga is the best way to reduce the intensity of pain that causes due to the back Pain Stretches.

 Is massage effective in order to reduce back pain?

Massage therapy is often really effective in order to reduce back pain. But you have to ensure that it causes due to the muscle tenacity or over-exhausted muscles.

A regular basis massage therapy might help you to improve the health condition. Basically, massage for Back Pain is one of the most popular therapies that help lots of people with varieties of spinal conditions such as:

  • Muscle tension
  • Ache
  • Inflammation
  • Stiffness
  • Muscle spasms
  • Pain

Using certain specialized tools or simply by using the hands, massage therapists rub, stroke and knead your back and thus it helps to increase the blood circulation throughout your body. It helps the affected muscles to gain more oxygen and nutrients and then eliminates toxins. Finally, you get relieved from back pain.

How does potli massage reduce back pain?

Potli massage is a famous therapy from Ayurveda for back pain relief. Wondering how this potli massage therapy works for your body actually? Potli massage for Back Pain works best for back pain occurred due to the diseases such as spondylitis or osteoarthritis.

It is done using some specific heated herbals in a pouch or potli. Then it is dipped into the warm herbal and medicated oil. It rejuvenates, nourishes and relaxes the affected area by massaging the potli on your entire back. You will experience a therapeutic effect while placing the potli on your back. It heals your pain and relaxes the muscles. You will feel refreshed after taking a potli massage.

Various Overlooked Remedies for Lower Back Pain Relief

Lower back pain is a common problem, especially with sedentary workers. It is a leading cause of pain, discomfort, and disability. The pain could prevent you from doing your work efficiently and/or leading a normal social life. The usual treatment is medication including painkillers. In some cases, surgery is advised. The best treatment comes after a process of trial and error. Some people benefit from conventional remedies while some do not. We look at some overlooked remedies which are different but are potent.

  • Yoga

This ancient Indian practice can work wonders. Unlike gymnasiums and athletics Yoga does not put a strain on your body. It is suitable for everybody regardless of age. You are required to do exercises as per your capability. Done regularly Yoga strengthens your spine as well as back muscles.Yoga for Lower Back Pain

  • Ayurveda

This is an age-old Indian system of medicine. Ayurvedic medicines do not have as much side effects as allopathic medicine. It is safe and can be highly effective for patients with lower back pain. Ayurvedic treatment for back pain is worth giving a try.

  • Potli massage therapy

This is popularly practiced in India as well as South East Asia. Here heated herbal pouches termed potlis are employed to treat the affected regions. It is a kind of massage while heals as well as refreshes. Fresh as well as dried Ayurvedic herbs are selected for the potlis as per an individual’s Ayurvedic constitution and the underlying issue. This massage comes in 2 types namely wet and dry. Many have benefited immensely from Potli massage for back pain.

  • Body Massages

Most of us love body massages. The good news is that it helps relieve the painful symptoms of lower back pain. Make sure that the person doing the massage is qualified as well as experienced. Done incorrectly massages can make the condition worse. Massages promote blood flow to the affected area and remove the stiffness that contributes to lower back pain.

Lower Back Pain

  • Hot and cold treatment on the affected area

Remember to start with the cold treatment and not the hot treatment. You could use ice for the cold treatment. The latter brings down inflammation in the affected area. It plays the role of a local anesthetic by working on the nerve impulses. It is recommended to keep the cold or hot pack for 20 minutes and not more. This gives the lower back muscles and nerves time to recover. Heat application boosts blood circulation. The healing nutrients present in the blood brings down the intensity of the pain. Also, the pain signals are blocked from reaching the brain. There are various types of heat application. It’s advised to try different methods to discover what is best for your body. It could be a hot water bottle, a hot bath, a hot shower, a hot tub or a hot belt. It is best to alternate hot and cold treatments.

  • Indulge in activities that release endorphins in the body

The body produces certain hormones known as endorphins. Few know that the latter is as powerful as the best of painkillers. Endorphins stop pain signals manifesting in the human brain. The former reduces depression, tension, anxiety, and stress which are the result of or a trigger for chronic back pain.

The hormones are released when you indulge in exercise, take massages, meditate or do aromatherapy. Best of all the treatment is easy on the pocket, safe and without adverse side effects.


  • Lose weight

Obesity is both a cause and result of lower back pain. Obese folk has extra pressure on their spine which results in back pain. When you are in pain you will feel like lying down and refrain from exercising. Lack of exercise weakens the back muscles and piles up the pounds. This is a vicious cycle. Hence do light exercises such as walking or yoga to lose weight which in turn reduces the pressure on the spine.

  • Acupuncture

This Chinese system of medicine has many benefits including alleviating the symptoms and causes of lower back pain. It’s been around for thousands of years and in expert hands safe without associated side effects. Make sure you use the services of a reputed as well as a quality practitioner.

  • Wear sturdy footwear

Avoid high heels. They are a major cause of lower back pain. Invest in robust, high quality indoor as well as outdoor footwear. The latter will support some of your weight resulting in less burden on your back.

  • Sleep well

Sleep rejuvenates and repairs the body. So, if you suffer from lower back pain make sure you are well rested. Both the quality and quantity of sleep matters. Invest in a good quality bed that supports your back while sleeping.

  • Maintain correct posture

Incorrect posture is a leading cause of lower back pain. Many of us don’t maintain the correct posture. Use chairs that are designed to properly support your back. Bad habits are hard to break and that applies to poor posture as well. With constant practice and a bit of willpower, you will soon get into the healthy habit of sitting, standing and walking while maintaining an upright as well as correct posture.

Body Posture

  • Take breaks

Avoid working continuously for a long stretch. This tip is particularly targeted towards those of us who have largely sedentary jobs. Get up, stretch your muscles or go for a short stroll. You will be amazing at the difference what a small step like this will make.

  • Mind training

You can train your mind to ignore or reduce pain signals. Distracting your mind, hypnosis and visualization technique are some of the tools you can employ to reduce the intensity of pain.

  • Indulge yourself

Do something that you enjoy will take your attention away from the constant pain. Listen to your favorite music, eat your preferred food, call up old friends or do anything that you perceive as enjoyable.

  • The power of positive thinking

The road to get rid of lower back pain may be long and tough. Negative thoughts may prevent you from not trying resulting in certain failure. Focus on the positives and move on. Let not negative people and memories of past failures discourage you. Only if you try will you succeed.

power of positive thinking

  • Join a peer group

Remember you are not alone. It is good to get support and encouragement from others who are in the same boat. Talking about your pain will definitely take a burden off your mind. The presence of others with similar issues will surely motivate you. Others may have the solution to your specific problems.


Top reasons for Back Pain

Almost 80% of us suffer from Back Pain at some stage in our lives. Back Pain is a culmination of inadvertently accumulated bad habits like Back posture, work station posture, foot wear, sleep posture etc. What is worrying is despite our various graduation and post graduation degrees, we may manage multi dollar businesses, but we dont learn to manage a simple machine – our body!

Here are simple tips to avoid if you want to live a Back Pain free life!


When summers are on, flip-flops are what we put on!” In warm weather we love wearing flip-flops while running or walking. But coming to a deeper study on the same, flip-flops do cause shortening of your gait and thus reduces a comfortable movement and in turn increases the chances of fatigue in lower body or cause pain in the knee and feet. They also cause stress in the toes and leading to pain in feet.

Excessive Mobile Phone usage could cause Back Pain


Beep’, ‘Tap tap tap’, ‘Ping’. ‘Beep’, ‘Tap tap tap’, ‘Ping’… The constant cycle of texts, instant messages and tweets has been established to affect eye health, increase stress levels and result in poor sleep. Now, however, research shows that your mobile phone may also be the culprit of back pain and neck strain.

Your Wallet

Millions of guys drive with their wallet in their back pocket, but they can’t figure out why they moan whenever they get out of the car. But sitting on your wallet while you drive is a recipe for lower back pain and – if you do it often enough — nerve pain that shoots down your leg. Riding with one cheek higher than other can trigger chronic pain in your back, hips, and shoulders. It can even set off foot cramps.

Driving could cause Back Pain


Approximately 30-60% of drivers report back pain that is caused or made worse by driving. This is not uncommon as driving exposes the body to many different forces including acceleration, deceleration and most notably vibration. Larger heavy goods vehicle drivers are exposed to a lot of vibration and consequently this group of people report more back pain. Driving also involves the use of your feet to control the car’s pedals which means they are not used to help stabilise and support your lower body as they normally would when sitting. A combination of these factors as well as the inadequate design of some vehicle seats can cause back problems for some.

Video Games

The human body was just not designed for sitting for long periods of time. Many serious video gamers report spending countless hours playing their favorite games. This can take its toll on the body, especially the neck and back. Nearly three quarters of primary school children and nearly two thirds of secondary school age children have reported back or neck pain in the past year, a study found.

Your Baby

As a new mum your focus is on your baby, however caring for your new born, especially as they grow and develop can also put strain on you and your body. Many mums do not get the chance to stop and think about some of the positions they are putting themselves in during the range of new repetitive activities of being a new mum. These repetitive stresses can lead to RSI’s (repetitive stress injuries)

Laptop bag 

One of the most overlooked culprits of back, neck, shoulder and even lower back and hip pain is the way we are carrying our laptops around.  Most of us carry around our laptops in a laptop carrier, shoulder bag, messenger bag or back pack.  And once you factor in the laptop itself, power chords, notebooks, files, maybe a bottle of water and other personal items, you quickly find yourself lugging around a mighty heavy bag which can take it’s toll.

Sleeping habits

If you wake up sore most mornings, take a good look at your sleep posture. Stomach sleepers may twist their necks to the point of hyperextension. Other people sleep on their sides with one arm overhead. After many hours, this position can strain the shoulder.

Work station

The most common causes for work-related back pain are strained muscles or ligaments, wear and tear, bad posture and stress, and most of us will have some back pain at some point. Usually, it’s not serious, and the pain clears up (although that can take up to 6 weeks).But you want to do all you can to take preventative measures at work – keeping you away from the osteopath or chiropractor. In the modern workplace, that’s not always possible The body can tolerate being in one position for only a short period of time before you feel the need to adjust

Shoulder Rides

It’s classic family fun: A parent walking along with a delighted child enjoying a shoulder ride. But lifting kids overhead is a common source of neck and shoulder pain.


The most common is simply muscle tension. Anxiety can drastically increase muscle tension, which in turn increases pain. Since the back contains a variety of muscles that are known to tense during stress, this can lead to mild to severe back pain in both the upper and lower back.


While there are many reasons for Back Pain, prevention and cure is surprisingly simpler. Read more on https://blueterra.in/back-pain-can-happen-anyone-can-massage-prevent/ or apply at home https://www.bluenectar.co.in/ayurvedic-herbal-back-pain-and-joint-strengthening-oil.html for immediate relief


Back Pain can happen to anyone but can massage prevent it?

Back pain is experienced by almost all of us at some stage of our lives. Sometimes it becomes extremely unbearable that it starts restricting our day to day lives.

Why does Back Pain happen?

Here are some of the most common factors that give you an achy back-


Your body is flooded with cortisol hormone when stress overwhelms your nervous system; cortisol causes tension in your back, shoulder and neck area which can lead to pain and spasms.

Relaxation techniques like deep breathing, muscle relaxation, meditation, yoga or a simple de-stress massage can help ease these problems. The relaxation massage puts the brakes on stress and anxiety by quieting the mind and relaxing the body.

Your fashionable high-heel shoes

Your fashionable high-heel shoes may also be a reason for your back pain. High heel shoes put your feet into unnatural position every time you step; you lean forward to walk which in turn puts more strain and stress on the lower back.

Fashionable High Heel Shoes could cause Back Pain

To get rid of this type of back pain you should choose comfortable cushioned shoes which can keep your feet and lower back happy all day long. A gentle massage using some herbal pain relief oil will give you quick relief from the pain you are experiencing in your feet as well as in lower back region.

High fat diet

According to a study published in the Asian Spine Journal 2014, 30% women and 25 % men suffering from back pain also had some or the other kind of gastrointestinal problems like stomach pain and food allergies. Scientists claim that there is a relationship between the food we consume and inflammation. High fat and high sugar food causes inflammation in the body especially in back and joints.

So if you want to see some improvement in your back pain and other types of body pains like joints pain etc, you should cut down the high fat and high sugar food from your diet.


Those extra pounds on your body might be causing a constant pressure on your spine and the muscles supporting it. Excess weight can aggravate your back pain; it has been observed that overweight people are usually at higher risk for fatigue, back pain, joints pain and muscle pain than others. If you carry extra body fat especially around your middle-section of body, you should take steps to remove those extra pounds in order to get a permanent solution for your achy back.


Your desk job

At the molecular level, our body is designed for regular movement, but unfortunately most of us spend whole day sitting down at work. This causes tightening of the muscles and we get muscle stiffness, neck and back pain.

Back Pain
Desk Job causes Back Pain

Stretching your body every now and then and walking for few minutes might help you get quick and short-term relief from pain and stiffness. Take regular massage from a therapist, it will help your muscles to get relaxed and soothed; moreover a regular massage routine will also promote correct posture, and prevent desk job pains and stiffness.

Poorly designed mattress and improper sleeping positions

If you wake up each morning with an achy back but the pain goes away with slight stretching then it may be an indication that the mattress is poorly-designed or not suitable for your body.

Remember that you spend 7-8 hours every day on that mattress, choose a mattress that can give you better sleep and less pain, instead of being economical and buying an unsuitable one.

Many times, back pain is also caused by our sleep positions. If your natural sleeping position is making the back pain worse then try using soft pillows for extra support.

Apart from these factors, several medical conditions may also cause pain in back, neck and shoulder areas; a slipped (prolapsed) disc, sciatica and spondylitis are few to name.


Massage as a treatment for Back Pain

Good circulation is very important for a healthy body and massage is one of the best ways to increase the blood circulation throughout the body. Be it muscle tension, neck, back or shoulder pain, one can simply rely on massage therapies. Reasonably firm massage strokes improve the circulation and help in supplying oxygen and nutrients to the muscles. Regular massage therapy supports flexibility and movements. Regular massage sessions help lubricate spinal joints and improve overall spinal health.

Back Pain Massage
Massage as a treatment for Back Pain

Sedentary life style, obesity and wrong posture often causes tension in lower back region; massage can give astonishing results in the treatment of chronic back pain by reducing tension and strain in lower back.

There are so many types of massage therapies that are specifically designed for back pain treatment. However a combination of Swedish massage and deep tissue massage is mostly used by professional massage therapists. A variety of strokes like pounding, tapping and kneading are used to ease the muscle knots and improve circulation.

In back massage techniques, the main focus is mostly on increasing the circulation in the congested area; moreover, improved lymphatic drainage due to better circulation help release the toxic waste from your body. A qualified therapist with full awareness about the muscular system can give you right pressure on right area. After applying the warm oils evenly on your body with long flowing strokes, the therapist uses the whole surface of her hands and stroke firmly upwards from the lower back to the neck and shoulder region. Oil is used to reduce the friction on the skin and prevent the pulling of hair. For more details, read https://blueterra.in/pain-management

Different types of massage treatments for back pain

After carefully accessing your back problem, an experienced massage therapist will advice you one specific type of massage or a combination of massage techniques. Some of the most commonly used massage therapies for back pain are-

Balinese Therapy Most popular because it is effective is Balinese Therapy in case of Back Pain. Most of doctors or physiotherapist will advise backward bending of back to get relief from Back Pain. Balinese Therapy starts with exactly that – stretching of body to relieve stiffness. Stretching is followed by full body deep tissue holistic treatment that combines acupressure, reflexology, stretching and aromatherapy to stimulate circulation, ease muscular/ joint pain and help in sports injuries and migraine. If you want to go with tried and tested, Balinese Therapy for Back Pain shall be your choice.

Back & Body Therapy It is one of the unique therapies to Blue Terra Wellness Spa that is not available anywhere else. Screening and combining some of the most effective treatments for Back Pain, Back & Body Therapy consists of Full Body Oil Massage followed by Ayurvedic Potli massage on affected area. Potli massage has been treatment of choice of Ayurvedic practitioners for years. Back & Body Therapy is potent combination of Ayurvedic Potli for Back Pain and full body Oil massage for relaxation and relief from Back Pain.

Swedish Massage This is a gentle and light massage technique which is mostly used to relax the entire body. Swedish massage is extremely helpful in flushing away toxic wastes and improving blood circulation.

Massage treatment for BackPain
Swedish Massage

Deep Tissue Massage – This type of massage helps in the healing and recovering from sports injuries; this therapy can also be helpful in easing muscle pain and stress. With improved flow of nutrients and oxygen, it automatically helps in reducing back pain.

Hot Stone Massage – This therapy helps in relieving muscle tension and eliminating harmful substances clogged in the muscles. The smooth, water-heated stones increase the blood flow and alleviate body pain. This therapy is highly beneficial in reducing muscle spasm. People who suffer from back pain or muscle pain are often advised to get this therapy.


Hot Stone Massage
Hot Stone Massage is an effective treatment for Back Pain


Even if you dont find time to visit a good Spa, you could do a simple massage at home with a good Ayurvedic Back Pain and Joint Strengthening Oil https://www.bluenectar.co.in/ayurvedic-herbal-back-pain-and-joint-strengthening-oil.html


Natural ways for Back Pain Treatment

Pain is said to be caused by the interaction between the sensory nerves and our feelings and memories, sometimes even beliefs. The feeling of pain is crucial because that way the person can adopt precautionary measures to prevent it and also be aware of relieving pain. However, sometimes, pain can be stubborn.

Certain types of pain are experienced by everybody at various points of their life. Back pain is one of them. Unfortunately, a large number of people experience back pain. It could range from being mild to serious to chronic. If you experience any kind of serious back problems, a visit to the doctor is a must. It should be a preferable option than waiting for it out to subside on its own or taking matters in own hands.

Pain is a sensory feeling that humans have experienced ever since they came into being. With the advent of science and technology, we have been successful in handling various health problems. Be it major or minor, most of the pain can be relieved using pain relieving sprays, pills, gels and even massage gadgets. It is surprising, that most of us don’t know that there are numerous natural remedies to heal pain, all free of cost.

However, before everything else, you must know the underlying cause of back pain so that you can have a clear idea of what you are experiencing and thus determine if professional medical aid is required or not.




Like everything else, back pain also has certain causes and types. Some are caused by normal circumstances and can be healed naturally at home where as some can be severe and should not be ignored at all costs. Here is a list of common causes of back pain:-

  • Accidents: Accidents occur all the time. They surely can be prevented, but sometimes things don’t go your way and every time you cannot be blamed. Back pain is commonly associated with accidents and can either be mild or severe depending on its graveness.
  • Sport injuries: Playing sports is one of the best exercises. It is a common activity that people of almost all ages engage in. However, sports can also lead to injuries which could cause back pain.
  • Poor posture: Bad posture plays a major role in causing back problems. Poor sitting and standing habits leads to muscle tension in spine. Slouching in a chair, sticking your bottom out, standing with a flat back, rounded shoulders, standing with tummy out, are few of the instances of wrong posture, which could result in back problem.


Poor Posture due to Desk Job

  • Obesity:

    One of the leading causes of back pain is obesity. Obese and overweight people have lower back problems more than non-overweight people. This happens as the excess weight on tummy pulls the pelvis forward, straining the lower back and hence causing lower back pain. According to the American Obesity Association, women who are obese or who have a large waist size are particularly at risk for lower back pain.

  • Osteoporosis:

    Osteoporosis is a bone disease which leads to bone density loss. This is one of the graver causes of back problems and even chronic pain. A professional medical help is definitely needed in such a case.

  • Sedentary lifestyle:

    A sedentary lifestyle is surely not an acceptable one. Prolonged sitting and poor posturing due to a sedentary life is one of the causes of chronic back pain, neck pain, muscle pain and in some cases also might lead to Cervical Spondylosis.

More tips to get relief from chronic pain could be found in http://www.blueterra.in/contemporary-ayurved/contemporary-ayurved10-daily-habits-for-reducing-chronic-pain/


Prevention is better than cure. Even though Back pain is something that almost everybody experiences in life, we can still prevent it. Mild back pain is harmless, but ignoring it and letting it grow could lead to seriouschronic back problem. Hence, better safe than sorry, because, why not? Here is a list on How to prevent back pain from causing problems in your daily life:-

Exercise and Yoga:

Being physically active and exercising everyday in your life not only keeps your muscles healthy and active but also strengthens the spine, thereby reducing the chances of experiencing back pain every now and then. If you happen to have chronic back pain, it can even act as a cure. Yoga is also effective because it improves bodily function.


Cobra Pose in Yoga strengthens back

  • Maintain good food habits:

    Eating right keeps your weight in check, your digestive tracks functioning properly and in turn maintains your spine. We should eat a balanced diet, which ensures proper nourishment for our muscles, tissues, tendons and bones. A good diet should take care of our Calcium, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Iron, Magnesium and other Vitamins requirement.


Good food habits is a solution to many problems

  • Sleep on your sides:

    Sleeping on sides is the best position for sleeping. Ensure to draw your legs slightly towards your chest and keep a pillow between your legs. Sleeping in this position takes away the stress from the back than while sleeping flat on your back. A pillow supporting your head while you sleep is also important as it reduces stress and keeps you comfortable hence preventing back and neck problems.

  • Maintaining a good posture:

    A sedentary lifestyle is one of the major cause of bad posture. Avoid slouching over your computer and work at a proper and comfortable workstation both at office and also at home. Do stretching exercises between long intervals of work hours.

  • Reduce Stress:

    You will be surprised to know that stress also has a negative impact on your back causing back problems often. It tenses up your muscles leading to back pain. Major stress busters include Yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, body massage and the like.


De-stress and relax


Almost every ailment has a cure. A common health problem such as back pain has innumerable cures likebody massage, most of which can be acquired without medical assistance as well. We tend to depend on technology and science so much that we don’t give a damn about simple home remedies or natural ways to cure back pain. We forget that there are many simple and natural ways to get rid of back pain. Here are a few natural remedies which might help reduce back pain:-

  • Yoga and stretching:

    Yoga, undoubtedly is one of the most effective treatment for back pain and could work better than medical treatments. Various studies have found out that stretching, like yoga, also helps to loosen tense and tight muscles, cures muscle stiffness and is a good natural pain reliever.

  • Massage:

    Getting a massage on a weekly basis is a good stress buster and reduces muscle and back pain. Ayurvedic Potli massage also help alleviate pain that results from diseases like spondylosis and osteoarthritis. It provides an instant relief from back pain. More details on how Massage could help for Back Pain treatment could be found in http://www.blueterra.in/contemporary-ayurved/joint-and-back-pain-relief-with-back-body-therapy/


    Massage acts as a quick pain reliever

  • Acupuncture:

    Just like back massage, acupuncture is also a great way to relieve stress. It is extremely effective and relaxing, even if the idea of needles being inserted in your skin might disturb you.

  • Pilates:

    If you are experiencing back pain, under no circumstance should you give up on exercise. Keep yourself moving. Pilates strengthens our core, which takes away the load from our back. Pilates is all about controlled breathing and a strong core.


    Pilates Strengthens Back and Core

Pain is most likely unavoidable. We humans experience it in our day to day lives. However, there are many ways to cure them and lead a healthier and happy life, as the saying goes, “Where there is a will, there is a way”. Keeping yourself a step ahead is also a good way to go. For instance, using Pain Oil for body massage instead of regular oil or trying out different activities like aquatic therapy, tai chi etc . The point to note is – Be on your feet and keep moving.

Joint and Back Pain Relief With Back & Body Therapy

Back & Body Therapy for relief from Back Pain, Joint Pain and Knee Pain

If you’ve ever groaned, “Oh, my aching back!”, you are not alone. Back and Joint pain is one of the most common reasons people go to the doctor or miss work and a leading cause of disability worldwide. Back and Joint pain is one of the most common medical problems, affecting 8 out of 10 people at some point during their lives.


Most back pain goes away on its own, though it may take awhile. Taking over-the-counter pain relievers and resting can help but it has its own side effects. Contrary to popular belief, staying in bed for more than 1 or 2 days could make it worse.

There are lots of symptoms which if not treated at the right time could aggravate the problem and may cause irreparable body damage. You must see a doctor if any of the below symptoms persists:

  • Stiffness in Neck, Shoulder or Back
  • Radiating pain in arms or legs
  • Pain or stiffness in muscles after hectic week
  • Recurring symptoms with aggravated lower or upper back pain at higher frequency

Back & Body Therapy

Rushing to a doctor for minor niggle is not a practical solution. There are home remedies or intermediate steps that could actually provide a longer lasting relief than visit to doctor. Spa treatments or Massage therapies is a hidden jewel benefits of which are relatively unknown. Spa treatments helps in following manner:

  1. Lot of Back & Joint pain is manifestation of stress. Stress at work/personal life may cause muscle stiffness/spasm which may result in Back pain/Joint Pain. Massage directly works to reduce stress level and hence providing relief from Back & Joint Pain
  2. Massage provides much needed ‘me’ time. This is one time when you are away from your PC, smart phone, or Social media. Spa time is much needed Switch off time from everybody else and system around you
  3. Apart from Massage therapies, Ayurvedic Potli is a tried and tested method for pain alleviation and treatment for over 100 years.

At Blue Terra Spa & Wellness Center, our Spa doctors have fused massage therapy and Potli therapy to develop Back & Body Therapy. Back & Body Therapy has given excellent results with a success rate of more than 80% and has been successfully delivered to over 10000 guests with great results. This therapy has been used for treatment for back pain and other joint aches.

While Oil massage decreases tension in muscles and improves blood circulation, warm Ayurvedic Potli opens pores and works on affected area allowing the carefully selected herbs to work on the body and mind. It relieves relieving deep seated tension, increasing circulation, loosen toxins, strengthening muscle tissue and ridding the body of excess Kapha.

Along with relieving back/joint pain, receiving Oil massage on a regular basis helps keep all your joints limber, which reduces your chances of pulling a muscle. It also improves your posture and flexibility, increases range of motion, lowers blood pressure and heart rate,encourages relaxation and relieves stress. Similar relief from Back Pain could be done at home itself by massaging with back Pain Oil (https://www.bluenectar.co.in/ayurvedic-herbal-back-pain-and-joint-strengthening-oil.html)

How to know you are Stressed and How to avoid it?

Stress is our body’s way of responding to any type of demand or threat. And de-stress is the way to combat stress.  When we feel threatened, our nervous system responds by secreting a flood of stress hormones which include adrenaline and cortisol. Those hormones rouse the body for emergency action. As a result heartbeats get quicker, muscles tighten, blood pressure rises, breathing quickens, and senses get sharper. These physical changes boost your strength and stamina, increase your reaction time, and enhance your focus. This is called the ‘fight or flight’ or mobilization stress response and this is how your body protects you.

Here are some signs that denote you are stressed:


Effect of Stress
Stress impacts all species
  • FEELING CONSTANTLY SICK: If you keep getting a cough, sore throat or a fever, it might be because of the stress.
    As per medical professionals, when we are under too much pressure, our bodies release a stress hormone named cortisol. Cortisol helps us in short-term. However, when we are constantly stressed, these hormones can deplete after some time. Though cortisol and other hormones help our body to cope with stress, we get more susceptible to sickness when these hormones are withdrawn.

What to do:

Listen to your body if you feel drained or tired and take some time off your schedule. Sleep for at least 8 hours daily. Give your body the time it requires to recover. Find the Best Spa in your locality and pamper yourself with a Body Massage.

  • POOR CONCENTRATION: You are definitely under stress if you are too overwhelmed to focus on what is in front of you.  Simple things like not able to recall a colleague’s name is also a sign of stress.
    Studies have connected long-term exposure to surplus amounts of stress to shrinking of the brain’s memory centre, the hippocampus. Research has also shown that being under stress for too long can stimulate growth of proteins that might lead to Alzheimer’s disease.

What to do:

If it seems that you are experiencing this throughout the day, taking a few long inhales and exhales can help when under extreme pressure. Deep breathing helps us to control our thoughts and it also affects the bodily sensations which we experience when faced with a high-stress situation. Deep breathing also helps to control the heart rate and blood flow and muscle tension.

  • CONSTANT HEADACHE: If you feel pressure or throbbing anywhere on head or temple area, it might just be stress headache which is caused by tension.


Stress & headache
Stress could cause headache

Most of the times people tend to think that any particular problem in their life is causing the headache, but their lifestyle should be blamed instead. However, you should keep in mind that a headache might be a sign of some serious health problem. So, at those times you should visit a doctor immediately.

What to do:

When you understand that stress is causing you headache; the easiest thing to do is to have less stress in your life. But it is not that simple. It is a challenge how to de-stress yourself. Meditation, diet control, music, Spa therapies are some of the ways to cope up with stress. A relaxing de-stress massage is a sure shot. Choose oil from aromatherapy essential oils, which may help to relax your brain. Ask your spa expert for more on the choice of oil.

  • ACHING BACK AND NECK: If you have got Back Pain or Stiff Neck, it could be because of long-term stress, and not only the position you sit in throughout the day. High levels of stress and tension can result in discomfort and Muscle Pain by tightening muscles and causing muscle spasms. Knotted muscles in your neck can also give birth to headaches. However, if have developed backache and neck pain after an accident or emotional trauma, it could be due to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Surveys have shown that a lot of people are not able to heal their backache until they handle the emotional stress which is causing it.
Stress aggravates back and neck pain

What to do:

Dealing with Back Pain: There are many relaxation techniques that can help you with stress reduction, including guided imagery, taking deep breaths, meditation and even getting a Spa. Try to devote some time for Stretching breaks during the day to help stop muscles from tightening up. One could also try yoga at the end of the day. This will help ease Joint Pain as well.

For Neck Pain and knots in the muscles, a gentle massage helps release the tension in muscles. A Potli massage with warm herbal oil can provide with immediate relief. You may ask your nearest Spa for a Potli massage or may consult a physiotherapist for neck exercises.

  • TROUBLE GETTING A SOUND SLEEP: If you find yourself waking up in middle of the night or pondering on things, it could mean you are suffering from anxiety or stress. After a long and tiring day, you should fall asleep easily. Our brain only relaxes during the time we sleep. When you have a difficult time falling asleep, even though when you are tired, it is possibly because of the stress.

What to do:

Consult your doctor about this and ask if your chronic stress may have led to this. When you are not getting enough sleep, everyday problems can make you feel more frustrated and overwhelmed. This happens as your brain is already tired and hence is more vulnerable to anxiety and depression. A worn out body is not properly prepared to cope with stressful situations and ward off illness. To get proper sleep at night, cut back on caffeinated beverages. You can opt to have a cup of warm chamomile tea before hitting the bed. You could even try reading a book before going to bed.

  • HAVING MORE THAN USUAL HAIRFALL: When you find more than few strands of hair on your pillow after waking up in the morning, it maybe because of the constant stress. You could be suffering from a medical condition known as alopecia areata, an autoimmune skin disease, which is brought on when the body’s immune system attacks the hair follicles. It causes small round patches of hair loss on the scalp. It is likely to be associated with a severe stressor, such as an assault or a significant traumatic event. This disease usually happens in young women.
Excessive hairfall due to stress

What to do: Usually, this is a temporary condition and your hair will grow back once the stress has reduced. Try to take few days of leave from the office and get a relaxing body massage or just take up a membership with a spa and get de-stress therapy done. Some Ayurvedic massages like Shirodhara are helpful in combating stress.

In a nutshell, most health problems could be an indicator of your stress level. The first thing that has to be done is to de-stress oneself and understand the underlying cause of the problem. Most stress situations can be combated and worked at. A doctor or a counsellor should suggest the corrective measures or if medical intervention is needed. So, uninstall the word ‘Stress’ from the motherboard of your life.

De-stress and relax